+libcec (1.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * p8: match to the response provided by the firmware when checking
+ responses (added in firmware v2 rev6)
+ * fixed:
+ * windows: update the error message when an error occurs while writing to
+ the serial port
+ * delayed source switch time was reset, resulting in an attempt every
+ second until it succeeded
+ * ensure that the vendor commands are always sent for panasonic, and that
+ the deck status for lg isn't reset. fixes some buttons not working after
+ a second or delayed source switch
+ * added guard so ReplaceHandler() doesn't accidently try to replace a
+ handler for the broadcast address
+ * wait until the commandhandler is replaced before registering a client,
+ so we don't register a client and replace it directly afterwards if the
+ tv doesn't support the device type
+ * ensure that the command handler of the tv is replaced before registering
+ a client, or it might result in a double eeprom write attempt
+ * p8: don't disable controlled mode when switching to monitoring mode
+ * p8: do delayed eeprom writes async or it'll block processing other input
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Tue, 3 Aug 2012 02:35:00 +0100
libcec (1.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* changed/added:
+libcec (1.8.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * p8: match to the response provided by the firmware when checking
+ responses (added in firmware v2 rev6)
+ * fixed:
+ * windows: update the error message when an error occurs while writing to
+ the serial port
+ * delayed source switch time was reset, resulting in an attempt every
+ second until it succeeded
+ * ensure that the vendor commands are always sent for panasonic, and that
+ the deck status for lg isn't reset. fixes some buttons not working after
+ a second or delayed source switch
+ * added guard so ReplaceHandler() doesn't accidently try to replace a
+ handler for the broadcast address
+ * wait until the commandhandler is replaced before registering a client,
+ so we don't register a client and replace it directly afterwards if the
+ tv doesn't support the device type
+ * ensure that the command handler of the tv is replaced before registering
+ a client, or it might result in a double eeprom write attempt
+ * p8: don't disable controlled mode when switching to monitoring mode
+ * p8: do delayed eeprom writes async or it'll block processing other input
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Tue, 3 Aug 2012 02:35:00 +0100
libcec (1.8.1-1) unstable; urgency=low
* changed/added:
#include "cectypes.h"
namespace CEC
CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_7_0 = 0x1700,
CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_7_1 = 0x1701,
CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_7_2 = 0x1702,
- CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_8_0 = 0x1800
+ CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_8_0 = 0x1800,
+ CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_8_1 = 0x1801
} cec_client_version;
typedef enum cec_server_version
CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_7_0 = 0x1700,
CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_7_1 = 0x1701,
CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_7_2 = 0x1702,
- CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_8_0 = 0x1800
+ CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_8_0 = 0x1800,
+ CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_8_1 = 0x1801
} cec_server_version;
typedef struct libcec_configuration
Config = new LibCECConfiguration();
Config.DeviceTypes.Types[0] = CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice;
Config.DeviceName = "CEC Tester";
- Config.ClientVersion = CecClientVersion.Version1_8_0;
+ Config.ClientVersion = CecClientVersion.Version1_8_1;
LogLevel = (int)CecLogLevel.All;
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
Version1_7_0 = 0x1700,
Version1_7_1 = 0x1701,
Version1_7_2 = 0x1702,
- Version1_8_0 = 0x1800
+ Version1_8_0 = 0x1800,
+ Version1_8_1 = 0x1801
public enum class CecServerVersion
Version1_7_0 = 0x1700,
Version1_7_1 = 0x1701,
Version1_7_2 = 0x1702,
- Version1_8_0 = 0x1800
+ Version1_8_0 = 0x1800,
+ Version1_8_1 = 0x1801
public ref class CecAdapter
Config.DeviceTypes.Types[0] = CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice;
Config.DeviceName = "CEC Config";
Config.GetSettingsFromROM = true;
- Config.ClientVersion = CecClientVersion.Version1_8_0;
+ Config.ClientVersion = CecClientVersion.Version1_8_1;
Callbacks = new CecCallbackWrapper(this);
LoadXMLConfiguration(ref Config);
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "CEC-config");
g_config.callbackParam = NULL;
- g_config.clientVersion = (uint32_t)CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_6_2;
+ g_config.clientVersion = (uint32_t)CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_8_1;
g_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage = &CecLogMessage;
g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &CecKeyPress;
g_callbacks.CBCecCommand = &CecCommand;
return "1.7.2";
return "1.8.0";
+ case CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_8_1:
+ return "1.8.1";
return "Unknown";
return "1.7.2";
return "1.8.0";
+ case CEC_SERVER_VERSION_1_8_1:
+ return "1.8.1";
return "Unknown";
using namespace std;
using namespace PLATFORM;
#include <cecloader.h>