bool CCECProcessor::OnCommandReceived(const cec_command &command)
- ParseCommand(command);
- return true;
+ return m_inBuffer.Push(command);
void *CCECProcessor::Process(void)
CLibCEC::AddLog(CEC_LOG_DEBUG, "processor thread started");
+ cec_command command;
+ command.Clear();
while (!IsStopped() && m_communication->IsOpen())
+ if (m_inBuffer.Pop(command, 500))
+ ParseCommand(command);
if (IsInitialised())
- Sleep(5);
return NULL;
class IAdapterCommunication;
class CCECBusDevice;
+ // a buffer that priotises the input from the TV.
+ // if we need more than this, we'll have to change it into a priority_queue
+ class CCECInputBuffer
+ {
+ public:
+ CCECInputBuffer(void) : m_bHasData(false) {}
+ virtual ~CCECInputBuffer(void)
+ {
+ m_condition.Broadcast();
+ }
+ bool Push(const cec_command &command)
+ {
+ bool bReturn(false);
+ PLATFORM::CLockObject lock(m_mutex);
+ if (command.initiator == CECDEVICE_TV)
+ bReturn = m_tvInBuffer.Push(command);
+ else
+ bReturn = m_inBuffer.Push(command);
+ m_bHasData |= bReturn;
+ if (bReturn)
+ m_condition.Signal();
+ return bReturn;
+ }
+ bool Pop(cec_command &command, uint16_t iTimeout = 10000)
+ {
+ bool bReturn(false);
+ PLATFORM::CLockObject lock(m_mutex);
+ if (m_tvInBuffer.IsEmpty() && m_inBuffer.IsEmpty() &&
+ !m_condition.Wait(m_mutex, m_bHasData, iTimeout))
+ return bReturn;
+ if (m_tvInBuffer.Pop(command))
+ bReturn = true;
+ else if (m_inBuffer.Pop(command))
+ bReturn = true;
+ m_bHasData = !m_tvInBuffer.IsEmpty() || !m_inBuffer.IsEmpty();
+ return bReturn;
+ }
+ private:
+ PLATFORM::CMutex m_mutex;
+ PLATFORM::CCondition<volatile bool> m_condition;
+ volatile bool m_bHasData;
+ PLATFORM::SyncedBuffer<cec_command> m_tvInBuffer;
+ PLATFORM::SyncedBuffer<cec_command> m_inBuffer;
+ };
class CCECProcessor : public PLATFORM::CThread, public IAdapterCommunicationCallback
virtual bool GetDeviceInformation(const char *strPort, libcec_configuration *config, uint32_t iTimeoutMs = 10000);
CCECBusDevice * m_busDevices[16];
- PLATFORM::CMutex m_transmitMutex;
bool OpenConnection(const char *strPort, uint16_t iBaudRate, uint32_t iTimeoutMs, bool bStartListening = true);
uint8_t m_iStandardLineTimeout;
uint8_t m_iRetryLineTimeout;
uint64_t m_iLastTransmission;
+ CCECInputBuffer m_inBuffer;
libcec_configuration m_configuration;