+++ /dev/null
-import logging
-from typing import Any, Dict
-from xgboost import XGBRegressor
-import time
-from freqtrade.freqai.base_models.BaseRegressionModel import BaseRegressionModel
-from freqtrade.freqai.data_kitchen import FreqaiDataKitchen
-import pandas as pd
-import scipy as spy
-import warnings
-warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=FutureWarning)
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class XGBoostRegressorQuickAdapterV3(BaseRegressionModel):
- """
- The following freqaimodel is released to sponsors of the non-profit FreqAI open-source project.
- If you find the FreqAI project useful, please consider supporting it by becoming a sponsor.
- We use sponsor money to help stimulate new features and to pay for running these public
- experiments, with a an objective of helping the community make smarter choices in their
- ML journey.
- This strategy is experimental (as with all strategies released to sponsors). Do *not* expect
- returns. The goal is to demonstrate gratitude to people who support the project and to
- help them find a good starting point for their own creativity.
- If you have questions, please direct them to our discord: https://discord.gg/xE4RMg4QYw
- https://github.com/sponsors/robcaulk
- """
- def fit(self, data_dictionary: Dict, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, **kwargs) -> Any:
- """
- User sets up the training and test data to fit their desired model here
- :param data_dictionary: the dictionary constructed by DataHandler to hold
- all the training and test data/labels.
- """
- X = data_dictionary["train_features"]
- y = data_dictionary["train_labels"]
- train_weights = data_dictionary["train_weights"]
- X_test = data_dictionary["test_features"]
- y_test = data_dictionary["test_labels"]
- test_weights = data_dictionary["test_weights"]
- xgb_model = self.get_init_model(dk.pair)
- model = XGBRegressor(**self.model_training_parameters)
- eval_set, eval_weights = self.eval_set_and_weights(X_test, y_test, test_weights)
- start = time.time()
- model.fit(
- X=X,
- y=y,
- sample_weight=train_weights,
- eval_set=eval_set,
- sample_weight_eval_set=eval_weights,
- xgb_model=xgb_model,
- )
- time_spent = time.time() - start
- self.dd.update_metric_tracker("fit_time", time_spent, dk.pair)
- return model
- def fit_live_predictions(self, dk: FreqaiDataKitchen, pair: str) -> None:
- warmed_up = True
- num_candles = self.freqai_info.get("fit_live_predictions_candles", 100)
- if self.live:
- if not hasattr(self, "exchange_candles"):
- self.exchange_candles = len(self.dd.model_return_values[pair].index)
- candle_diff = len(self.dd.historic_predictions[pair].index) - (
- num_candles + self.exchange_candles
- )
- if candle_diff < 0:
- logger.warning(
- f"Fit live predictions not warmed up yet. Still {abs(candle_diff)} candles to go"
- )
- warmed_up = False
- pred_df_full = (
- self.dd.historic_predictions[pair].tail(num_candles).reset_index(drop=True)
- )
- pred_df_sorted = pd.DataFrame()
- for label in pred_df_full.keys():
- if pred_df_full[label].dtype == object:
- continue
- pred_df_sorted[label] = pred_df_full[label]
- # pred_df_sorted = pred_df_sorted
- for col in pred_df_sorted:
- pred_df_sorted[col] = pred_df_sorted[col].sort_values(
- ascending=False, ignore_index=True
- )
- frequency = num_candles / (
- self.freqai_info["feature_parameters"]["label_period_candles"] * 2
- )
- max_pred = pred_df_sorted.iloc[: int(frequency)].mean()
- min_pred = pred_df_sorted.iloc[-int(frequency) :].mean()
- if not warmed_up:
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["&s-maxima_sort_threshold"] = 2
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["&s-minima_sort_threshold"] = -2
- else:
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["&s-maxima_sort_threshold"] = max_pred[
- "&s-extrema"
- ]
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["&s-minima_sort_threshold"] = min_pred[
- "&s-extrema"
- ]
- dk.data["labels_mean"], dk.data["labels_std"] = {}, {}
- for ft in dk.label_list:
- # f = spy.stats.norm.fit(pred_df_full[ft])
- dk.data["labels_std"][ft] = 0 # f[1]
- dk.data["labels_mean"][ft] = 0 # f[0]
- # fit the DI_threshold
- if not warmed_up:
- f = [0, 0, 0]
- cutoff = 2
- else:
- di_values = pd.to_numeric(pred_df_full["DI_values"], errors="coerce")
- di_values = di_values.dropna()
- f = spy.stats.weibull_min.fit(di_values)
- cutoff = spy.stats.weibull_min.ppf(
- self.freqai_info.get("outlier_threshold", 0.999), *f
- )
- dk.data["DI_value_mean"] = pred_df_full["DI_values"].mean()
- dk.data["DI_value_std"] = pred_df_full["DI_values"].std()
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["DI_value_param1"] = f[0]
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["DI_value_param2"] = f[1]
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["DI_value_param3"] = f[2]
- dk.data["extra_returns_per_train"]["DI_cutoff"] = cutoff
- def eval_set_and_weights(self, X_test, y_test, test_weights):
- if (
- self.freqai_info.get("data_split_parameters", {}).get("test_size", 0.25)
- == 0
- ):
- eval_set = None
- eval_weights = None
- else:
- eval_set = [(X_test, y_test)]
- eval_weights = [test_weights]
- return eval_set, eval_weights