public CecSharpClient()
CecDeviceTypeList types = new CecDeviceTypeList();
- types.Types[0] = CecDeviceType.PlaybackDevice;
+ types.Types[0] = CecDeviceType.RecordingDevice;
Lib = new LibCecSharp("CEC Tester", types);
LogLevel = (int) CecLogLevel.All;
"================================================================================" + System.Environment.NewLine +
"Available commands:" + System.Environment.NewLine +
System.Environment.NewLine +
- "tx {bytes} transfer bytes over the CEC line." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "txn {bytes} transfer bytes but don't wait for transmission ACK." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[tx 40 00 FF 11 22 33] sends bytes 0x40 0x00 0xFF 0x11 0x22 0x33" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "on {address} power on the device with the given logical address." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[on 5] power on a connected audio system" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "standby {address} put the device with the given address in standby mode." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[standby 0] powers off the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "la {logical_address} change the logical address of the CEC adapter." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[la 4] logical address 4" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "pa {physical_address} change the physical address of the CEC adapter." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[pa 1000] physical address" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "osd {addr} {string} set OSD message on the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[osd 0 Test Message] displays 'Test Message' on the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "ver {addr} get the CEC version of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[ver 0] get the CEC version of the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "ven {addr} get the vendor ID of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[ven 0] get the vendor ID of the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "lang {addr} get the menu language of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[lang 0] get the menu language of the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "pow {addr} get the power status of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[pow 0] get the power status of the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
- "poll {addr} poll the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- "[poll 0] sends a poll message to the TV" + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[tx] {bytes} transfer bytes over the CEC line." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[txn] {bytes} transfer bytes but don't wait for transmission ACK." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[on] {address} power on the device with the given logical address." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[standby] {address} put the device with the given address in standby mode." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[la] {logical_address} change the logical address of the CEC adapter." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[pa] {physical_address} change the physical address of the CEC adapter." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[osd] {addr} {string} set OSD message on the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[ver] {addr} get the CEC version of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[ven] {addr} get the vendor ID of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[lang] {addr} get the menu language of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[pow] {addr} get the power status of the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[poll] {addr} poll the specified device." + System.Environment.NewLine +
+ "[scan] scan the CEC bus and display device info" + System.Environment.NewLine +
"[mon] {1|0} enable or disable CEC bus monitoring." + System.Environment.NewLine +
"[log] {1 - 31} change the log level. see cectypes.h for values." + System.Environment.NewLine +
- System.Environment.NewLine +
"[ping] send a ping command to the CEC adapter." + System.Environment.NewLine +
"[bl] to let the adapter enter the bootloader, to upgrade" + System.Environment.NewLine +
" the flash rom." + System.Environment.NewLine +
string command;
while (bContinue)
+ FlushLog();
Console.WriteLine("waiting for input");
command = Console.ReadLine();
if (splitCommand.Length > 1)
- ulong vendor = Lib.GetDeviceVendorId((CecLogicalAddress)byte.Parse(splitCommand[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
- Console.WriteLine("Vendor ID: " + vendor);
+ CecVendorId vendor = Lib.GetDeviceVendorId((CecLogicalAddress)byte.Parse(splitCommand[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
+ Console.WriteLine("Vendor ID: " + Lib.ToString(vendor));
else if (splitCommand[0] == "ver")
if (splitCommand.Length > 1)
CecVersion version = Lib.GetDeviceCecVersion((CecLogicalAddress)byte.Parse(splitCommand[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
- switch (version)
- {
- case CecVersion.V1_2:
- Console.WriteLine("CEC version 1.2");
- break;
- case CecVersion.V1_2A:
- Console.WriteLine("CEC version 1.2a");
- break;
- case CecVersion.V1_3:
- Console.WriteLine("CEC version 1.3");
- break;
- case CecVersion.V1_3A:
- Console.WriteLine("CEC version 1.3a");
- break;
- case CecVersion.V1_4:
- Console.WriteLine("CEC version 1.4");
- break;
- default:
- Console.WriteLine("unknown CEC version");
- break;
- }
+ Console.WriteLine("CEC version: " + Lib.ToString(version));
else if (splitCommand[0] == "pow")
if (splitCommand.Length > 1)
CecPowerStatus power = Lib.GetDevicePowerStatus((CecLogicalAddress)byte.Parse(splitCommand[1], System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber));
- switch (power)
- {
- case CecPowerStatus.On:
- Console.WriteLine("powered on");
- break;
- case CecPowerStatus.InTransitionOnToStandby:
- Console.WriteLine("on -> standby");
- break;
- case CecPowerStatus.InTransitionStandbyToOn:
- Console.WriteLine("standby -> on");
- break;
- case CecPowerStatus.Standby:
- Console.WriteLine("standby");
- break;
- default:
- Console.WriteLine("unknown power status");
- break;
- }
+ Console.WriteLine("power status: " + Lib.ToString(power));
else if (splitCommand[0] == "r")
Console.WriteLine("setting active source");
+ else if (splitCommand[0] == "scan")
+ {
+ Console.WriteLine("CEC bus information");
+ Console.WriteLine("===================");
+ CecLogicalAddresses addresses = Lib.GetActiveDevices();
+ for (int iPtr = 0; iPtr < addresses.Addresses.Count(); iPtr++)
+ {
+ CecLogicalAddress address = (CecLogicalAddress)iPtr;
+ if (!addresses.IsSet(address))
+ continue;
+ CecVendorId iVendorId = Lib.GetDeviceVendorId(address);
+ bool bActive = Lib.IsActiveDevice(address);
+ ushort iPhysicalAddress = Lib.GetDevicePhysicalAddress(address);
+ string strAddr = string.Format("{0,4:X}", iPhysicalAddress);
+ CecVersion iCecVersion = Lib.GetDeviceCecVersion(address);
+ CecPowerStatus power = Lib.GetDevicePowerStatus(address);
+ string osdName = Lib.GetDeviceOSDName(address);
+ string lang = Lib.GetDeviceMenuLanguage(address);
+ StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
+ output.AppendLine("device #" + iPtr + ": " + Lib.ToString(address));
+ output.AppendLine("address: " + strAddr);
+ output.AppendLine("active source: " + (bActive ? "yes" : "no"));
+ output.AppendLine("vendor: " + Lib.ToString(iVendorId));
+ output.AppendLine("osd string: " + osdName);
+ output.AppendLine("CEC version: " + Lib.ToString(iCecVersion));
+ output.AppendLine("power status: " + Lib.ToString(power));
+ if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lang))
+ output.AppendLine("language: " + lang);
+ Console.WriteLine(output.ToString());
+ }
+ }
else if (splitCommand[0] == "h" || splitCommand[0] == "help")
else if (splitCommand[0] == "q" || splitCommand[0] == "quit")
bContinue = false;
else if (splitCommand[0] == "log" && splitCommand.Length > 1)
- LogLevel = int.Parse(splitCommand[1]);
- FlushLog();
+ LogLevel = int.Parse(splitCommand[1]);
+public enum class CecVendorId
+ Samsung = 0x00F0,
+ LG = 0xE091,
+ Panasonic = 0x8045,
+ Pioneer = 0xE036,
+ Onkyo = 0x09B0,
+ Yamaha = 0xA0DE,
+ Philips = 0x903E,
+ Unknown = 0
+public enum class CecAudioStatus
+ MuteStatusMask = 0x80,
+ VolumeStatusMask = 0x7F,
+ VolumeMin = 0x00,
+ VolumeMax = 0x64,
+ VolumeStatusUnknown = 0x7F
+public enum class CecOpcode
+ ActiveSource = 0x82,
+ ImageViewOn = 0x04,
+ TextViewOn = 0x0D,
+ InactiveSource = 0x9D,
+ RequestActiveSource = 0x85,
+ RoutingChange = 0x80,
+ RoutingInformation = 0x81,
+ SetStreamPath = 0x86,
+ Standby = 0x36,
+ RecordOff = 0x0B,
+ RecordOn = 0x09,
+ RecordStatus = 0x0A,
+ RecordTvScreen = 0x0F,
+ ClearAnalogueTimer = 0x33,
+ ClearDigitalTimer = 0x99,
+ ClearExternalTimer = 0xA1,
+ SetAnalogueTimer = 0x34,
+ SetDigitalTimer = 0x97,
+ SetExternalTimer = 0xA2,
+ SetTimerProgramTitle = 0x67,
+ TimerClearedStatus = 0x43,
+ TimerStatus = 0x35,
+ CecVersion = 0x9E,
+ GetCecVersion = 0x9F,
+ GivePhysicalAddress = 0x83,
+ GetMenuLanguage = 0x91,
+ ReportPhysicalAddress = 0x84,
+ SetMenuLanguage = 0x32,
+ DeckControl = 0x42,
+ DeckStatus = 0x1B,
+ GiveDeckStatus = 0x1A,
+ Play = 0x41,
+ GiveTunerDeviceStatus = 0x08,
+ SelectAnalogueService = 0x92,
+ SelectDigtalService = 0x93,
+ TunerDeviceStatus = 0x07,
+ TunerStepDecrement = 0x06,
+ TunerStepIncrement = 0x05,
+ DeviceVendorId = 0x87,
+ GiveDeviceVendorId = 0x8C,
+ VendorCommand = 0x89,
+ VendorCommandWithId = 0xA0,
+ VendorRemoteButtonDown = 0x8A,
+ VendorRemoteButtonUp = 0x8B,
+ SetOsdString = 0x64,
+ GiveOsdName = 0x46,
+ SetOsdName = 0x47,
+ MenuRequest = 0x8D,
+ MenuStatus = 0x8E,
+ UserControlPressed = 0x44,
+ UserControlRelease = 0x45,
+ GiveDevicePowerStatus = 0x8F,
+ ReportPowerStatus = 0x90,
+ FeatureAbort = 0x00,
+ Abort = 0xFF,
+ GiveAudioStatus = 0x71,
+ GiveSystemAudioMode = 0x7D,
+ ReportAudioStatus = 0x7A,
+ SetSystemAudioMode = 0x72,
+ SystemAudioModeRequest = 0x70,
+ SystemAudioModeStatus = 0x7E,
+ SetAudioRate = 0x9A,
+ /* when this opcode is set, no opcode will be sent to the device. this is one of the reserved numbers */
+ None = 0xFD
+public enum class CecSystemAudioStatus
+ Off = 0,
+ On = 1
public ref class CecAdapter
Addresses[iPtr] = CecLogicalAddress::Unregistered;
+ bool IsSet(CecLogicalAddress iAddress)
+ {
+ return Addresses[(unsigned int)iAddress] != CecLogicalAddress::Unregistered;
+ }
property array<CecLogicalAddress> ^ Addresses;
public ref class CecCommand
- CecCommand(CecLogicalAddress iInitiator, CecLogicalAddress iDestination, bool bAck, bool bEom, int8_t iOpcode, int32_t iTransmitTimeout)
+ CecCommand(CecLogicalAddress iInitiator, CecLogicalAddress iDestination, bool bAck, bool bEom, CecOpcode iOpcode, int32_t iTransmitTimeout)
Initiator = iInitiator;
Destination = iDestination;
Destination = CecLogicalAddress::Unknown;
Ack = false;
Eom = false;
- Opcode = 0;
+ Opcode = CecOpcode::None;
OpcodeSet = false;
TransmitTimeout = 0;
Parameters = gcnew CecDatapacket;
else if (!OpcodeSet)
OpcodeSet = true;
- Opcode = data;
+ Opcode = (CecOpcode)data;
property CecLogicalAddress Destination;
property bool Ack;
property bool Eom;
- property int8_t Opcode;
+ property CecOpcode Opcode;
property CecDatapacket ^ Parameters;
property bool OpcodeSet;
property int32_t TransmitTimeout;
cec_command command;
if (m_libCec->GetNextCommand(&command))
- CecCommand ^ retVal = gcnew CecCommand((CecLogicalAddress)command.initiator, (CecLogicalAddress)command.destination, command.ack == 1 ? true : false, command.eom == 1 ? true : false, command.opcode, command.transmit_timeout);
+ CecCommand ^ retVal = gcnew CecCommand((CecLogicalAddress)command.initiator, (CecLogicalAddress)command.destination, command.ack == 1 ? true : false, command.eom == 1 ? true : false, (CecOpcode)command.opcode, command.transmit_timeout);
for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < command.parameters.size; iPtr++)
return retVal;
return gcnew String("");
- uint64_t GetDeviceVendorId(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
+ CecVendorId GetDeviceVendorId(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
- return m_libCec->GetDeviceVendorId((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
+ return (CecVendorId)m_libCec->GetDeviceVendorId((cec_logical_address) logicalAddress);
CecPowerStatus GetDevicePowerStatus(CecLogicalAddress logicalAddress)
return m_libCec->IsActiveSource((cec_logical_address)logicalAddress);
+ uint16_t GetDevicePhysicalAddress(CecLogicalAddress iAddress)
+ {
+ return m_libCec->GetDevicePhysicalAddress((cec_logical_address)iAddress);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecLogicalAddress iAddress)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_logical_address)iAddress);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecVendorId iVendorId)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_vendor_id)iVendorId);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecVersion iVersion)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_version)iVersion);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecPowerStatus iState)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_power_status)iState);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecMenuState iState)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_menu_state)iState);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecDeckControlMode iMode)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_deck_control_mode)iMode);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecDeckInfo status)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_deck_info)status);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecOpcode opcode)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_opcode)opcode);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecSystemAudioStatus mode)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_system_audio_status)mode);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
+ String ^ ToString(CecAudioStatus status)
+ {
+ const char *retVal = m_libCec->ToString((cec_audio_status)status);
+ return gcnew String(retVal);
+ }
ICECAdapter *m_libCec;