**How to run unit tests and coverage**
- pnpm test && pnpm run coverage
+ pnpm test && pnpm coverage
**How to check if your new code is standard JS style**
- pnpm run lint
+ pnpm lint
**How to format and lint to standard JS style your code**
- pnpm run format && pnpm run lint:fix
+ pnpm format && pnpm lint:fix
### Project pillars
"build": "rollup --config --environment BUILD:development",
"build:typedoc": "rollup --config --environment BUILD:development --environment DOCUMENTATION",
"build:prod": "rollup --config",
- "benchmark": "pnpm run build && node -r source-map-support/register benchmarks/internal/bench.js",
- "benchmark:debug": "pnpm run build && node -r source-map-support/register --inspect benchmarks/internal/bench.js",
- "benchmark:prod": "pnpm run build:prod && node -r source-map-support/register benchmarks/internal/bench.js",
- "test": "pnpm run build && c8 mocha 'tests/**/*.test.js'",
- "test:debug": "pnpm run build && mocha --no-parallel --inspect 'tests/**/*.test.js'",
+ "benchmark": "pnpm build && node -r source-map-support/register benchmarks/internal/bench.js",
+ "benchmark:debug": "pnpm build && node -r source-map-support/register --inspect benchmarks/internal/bench.js",
+ "benchmark:prod": "pnpm build:prod && node -r source-map-support/register benchmarks/internal/bench.js",
+ "test": "pnpm build && c8 mocha 'tests/**/*.test.js'",
+ "test:debug": "pnpm build && mocha --no-parallel --inspect 'tests/**/*.test.js'",
"coverage": "c8 report --reporter=lcov",
"coverage:html": "c8 report --reporter=html",
"format": "prettier . --cache --write; ts-standard . --fix",
"lint:report": "eslint . --cache --format json --output-file reports/eslint.json",
"release": "release-it",
"typedoc": "typedoc",
- "prepublishOnly": "pnpm run build:prod"
+ "prepublishOnly": "pnpm build:prod"
"ts-standard": {
"globals": [