RMDir "$1"
+ ; Delete libcec.dll and libcec.x64.dll from the system directory
+ ; Let a seperate installer do this, when we need it
+ Delete "$SYSDIR\libcec.dll"
+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
+ Delete "$SYSDIR\libcec.x64.dll"
+ ${EndIf}
; Copy to the installation directory
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"
File "..\AUTHORS"
; Copy the headers
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\include"
File /r /x *.so "..\include\cec*.*"
- ; Copy libcec.dll and libcec.x64.dll to the system directory
- SetOutPath "$SYSDIR"
- File "..\build\libcec.dll"
- ${If} ${RunningX64}
- File /nonfatal "..\build\x64\libcec.x64.dll"
- ${EndIf}
Section "CEC debug client" SecCecClient
Delete "$INSTDIR\x64\*.lib"
Delete "$INSTDIR\x64\*.exe"
+ Delete "$SYSDIR\libcec.dll"
+ ${If} ${RunningX64}
+ Delete "$SYSDIR\libcec.x64.dll"
+ ${EndIf}
; Uninstall the driver
ReadRegStr $1 HKLM "Software\Pulse-Eight\USB-CEC Adapter driver" ""