| supervisionUrls | | [] | string \| string[] | string or strings array containing global connection URIs to OCPP-J servers |
| supervisionUrlDistribution | round-robin/random/charging-station-affinity | charging-station-affinity | string | supervision urls distribution policy to simulated charging stations |
| log | | {<br />"enabled": true,<br />"file": "logs/combined.log",<br />"errorFile": "logs/error.log",<br />"statisticsInterval": 60,<br />"level": "info",<br />"console": false,<br />"format": "simple",<br />"rotate": true<br />} | {<br />enabled?: boolean;<br />file?: string;<br />errorFile?: string;<br />statisticsInterval?: number;<br />level?: string;<br />console?: boolean;<br />format?: string;<br />rotate?: boolean;<br />maxFiles?: string \| number;<br />maxSize?: string \| number;<br />} | Log configuration section:<br />- _enabled_: enable logging<br />- _file_: log file relative path<br />- _errorFile_: error log file relative path<br />- _statisticsInterval_: seconds between charging stations statistics output in the logs<br />- _level_: emerg/alert/crit/error/warning/notice/info/debug [winston](https://github.com/winstonjs/winston) logging level</br >- _console_: output logs on the console<br />- _format_: [winston](https://github.com/winstonjs/winston) log format<br />- _rotate_: enable daily log files rotation<br />- _maxFiles_: maximum number of log files: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston-daily-rotate-file#options<br />- _maxSize_: maximum size of log files in bytes, or units of kb, mb, and gb: https://github.com/winstonjs/winston-daily-rotate-file#options |
-| worker | | {<br />"processType": "workerSet",<br />"startDelay": 500,<br />"elementStartDelay": 0,<br />"elementsPerWorker": 'auto',<br />"poolMinSize": 4,<br />"poolMaxSize": 16<br />} | {<br />processType?: WorkerProcessType;<br />startDelay?: number;<br />elementStartDelay?: number;<br />elementsPerWorker?: number \| 'auto' \| 'all';<br />poolMinSize?: number;<br />poolMaxSize: number;<br />resourceLimits?: ResourceLimits;<br />} | Worker configuration section:<br />- _processType_: worker threads process type (`workerSet`/`fixedPool`/`dynamicPool`)<br />- _startDelay_: milliseconds to wait at worker threads startup (only for `workerSet` worker threads process type)<br />- _elementStartDelay_: milliseconds to wait at charging station startup<br />- _elementsPerWorker_: number of charging stations per worker threads for the `workerSet` process type (`auto` means (number of stations) / (number of CPUs) \* 1.5 if (number of stations) > (number of CPUs), otherwise 1; `all` means a unique worker will run all charging stations)<br />- _poolMinSize_: worker threads pool minimum number of threads</br >- _poolMaxSize_: worker threads pool maximum number of threads<br />- _resourceLimits_: worker threads [resource limits](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#new-workerfilename-options) object option |
+| worker | | {<br />"processType": "workerSet",<br />"startDelay": 500,<br />"elementStartDelay": 0,<br />"elementsPerWorker": 'auto',<br />"poolMinSize": 4,<br />"poolMaxSize": 16<br />} | {<br />processType?: WorkerProcessType;<br />startDelay?: number;<br />elementStartDelay?: number;<br />elementsPerWorker?: number \| 'auto' \| 'all';<br />poolMinSize?: number;<br />poolMaxSize?: number;<br />resourceLimits?: ResourceLimits;<br />} | Worker configuration section:<br />- _processType_: worker threads process type (`workerSet`/`fixedPool`/`dynamicPool`)<br />- _startDelay_: milliseconds to wait at worker threads startup (only for `workerSet` worker threads process type)<br />- _elementStartDelay_: milliseconds to wait at charging station startup<br />- _elementsPerWorker_: number of charging stations per worker threads for the `workerSet` process type (`auto` means (number of stations) / (number of CPUs) \* 1.5 if (number of stations) > (number of CPUs), otherwise 1; `all` means a unique worker will run all charging stations)<br />- _poolMinSize_: worker threads pool minimum number of threads</br >- _poolMaxSize_: worker threads pool maximum number of threads<br />- _resourceLimits_: worker threads [resource limits](https://nodejs.org/api/worker_threads.html#new-workerfilename-options) object option |
| uiServer | | {<br />"enabled": false,<br />"type": "ws",<br />"version": "1.1",<br />"options": {<br />"host": "localhost",<br />"port": 8080<br />}<br />} | {<br />enabled?: boolean;<br />type?: ApplicationProtocol;<br />version?: ApplicationProtocolVersion;<br />options?: ServerOptions;<br />authentication?: {<br />enabled: boolean;<br />type: AuthenticationType;<br />username?: string;<br />password?: string;<br />}<br />} | UI server configuration section:<br />- _enabled_: enable UI server<br />- _type_: 'http' or 'ws'<br />- _version_: HTTP version '1.1' or '2.0'<br />- _options_: node.js net module [listen options](https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#serverlistenoptions-callback)<br />- _authentication_: authentication type configuration section |
| performanceStorage | | {<br />"enabled": false,<br />"type": "jsonfile",<br />"uri": "file:///performance/performanceRecords.json"<br />} | {<br />enabled?: boolean;<br />type?: string;<br />uri?: string;<br />} | Performance storage configuration section:<br />- _enabled_: enable performance storage<br />- _type_: 'jsonfile' or 'mongodb'<br />- _uri_: storage URI |
| stationTemplateUrls | | {}[] | {<br />file: string;<br />numberOfStations: number;<br />}[] | array of charging station configuration templates URIs configuration section (charging station configuration template file name and number of stations) |