ICECCallbacks g_callbacks;
libcec_configuration g_config;
ICECAdapter * g_parser;
-cec_logical_address g_primaryAddress;
inline void PrintToStdOut(const char *strFormat, ...)
return 0;
-void EnableCallbacks(ICECAdapter *adapter)
- g_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage = &CecLogMessage;
- g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &CecKeyPress;
- g_callbacks.CBCecCommand = &CecCommand;
- adapter->EnableCallbacks(NULL, &g_callbacks);
-ICECAdapter *CreateParser(cec_device_type_list typeList)
- ICECAdapter *parser = LibCecInit("ButtonConfig", typeList);
- if (!parser)
- {
- #ifdef __WINDOWS__
- PrintToStdOut("Cannot load libcec.dll");
- #else
- PrintToStdOut("Cannot load");
- #endif
- return NULL;
- }
- PrintToStdOut("CEC Parser created - libcec version %d.%d", parser->GetLibVersionMajor(), parser->GetLibVersionMinor());
- return parser;
bool ProcessConsoleCommand(string &input)
if (!input.empty())
snprintf(g_config.strDeviceName, 13, "CEC-config");
g_config.callbackParam = NULL;
- g_config.clientVersion = (uint32_t)CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_5_0;
+ g_config.clientVersion = (uint32_t)CEC_CLIENT_VERSION_1_6_2;
g_callbacks.CBCecLogMessage = &CecLogMessage;
g_callbacks.CBCecKeyPress = &CecKeyPress;
g_callbacks.CBCecCommand = &CecCommand;
return false;
- cec_logical_addresses addr = g_parser->GetLogicalAddresses();
- g_primaryAddress = addr.primary;
+ g_parser->GetCurrentConfiguration(&g_config);
+ PrintToStdOut("CEC Parser created - libCEC version %s", g_parser->ToString((cec_server_version)g_config.serverVersion));
- PrintToStdOut("cec device opened. using logical address %X", g_primaryAddress);
return true;
cec_logical_address FindPhysicalAddressBaseDevice(void)
- PrintToStdOut("Press 1 if your CEC adapter is connected to your TV or\npress 2 if it's connected to an AVR, followed by <enter>. Anything else will cancel this wizard.");
+ PrintToStdOut("Press 1 if your CEC adapter is connected to your TV or\nPress 2 if it's connected to an AVR, followed by <enter>. Anything else will cancel this wizard.");
string input;
getline(cin, input);
PrintToStdOut("Failed. Please enter the address manually, or restart this wizard and use different settings.");
- iAddress = g_parser->GetDevicePhysicalAddress(g_primaryAddress);
+ g_parser->GetCurrentConfiguration(&g_config);
+ iAddress = g_parser->GetDevicePhysicalAddress(g_config.logicalAddresses.primary);
if (iAddress == 0 || iAddress == CEC_INVALID_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)
PrintToStdOut("Failed. Please enter the address manually, or restart this wizard and use different settings.");
g_config.bActivateSource = (input == "y" || input == "Y") ? 1 : 0;
+ {
+ PrintToStdOut("Do you want to power on the TV when starting the application (y/n)?");
+ string input;
+ getline(cin, input);
+ cin.clear();
+ if (input == "y" || input == "Y")
+ g_config.wakeDevices.Set(CECDEVICE_TV);
+ }
PrintToStdOut("Do you want to power off CEC devices when closing the application (y/n)?");
string input;
getline(cin, input);
if (input == "y" || input == "Y")
- g_config.powerOffDevices.Set(CECDEVICE_BROADCAST);
+ g_config.powerOffDevices.Set(CECDEVICE_TV);
PrintToStdOut("Physical address: %4X", g_config.iPhysicalAddress);
PrintToStdOut("Use the TV's language setting: %s", g_config.bUseTVMenuLanguage ? "yes" : "no");
PrintToStdOut("Make the adapter the active source when starting XBMC: %s", g_config.bActivateSource ? "yes" : "no");
+ PrintToStdOut("Power on the TV when starting XBMC: %s", g_config.wakeDevices.IsSet(CECDEVICE_BROADCAST) ? "yes" : "no");
PrintToStdOut("Power off devices when stopping XBMC: %s", g_config.powerOffDevices.IsSet(CECDEVICE_BROADCAST) ? "yes" : "no");
PrintToStdOut("Put devices in standby mode when activating screensaver: %s", g_config.bPowerOffScreensaver ? "yes" : "no");
PrintToStdOut("Put this PC in standby mode when the TV is switched off: %s", g_config.bPowerOffOnStandby ? "yes" : "no");
- PrintToStdOut("Seend an inactive source message when stopping XBMC: %s\n\n", g_config.bSendInactiveSource ? "yes" : "no");
+ PrintToStdOut("Send an inactive source message when stopping XBMC: %s\n\n", g_config.bSendInactiveSource ? "yes" : "no");
- if (g_parser->CanPersistConfiguration())
- {
- PrintToStdOut("Do you want to store these settings in the adapter (y/n)?");
- string input;
- getline(cin, input);
- cin.clear();
- if (input == "y" || input == "Y")
- {
- PrintToStdOut("Storing settings ...");
- if (g_parser->PersistConfiguration(&g_config))
- PrintToStdOut("Settings stored.");
- else
- PrintToStdOut("The settings could not be stored");
- }
- }
+ PrintToStdOut("Storing settings ...");
+ if (g_parser->PersistConfiguration(&g_config))
+ PrintToStdOut("Settings stored.");
- {
- PrintToStdOut("This adapter doesn't support settings persistence. Please set up these settings in your media player application.");
+ PrintToStdOut("The settings could not be stored");
- ofstream configOutput;
- if (configOutput.is_open())
- {
- CStdString strWakeDevices;
- for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
- if (g_config.wakeDevices[iPtr])
- strWakeDevices.AppendFormat(" %d" + iPtr);
- CStdString strStandbyDevices;
- for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
- if (g_config.powerOffDevices[iPtr])
- strStandbyDevices.AppendFormat(" %d" + iPtr);
- configOutput <<
+ ofstream configOutput;
+ if (configOutput.is_open())
+ {
+ CStdString strWakeDevices;
+ for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
+ if (g_config.wakeDevices[iPtr])
+ strWakeDevices.AppendFormat(" %d" + iPtr);
+ CStdString strStandbyDevices;
+ for (uint8_t iPtr = 0; iPtr < 16; iPtr++)
+ if (g_config.powerOffDevices[iPtr])
+ strStandbyDevices.AppendFormat(" %d" + iPtr);
+ configOutput <<
"<settings>\n" <<
"\t<setting id=\"enabled\" value=\"1\" />\n" <<
"\t<setting id=\"activate_source\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bActivateSource << "\" />\n" <<
"\t<setting id=\"port\" value=\"\" />\n" <<
"\t<setting id=\"send_inactive_source\" value=\"" << (int)g_config.bSendInactiveSource << "\" />\n" <<
- configOutput.close();
+ configOutput.close();
- PrintToStdOut("The configuration has been stored in 'usb_2548_1001.xml'. Copy this file to ~/.userdata/peripheral_data to use it in XBMC");
- }
+ PrintToStdOut("The configuration has been stored in 'usb_2548_1001.xml'. Copy this file to ~/.userdata/peripheral_data to use it in XBMC");