uint8_t bMonitorOnly; /*!< won't allocate a CCECClient when starting the connection when set (same as monitor mode). added in 1.6.3 */
cec_version cecVersion; /*!< CEC spec version to use by libCEC. defaults to v1.4. added in 1.8.0 */
cec_adapter_type adapterType; /*!< type of the CEC adapter that we're connected to. added in 1.8.2 */
+ uint8_t iDoubleTapTimeoutMs; /*!< prevent double taps withing this timeout. defaults to 200ms. added in 2.0.0 */
#ifdef __cplusplus
libcec_configuration(void) { Clear(); }
iFirmwareBuildDate == other.iFirmwareBuildDate &&
bMonitorOnly == other.bMonitorOnly &&
cecVersion == other.cecVersion &&
- adapterType == other.adapterType);
+ adapterType == other.adapterType &&
+ iDoubleTapTimeoutMs == other.iDoubleTapTimeoutMs);
bool operator!=(const libcec_configuration &other) const
bMonitorOnly = 0;
cecVersion = (cec_version)CEC_DEFAULT_SETTING_CEC_VERSION;
+ iDoubleTapTimeoutMs = CEC_DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT_MS;
memset(strDeviceName, 0, 13);
int64_t now = GetTimeMs();
if (m_lastKeypress.keycode != key.keycode ||
key.duration > 0 ||
- now - m_iLastKeypressTime >= CEC_DOUBLE_TAP_TIMEOUT_MS)
+ now - m_iLastKeypressTime >= m_configuration.iDoubleTapTimeoutMs)
// no double tap
if (key.duration == 0)