## [API](https://poolifier.github.io/poolifier/)
-### `pool = new FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool(numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers, filePath, opts)`
+### Pool options
-`numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers` (mandatory) Number of workers for this pool
-`filePath` (mandatory) Path to a file with a worker implementation
-`opts` (optional) An object with these properties:
+An object with these properties:
- `messageHandler` (optional) - A function that will listen for message event on each worker
- `errorHandler` (optional) - A function that will listen for error event on each worker
Default: `{ concurrency: 1 }`
+ #### Thread pool specific options
+ - `workerOptions` (optional) - An object with the worker options. See [worker_threads](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#worker_threads_new_worker_filename_options) for more details.
+ #### Cluster pool specific options
+ - `env` (optional) - An object with the environment variables to pass to the worker. See [cluster](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html#cluster_cluster_fork_env) for more details.
+ - `settings` (optional) - An object with the cluster settings. See [cluster](https://nodejs.org/api/cluster.html#cluster_cluster_settings) for more details.
+### `pool = new FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool(numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers, filePath, opts)`
+`numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers` (mandatory) Number of workers for this pool
+`filePath` (mandatory) Path to a file with a worker implementation
+`opts` (optional) An object with the pool options properties described above
### `pool = new DynamicThreadPool/DynamicClusterPool(min, max, filePath, opts)`
`min` (mandatory) Same as FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool numberOfThreads/numberOfWorkers, this number of workers will be always active
`max` (mandatory) Max number of workers that this pool can contain, the new created workers will die after a threshold (default is 1 minute, you can override it in your worker implementation).
-`filePath` (mandatory) Same as FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool
-`opts` (optional) Same as FixedThreadPool/FixedClusterPool
+`filePath` (mandatory) Path to a file with a worker implementation
+`opts` (optional) An object with the pool options properties described above
-### `pool.execute(data)`
+### `pool.execute(data, name)`
`data` (optional) An object that you want to pass to your worker implementation
This method is available on both pool implementations and returns a promise.
+`name` (optional) A string with the task function name that you want to execute on the worker. Default: `default`
### `pool.destroy()`
### `class YourWorker extends ThreadWorker/ClusterWorker`
-`taskFunctions` (mandatory) The task function(s) that you want to execute on the worker
+`taskFunctions` (mandatory) The task function or task functions object that you want to execute on the worker
`opts` (optional) An object with these properties:
- `maxInactiveTime` (optional) - Max time to wait tasks to work on in milliseconds, after this period the new worker will die.