await pool.destroy()
+ it.only('Verify LEAST_ELU strategy can be run in a fixed pool', async () => {
+ const pool = new FixedThreadPool(
+ max,
+ './tests/worker-files/thread/testWorker.js',
+ { workerChoiceStrategy: WorkerChoiceStrategies.LEAST_ELU }
+ )
+ // TODO: Create a better test to cover `LeastEluWorkerChoiceStrategy#choose`
+ const promises = new Set()
+ const maxMultiplier = 2
+ for (let i = 0; i < max * maxMultiplier; i++) {
+ promises.add(pool.execute())
+ }
+ await Promise.all(promises)
+ for (const workerNode of pool.workerNodes) {
+ const expectedWorkerUsage = {
+ tasks: {
+ executed: expect.any(Number),
+ executing: 0,
+ queued: 0,
+ failed: 0
+ },
+ runTime: {
+ aggregation: 0,
+ average: 0,
+ median: 0,
+ history: expect.any(CircularArray)
+ },
+ waitTime: {
+ aggregation: 0,
+ average: 0,
+ median: 0,
+ history: expect.any(CircularArray)
+ }
+ }
+ if (workerNode.workerUsage.elu === undefined) {
+ expect(workerNode.workerUsage).toStrictEqual({
+ ...expectedWorkerUsage,
+ elu: undefined
+ })
+ } else {
+ expect(workerNode.workerUsage).toStrictEqual({
+ ...expectedWorkerUsage,
+ elu: {
+ active: expect.any(Number),
+ idle: 0,
+ utilization: 1
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ expect(workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executed).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0)
+ expect(workerNode.workerUsage.tasks.executed).toBeLessThanOrEqual(
+ max * maxMultiplier
+ )
+ }
+ // We need to clean up the resources after our test
+ await pool.destroy()
+ })
it('Verify FAIR_SHARE strategy default tasks usage statistics requirements', async () => {
const workerChoiceStrategy = WorkerChoiceStrategies.FAIR_SHARE
let pool = new FixedThreadPool(