+libcec (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * added tcp client sockets to lib/platform (WIP)
+ * clean up lib/platform
+ * added: set controlled mode on after opening a connection to the adapter
+ (for firmware v2)
+ * added an IAdapterCommunicationCallback interface an use a callback method
+ to pass newly received cec_commands to CCECProcessor
+ * added "driver only" and "driver + libcec" sections to the installer
+ * added a signed driver
+ * created a separate driver installer, which is included in the libCEC
+ installer. uninstalls the old unsigned version of libCEC and the driver
+ when it's found and installs the new one in C:\Program Files(x86)\
+ Pulse Eight\USB-CEC Adapter.
+ * don't sign development binaries with a temporary key. devs can do that
+ themselves when they want LibCecSharp in the GAC
+ * interface changes:
+ * added SetStreamPath()/cec_set_stream_path_logical()/
+ cec_set_stream_path_physical() to the interface, to send a
+ "set stream path" command over the CEC bus, used to activate another
+ source.
+ * fixed:
+ * transmit 'menu state activated' after the stream path has been set to a
+ device that is handled by libCEC. should fix remote commands not working
+ properly on Panasonic TVs and after another source has been active.
+ bugzid: 233
+ * set the ackmask to 0x0 when trying to find a free logical address
+ * keep trying to reconnect to the com port until the timeout runs out.
+ bugzid: 230
+ * wait 500 ms before trying to retransmit a command. always wait for the
+ result of a transmission in CCECCommandHandler::Transmit()
+ * receive and send full cec_commands, not CCECAdapterMessages in
+ CAdapterCommunication. extract an IAdapterCommunication interface. fixed
+ potentially missed data in CAdapterCommunication
+ * close and delete the connection when the processor thread ends. fixes
+ reconnect after standby (access denied / connection already opened)
+ * don't replace handlers when not initialised, or the primary device's
+ logical addres isn't known yet, which can lead to crashes. don't call
+ handlers directly in CCECProcessor without holding a lock on them
+ * fixed possible crash when command handler were switched while it was
+ being used
+ * keep the mutex locked when calling ReplaceHandlers() in CCECProcessor
+ * win32: also timeout when data is received in SocketRead()
+ * win32: fixed < vista runtime and compilation
+ * win32: ping the adapter and request the firmware version in
+ CUSBCECAdapterCommunication instead of CCECProcesssor. fixes failed
+ libCEC inits
+ * win32: fixed crash on exit in LibCecSharp
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Mon, 6 Feb 2012 14:26:00 +0100
libcec (1.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed:
+libcec (1.4-4) unstable; urgency=low
+ * changed/added:
+ * added tcp client sockets to lib/platform (WIP)
+ * clean up lib/platform
+ * added: set controlled mode on after opening a connection to the adapter
+ (for firmware v2)
+ * added an IAdapterCommunicationCallback interface an use a callback method
+ to pass newly received cec_commands to CCECProcessor
+ * added "driver only" and "driver + libcec" sections to the installer
+ * added a signed driver
+ * created a separate driver installer, which is included in the libCEC
+ installer. uninstalls the old unsigned version of libCEC and the driver
+ when it's found and installs the new one in C:\Program Files(x86)\
+ Pulse Eight\USB-CEC Adapter.
+ * don't sign development binaries with a temporary key. devs can do that
+ themselves when they want LibCecSharp in the GAC
+ * interface changes:
+ * added SetStreamPath()/cec_set_stream_path_logical()/
+ cec_set_stream_path_physical() to the interface, to send a
+ "set stream path" command over the CEC bus, used to activate another
+ source.
+ * fixed:
+ * transmit 'menu state activated' after the stream path has been set to a
+ device that is handled by libCEC. should fix remote commands not working
+ properly on Panasonic TVs and after another source has been active.
+ bugzid: 233
+ * set the ackmask to 0x0 when trying to find a free logical address
+ * keep trying to reconnect to the com port until the timeout runs out.
+ bugzid: 230
+ * wait 500 ms before trying to retransmit a command. always wait for the
+ result of a transmission in CCECCommandHandler::Transmit()
+ * receive and send full cec_commands, not CCECAdapterMessages in
+ CAdapterCommunication. extract an IAdapterCommunication interface. fixed
+ potentially missed data in CAdapterCommunication
+ * close and delete the connection when the processor thread ends. fixes
+ reconnect after standby (access denied / connection already opened)
+ * don't replace handlers when not initialised, or the primary device's
+ logical addres isn't known yet, which can lead to crashes. don't call
+ handlers directly in CCECProcessor without holding a lock on them
+ * fixed possible crash when command handler were switched while it was
+ being used
+ * keep the mutex locked when calling ReplaceHandlers() in CCECProcessor
+ * win32: also timeout when data is received in SocketRead()
+ * win32: fixed < vista runtime and compilation
+ * win32: ping the adapter and request the firmware version in
+ CUSBCECAdapterCommunication instead of CCECProcesssor. fixes failed
+ libCEC inits
+ * win32: fixed crash on exit in LibCecSharp
+ -- Pulse-Eight Packaging <packaging@pulse-eight.com> Mon, 6 Feb 2012 14:26:00 +0100
libcec (1.4-3) unstable; urgency=low
* fixed:
// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
// by using the '*' as shown below:
// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
+[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]