+<!-- markdownlint-disable-file MD033 MD024 -->
# [e-mobility charging stations simulator](https://github.com/sap/e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator)
[![REUSE status](https://api.reuse.software/badge/github.com/SAP/e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator)](https://api.reuse.software/info/github.com/SAP/e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator)
brew install node@16
-### GNU/Linux:
+### GNU/Linux
- [NodeSource](https://github.com/nodesource/distributions) Node.js Binary Distributions for version >= 16.X
| logFile | | combined.log | string | log file relative path |
| logErrorFile | | error.log | string | error log file relative path |
| worker | | {<br />"processType": "workerSet",<br />"startDelay": 500,<br />"elementStartDelay": 0,<br />"elementsPerWorker": 1,<br />"poolMinSize": 4,<br />"poolMaxSize": 16,<br />"poolStrategy": "ROUND_ROBIN"<br />} | {<br />processType: WorkerProcessType;<br />startDelay: number;<br />elementStartDelay: number;<br />elementsPerWorker: number;<br />poolMinSize: number;<br />poolMaxSize: number;<br />poolStrategy: WorkerChoiceStrategy;<br />} | Worker configuration section:<br />- processType: worker threads process type (workerSet/staticPool/dynamicPool)<br />- startDelay: milliseconds to wait at worker threads startup (only for workerSet threads process type)<br />- elementStartDelay: milliseconds to wait at charging station startup<br />- elementsPerWorker: number of charging stations per worker threads for the `workerSet` process type<br />- poolMinSize: worker threads pool minimum number of threads</br >- poolMaxSize: worker threads pool maximum number of threads<br />- poolStrategy: worker threads pool [poolifier](https://github.com/poolifier/poolifier) worker choice strategy |
-| uiServer | | {<br />"enabled": true,<br />"type": "ws",<br />"options": {<br />"host: "localhost",<br />"port": 8080<br />}<br />} | {<br />enabled: boolean;<br />type: ApplicationProtocol;<br />options: ServerOptions;<br />authentication: {<br />enabled: boolean;<br />type: AuthenticationType;<br />username: string;<br />password: string;<br />}<br />} | UI server configuration section |
+| uiServer | | {<br />"enabled": true,<br />"type": "ws",<br />"options": {<br />"host": "localhost",<br />"port": 8080<br />}<br />} | {<br />enabled: boolean;<br />type: ApplicationProtocol;<br />options: ServerOptions;<br />authentication: {<br />enabled: boolean;<br />type: AuthenticationType;<br />username: string;<br />password: string;<br />}<br />} | UI server configuration section |
| performanceStorage | | {<br />"enabled": false,<br />"type": "jsonfile",<br />"file:///performanceRecords.json"<br />} | {<br />enabled: boolean;<br />type: string;<br />URI: string;<br />}<br />where type can be 'jsonfile' or 'mongodb' | performance storage configuration section |
| stationTemplateUrls | | {}[] | {<br />file: string;<br />numberOfStations: number;<br />}[] | array of charging station configuration templates URIs configuration section (charging station configuration template file name and number of stations) |
-#### Worker process model:
+#### Worker process model
- **workerSet**:
Worker set executing each a static number (elementsPerWorker) of simulated charging stations from the total