+libcec (1.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * added Toshiba's vendor id, and set the device ID of the primary device to
+ Toshiba's and transmit it when starting
+ * lock in SyncedBuffer
+ * added a timeout to StopThread()
+ * also add commands to unsupported features when receiving
+ * cec-config-gui: set cbPortNumber enabled when the physical address
+ override isn't checked instead
+ * cec-config-gui: added support for the new 'send inactive source' setting
+ * interface changes:
+ * added an 'send inactive source' option to libcec_configuration, only
+ supported by client/server 1.5.1 and up. bugzid: 439
+ * added a command to the interface to start the bootloader directly,
+ without going through all checks. bugzid: 218
+ * LibCecSharp: implemented support for the new 'send inactive source'
+ setting
+ * fixed:
+ * don't send an updated configuration when libCEC hasn't been initialised
+ fully. bugzid: 459
+ * don't send an updated configuration back when initialising. let the
+ client call the GetCurrentConfiguration() method. bugzid: 459
+ * configuration updates from libCEC. bugzid: 459
+ * fixed accidental double deref. the method parameter already does that.
+ github #24
+ * use CLOCK_MONOTONIC for timing info, since gettimeofday is affected by
+ ntp and by manually adjusting the system time
+ * the timeout value of pthread_cond_timedwait has to be referenced to
+ * don't add data to the input buffer in CUSBCECAdapterCommunication before
+ it's fully initialised
+ * fixed return value of CUSBCECAdapterCommunication::ParseMessage(). fixes
+ messages not being parsed in certain occasions
+ * don't try to transmit when the processor is being stopped
+ * set the server version in the LibCEC's constructor, since this is
+ checked by clients. fixes 'invalid libCEC version' popup when inserting
+ the adapter
+ * don't wait for the full timeout to pass in CCECProcessor::
+ OpenConnection(), but retry to connect 2 times. fixes 'port busy' errors
+ when initialising libCEC. bugzid: 436
+ * use the correct Sleep() method in CCECProcessor::OpenConnection(). the
+ thread hasn't been started there yet, so the sleep wasn't working. fixes
+ 'device or resource busy' when plugging in the adapter. bugzid: 436
+ * check the adapter ping and firmware before starting the reader thread, so
+ we really leave the com port alone for a second when it fails because of
+ a busy error. bugzid: 436
+ * ensure that the connection is really closed before retrying to connect.
+ bugzid: 436
+ * LibCecSharp: recreate the delegates properly when (re)connecting to
+ LibCecSharp
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Tue, 28 Feb 2012 21:19:00 +0100
libcec (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
* changed/added:
+libcec (1.5-2) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * added Toshiba's vendor id, and set the device ID of the primary device to
+ Toshiba's and transmit it when starting
+ * lock in SyncedBuffer
+ * added a timeout to StopThread()
+ * also add commands to unsupported features when receiving
+ * cec-config-gui: set cbPortNumber enabled when the physical address
+ override isn't checked instead
+ * cec-config-gui: added support for the new 'send inactive source' setting
+ * interface changes:
+ * added an 'send inactive source' option to libcec_configuration, only
+ supported by client/server 1.5.1 and up. bugzid: 439
+ * added a command to the interface to start the bootloader directly,
+ without going through all checks. bugzid: 218
+ * LibCecSharp: implemented support for the new 'send inactive source'
+ setting
+ * fixed:
+ * don't send an updated configuration when libCEC hasn't been initialised
+ fully. bugzid: 459
+ * don't send an updated configuration back when initialising. let the
+ client call the GetCurrentConfiguration() method. bugzid: 459
+ * configuration updates from libCEC. bugzid: 459
+ * fixed accidental double deref. the method parameter already does that.
+ github #24
+ * use CLOCK_MONOTONIC for timing info, since gettimeofday is affected by
+ ntp and by manually adjusting the system time
+ * the timeout value of pthread_cond_timedwait has to be referenced to
+ * don't add data to the input buffer in CUSBCECAdapterCommunication before
+ it's fully initialised
+ * fixed return value of CUSBCECAdapterCommunication::ParseMessage(). fixes
+ messages not being parsed in certain occasions
+ * don't try to transmit when the processor is being stopped
+ * set the server version in the LibCEC's constructor, since this is
+ checked by clients. fixes 'invalid libCEC version' popup when inserting
+ the adapter
+ * don't wait for the full timeout to pass in CCECProcessor::
+ OpenConnection(), but retry to connect 2 times. fixes 'port busy' errors
+ when initialising libCEC. bugzid: 436
+ * use the correct Sleep() method in CCECProcessor::OpenConnection(). the
+ thread hasn't been started there yet, so the sleep wasn't working. fixes
+ 'device or resource busy' when plugging in the adapter. bugzid: 436
+ * check the adapter ping and firmware before starting the reader thread, so
+ we really leave the com port alone for a second when it fails because of
+ a busy error. bugzid: 436
+ * ensure that the connection is really closed before retrying to connect.
+ bugzid: 436
+ * LibCecSharp: recreate the delegates properly when (re)connecting to
+ LibCecSharp
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Tue, 28 Feb 2012 21:19:00 +0100
libcec (1.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
* changed/added:
return SetHDMIPort(m_configuration.baseDevice, m_configuration.iHDMIPort);
+ else if (m_configuration.bActivateSource == 1 && IsRunning() && !IsActiveSource(m_logicalAddresses.primary))
+ {
+ // activate the source if we're not already the active source
+ SetActiveSource(m_configuration.deviceTypes.types[0]);
+ }
return true;