class Cathedrals extends SCPattern { private final BasicParameter xpos = new BasicParameter("XPOS", 0.5); private final BasicParameter wid = new BasicParameter("WID", 0.5); private final BasicParameter arms = new BasicParameter("ARMS", 0.5); private final BasicParameter sat = new BasicParameter("SAT", 0.5); private GraphicEQ eq; Cathedrals(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(xpos); addParameter(wid); addParameter(arms); addParameter(sat); } void onActive() { if (eq == null) { eq = new GraphicEQ(lx, 16); eq.slope.setValue(0.7); eq.range.setValue(0.4); eq.attack.setValue(0.4); eq.release.setValue(0.4); addParameter(eq.level); addParameter(eq.range); addParameter(eq.attack); addParameter(eq.release); addParameter(eq.slope); } } public void run(double deltaMs) {; float bassLevel = eq.getAverageLevel(0, 4); float trebleLevel = eq.getAverageLevel(8, 6); float falloff = 100 / (2 + 14*wid.getValuef()); float cx = model.xMin + (model.xMax-model.xMin) * xpos.getValuef(); float barm = 12 + 60*arms.getValuef()*max(0, 2*(bassLevel-0.1)); float tarm = 12 + 60*arms.getValuef()*max(0, 2*(trebleLevel-0.1)); float arm = 0; float middle = 0; float sf = 100. / (70 - 69.9*sat.getValuef()); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float d = MAX_FLOAT; if (p.y > { arm = tarm; middle = model.yMax * 3/5.; } else { arm = barm; middle = model.yMax * 1/5.; } if (abs(p.x - cx) < arm) { d = min(abs(p.x - cx), abs(p.y - middle)); } colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + .2*abs(p.y - % 360, min(100, sf*dist(abs(p.x - cx), p.y, arm, middle)), constrain(120 - d*falloff, 0, 100)); } } } class MidiMusic extends SCPattern { private final Stack newLayers = new Stack(); private final Map lightMap = new HashMap(); private final List lights = new ArrayList(); private final BasicParameter lightSize = new BasicParameter("SIZE", 0.5); private final List sweeps = new ArrayList(); private final LinearEnvelope sparkle = new LinearEnvelope(0, 1, 500); private boolean sparkleDirection = true; private float sparkleBright = 100; private final BasicParameter wave = new BasicParameter("WAVE", 0); MidiMusic(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(lightSize); addParameter(wave); addModulator(sparkle).setValue(1); } void onReset() { for (LightUp light : lights) { light.noteOff(null); } } class Sweep extends LXLayer { final LinearEnvelope position = new LinearEnvelope(0, 1, 1000); float bright = 100; float falloff = 10; Sweep() { addModulator(position); } public void run(double deltaMs, color[] colors) { if (!position.isRunning()) { return; } float posf = position.getValuef(); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { colors[p.index] = blendColor(colors[p.index], lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + .2*abs(p.x - + .2*abs(p.y - % 360, 100, max(0, bright - posf*100 - falloff*abs(p.y - posf*model.yMax)) ), ADD); } } } class LightUp extends LXLayer { private final LinearEnvelope brt = new LinearEnvelope(0, 0, 0); private final Accelerator yPos = new Accelerator(0, 0, 0); private float xPos; LightUp() { addModulator(brt); addModulator(yPos); } boolean isAvailable() { return brt.getValuef() <= 0; } void noteOn(Note note) { xPos = lerp(0, model.xMax, constrain(0.5 + (note.getPitch() - 60) / 28., 0, 1)); yPos.setValue(lerp(20, model.yMax*.72, note.getVelocity() / 127.)).stop(); brt.setRangeFromHereTo(lerp(40, 100, note.getVelocity() / 127.), 20).start(); } void noteOff(Note note) { yPos.setVelocity(0).setAcceleration(-380).start(); brt.setRangeFromHereTo(0, 1000).start(); } public void run(double deltaMs, color[] colors) { float bVal = brt.getValuef(); if (bVal <= 0) { return; } float yVal = yPos.getValuef(); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float falloff = 6 - 5*lightSize.getValuef(); float b = max(0, bVal - falloff*dist(p.x, p.y, xPos, yVal)); if (b > 0) { colors[p.index] = blendColor(colors[p.index], lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + .2*abs(p.x - + .2*abs(p.y - % 360, 100, b ), ADD); } } } } private LightUp getLight() { for (LightUp light : lights) { if (light.isAvailable()) { return light; } } LightUp newLight = new LightUp(); lights.add(newLight); synchronized(newLayers) { newLayers.push(newLight); } return newLight; } private Sweep getSweep() { for (Sweep s : sweeps) { if (!s.position.isRunning()) { return s; } } Sweep newSweep = new Sweep(); sweeps.add(newSweep); synchronized(newLayers) { newLayers.push(newSweep); } return newSweep; } public synchronized boolean noteOn(Note note) { if (note.getChannel() == 0) { LightUp light = getLight(); lightMap.put(note.getPitch(), light); light.noteOn(note); } else if (note.getChannel() == 1) { } else if (note.getChannel() == 9) { if (note.getVelocity() > 0) { switch (note.getPitch()) { case 36: Sweep s = getSweep(); s.bright = 50 + note.getVelocity() / 127. * 50; s.falloff = 20 - note.getVelocity() / 127. * 17; s.position.trigger(); break; case 37: sparkleBright = note.getVelocity() / 127. * 100; sparkleDirection = true; sparkle.trigger(); break; case 38: sparkleBright = note.getVelocity() / 127. * 100; sparkleDirection = false; sparkle.trigger(); break; case 39: effects.boom.trigger(); break; case 40: effects.flash.trigger(); break; } } } return true; } public synchronized boolean noteOff(Note note) { if (note.getChannel() == 0) { LightUp light = lightMap.get(note.getPitch()); if (light != null) { light.noteOff(note); } } return true; } final float[] wval = new float[16]; float wavoff = 0; public synchronized void run(double deltaMs) { wavoff += deltaMs * .001; for (int i = 0; i < wval.length; ++i) { wval[i] = + 0.2 * model.yMax/2. * sin(wavoff + i / 1.9); } float sparklePos = (sparkleDirection ? sparkle.getValuef() : (1 - sparkle.getValuef())) * (Cube.POINTS_PER_STRIP)/2.; float maxBright = sparkleBright * (1 - sparkle.getValuef()); for (Strip s : model.strips) { int i = 0; for (LXPoint p : s.points) { int wavi = (int) constrain(p.x / model.xMax * wval.length, 0, wval.length-1); float wavb = max(0, wave.getValuef()*100. - 8.*abs(p.y - wval[wavi])); colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + .2*abs(p.x - + .2*abs(p.y - % 360, 100, constrain(wavb + max(0, maxBright - 40.*abs(sparklePos - abs(i - (Cube.POINTS_PER_STRIP-1)/2.))), 0, 100) ); ++i; } } if (!newLayers.isEmpty()) { synchronized(newLayers) { while (!newLayers.isEmpty()) { addLayer(newLayers.pop()); } } } } } class Pulley extends SCPattern { final int NUM_DIVISIONS = 16; private final Accelerator[] gravity = new Accelerator[NUM_DIVISIONS]; private final Click[] delays = new Click[NUM_DIVISIONS]; private final Click reset = new Click(9000); private boolean isRising = false; private BasicParameter sz = new BasicParameter("SIZE", 0.5); private BasicParameter beatAmount = new BasicParameter("BEAT", 0); Pulley(LX lx) { super(lx); for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIVISIONS; ++i) { addModulator(gravity[i] = new Accelerator(0, 0, 0)); addModulator(delays[i] = new Click(0)); } addModulator(reset).start(); addParameter(sz); addParameter(beatAmount); trigger(); } private void trigger() { isRising = !isRising; int i = 0; for (Accelerator g : gravity) { if (isRising) { g.setSpeed(random(20, 33), 0).start(); } else { g.setVelocity(0).setAcceleration(-420); delays[i].setDuration(random(0, 500)).trigger(); } ++i; } } public void run(double deltaMs) { if ( { trigger(); } if (isRising) { // Fucking A, had to comment this all out because of that bizarre // Processing bug where some simple loop takes an absurd amount of // time, must be some pre-processor bug // for (Accelerator g : gravity) { // if (g.getValuef() > model.yMax) { // g.stop(); // } else if (g.getValuef() > model.yMax*.55) { // if (g.getVelocityf() > 10) { // g.setAcceleration(-16); // } else { // g.setAcceleration(0); // } // } // } } else { int j = 0; for (Click d : delays) { if ( { gravity[j].start(); d.stop(); } ++j; } for (Accelerator g : gravity) { if (g.getValuef() < 0) { g.setValue(-g.getValuef()); g.setVelocity(-g.getVelocityf() * random(0.74, 0.84)); } } } // A little silliness to test the grid API if (midiEngine != null && midiEngine.getFocusedPattern() == this) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j) { int gi = (int) constrain(j * NUM_DIVISIONS / 8, 0, NUM_DIVISIONS-1); float b = 1 - 4.*abs((6-i)/6. - gravity[gi].getValuef() / model.yMax); midiEngine.grid.setState(i, j, (b < 0) ? 0 : 3); } } } float fPos = 1 - lx.tempo.rampf(); if (fPos < .2) { fPos = .2 + 4 * (.2 - fPos); } float falloff = 100. / (3 + sz.getValuef() * 36 + fPos * beatAmount.getValuef()*48); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { int gi = (int) constrain((p.x - model.xMin) * NUM_DIVISIONS / (model.xMax - model.xMin), 0, NUM_DIVISIONS-1); colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + abs(p.x -*.8 + p.y*.4) % 360, constrain(130 - p.y*.8, 0, 100), max(0, 100 - abs(p.y - gravity[gi].getValuef())*falloff) ); } } } class ViolinWave extends SCPattern { BasicParameter level = new BasicParameter("LVL", 0.45); BasicParameter range = new BasicParameter("RNG", 0.5); BasicParameter edge = new BasicParameter("EDG", 0.5); BasicParameter release = new BasicParameter("RLS", 0.5); BasicParameter speed = new BasicParameter("SPD", 0.5); BasicParameter amp = new BasicParameter("AMP", 0.25); BasicParameter period = new BasicParameter("WAVE", 0.5); BasicParameter pSize = new BasicParameter("PSIZE", 0.5); BasicParameter pSpeed = new BasicParameter("PSPD", 0.5); BasicParameter pDensity = new BasicParameter("PDENS", 0.25); LinearEnvelope dbValue = new LinearEnvelope(0, 0, 10); ViolinWave(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(level); addParameter(edge); addParameter(range); addParameter(release); addParameter(speed); addParameter(amp); addParameter(period); addParameter(pSize); addParameter(pSpeed); addParameter(pDensity); addModulator(dbValue); } final List particles = new ArrayList(); class Particle { LinearEnvelope x = new LinearEnvelope(0, 0, 0); LinearEnvelope y = new LinearEnvelope(0, 0, 0); Particle() { addModulator(x); addModulator(y); } Particle trigger(boolean direction) { float xInit = random(model.xMin, model.xMax); float time = 3000 - 2500*pSpeed.getValuef(); x.setRange(xInit, xInit + random(-40, 40), time).trigger(); y.setRange( + 10, direction ? model.yMax + 50 : model.yMin - 50, time).trigger(); return this; } boolean isActive() { return x.isRunning() || y.isRunning(); } public void run(double deltaMs) { if (!isActive()) { return; } float pFalloff = (30 - 27*pSize.getValuef()); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float b = 100 - pFalloff * (abs(p.x - x.getValuef()) + abs(p.y - y.getValuef())); if (b > 0) { colors[p.index] = blendColor(colors[p.index], lx.hsb( lx.getBaseHuef(), 20, b ), ADD); } } } } float[] centers = new float[30]; double accum = 0; boolean rising = true; void fireParticle(boolean direction) { boolean gotOne = false; for (Particle p : particles) { if (!p.isActive()) { p.trigger(direction); return; } } particles.add(new Particle().trigger(direction)); } public void run(double deltaMs) { accum += deltaMs / (1000. - 900.*speed.getValuef()); for (int i = 0; i < centers.length; ++i) { centers[i] = + 30*amp.getValuef()*sin((float) (accum + (i-centers.length/2.)/(1. + 9.*period.getValuef()))); } float zeroDBReference = pow(10, (50 - 190*level.getValuef())/20.); float dB = 20*GraphicEQ.log10(lx.audioInput().mix.level() / zeroDBReference); if (dB > dbValue.getValuef()) { rising = true; dbValue.setRangeFromHereTo(dB, 10).trigger(); } else { if (rising) { for (int j = 0; j < pDensity.getValuef()*3; ++j) { fireParticle(true); fireParticle(false); } } rising = false; dbValue.setRangeFromHereTo(max(dB, -96), 50 + 1000*release.getValuef()).trigger(); } float edg = 1 + edge.getValuef() * 40; float rng = (78 - 64 * range.getValuef()) / (model.yMax -; float val = max(2, dbValue.getValuef()); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { int ci = (int) lerp(0, centers.length-1, (p.x - model.xMin) / (model.xMax - model.xMin)); float rFactor = 1.0 - 0.9 * abs(p.x - / (model.xMax -; colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + abs(p.x - % 360, min(100, 20 + 8*abs(p.y - centers[ci])), constrain(edg*(val*rFactor - rng * abs(p.y-centers[ci])), 0, 100) ); } for (Particle p : particles) {; } } } class BouncyBalls extends SCPattern { static final int NUM_BALLS = 6; class BouncyBall { Accelerator yPos; TriangleLFO xPos = new TriangleLFO(0, model.xMax, random(8000, 19000)); float zPos; BouncyBall(int i) { addModulator(xPos.setBasis(random(0, TWO_PI)).start()); addModulator(yPos = new Accelerator(0, 0, 0)); zPos = lerp(model.zMin, model.zMax, (i+2.) / (NUM_BALLS + 4.)); } void bounce(float midiVel) { float v = 100 + 8*midiVel; yPos.setSpeed(v, getAccel(v, 60 / lx.tempo.bpmf())).start(); } float getAccel(float v, float oneBeat) { return -2*v / oneBeat; } void run(double deltaMs) { float flrLevel = flr.getValuef() * model.xMax/2.; if (yPos.getValuef() < flrLevel) { if (yPos.getVelocity() < -50) { yPos.setValue(2*flrLevel-yPos.getValuef()); float v = -yPos.getVelocityf() * bounce.getValuef(); yPos.setSpeed(v, getAccel(v, 60 / lx.tempo.bpmf())); } else { yPos.setValue(flrLevel).stop(); } } float falloff = 130.f / (12 + blobSize.getValuef() * 36); float xv = xPos.getValuef(); float yv = yPos.getValuef(); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float d = sqrt((p.x-xv)*(p.x-xv) + (p.y-yv)*(p.y-yv) + .1*(p.z-zPos)*(p.z-zPos)); float b = constrain(130 - falloff*d, 0, 100); if (b > 0) { colors[p.index] = blendColor(colors[p.index], lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + p.y*.5 + abs( - p.x) * .5) % 360, max(0, 100 - .45*(p.y - flrLevel)), b ), ADD); } } } } final BouncyBall[] balls = new BouncyBall[NUM_BALLS]; final BasicParameter bounce = new BasicParameter("BNC", .8); final BasicParameter flr = new BasicParameter("FLR", 0); final BasicParameter blobSize = new BasicParameter("SIZE", 0.5); BouncyBalls(LX lx) { super(lx); for (int i = 0; i < balls.length; ++i) { balls[i] = new BouncyBall(i); } addParameter(bounce); addParameter(flr); addParameter(blobSize); } public void run(double deltaMs) { setColors(#000000); for (BouncyBall b : balls) {; } } public boolean noteOn(Note note) { int pitch = (note.getPitch() + note.getChannel()) % NUM_BALLS; balls[pitch].bounce(note.getVelocity()); return true; } } class SpaceTime extends SCPattern { SinLFO pos = new SinLFO(0, 1, 3000); SinLFO rate = new SinLFO(1000, 9000, 13000); SinLFO falloff = new SinLFO(10, 70, 5000); float angle = 0; BasicParameter rateParameter = new BasicParameter("RATE", 0.5); BasicParameter sizeParameter = new BasicParameter("SIZE", 0.5); public SpaceTime(LX lx) { super(lx); addModulator(pos).trigger(); addModulator(rate).trigger(); addModulator(falloff).trigger(); pos.modulateDurationBy(rate); addParameter(rateParameter); addParameter(sizeParameter); } public void onParameterChanged(LXParameter parameter) { if (parameter == rateParameter) { rate.stop().setValue(9000 - 8000*parameter.getValuef()); } else if (parameter == sizeParameter) { falloff.stop().setValue(70 - 60*parameter.getValuef()); } } void run(double deltaMs) { angle += deltaMs * 0.0007; float sVal1 = model.strips.size() * (0.5 + 0.5*sin(angle)); float sVal2 = model.strips.size() * (0.5 + 0.5*cos(angle)); float pVal = pos.getValuef(); float fVal = falloff.getValuef(); int s = 0; for (Strip strip : model.strips) { int i = 0; for (LXPoint p : strip.points) { colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + 360 - p.x*.2 + p.y * .3) % 360, constrain(.4 * min(abs(s - sVal1), abs(s - sVal2)), 20, 100), max(0, 100 - fVal*abs(i - pVal*(strip.metrics.numPoints - 1))) ); ++i; } ++s; } } } class Swarm extends SCPattern { SawLFO offset = new SawLFO(0, 1, 1000); SinLFO rate = new SinLFO(350, 1200, 63000); SinLFO falloff = new SinLFO(15, 50, 17000); SinLFO fX = new SinLFO(model.xMin, model.xMax, 19000); SinLFO fY = new SinLFO(model.yMin, model.yMax, 11000); SinLFO hOffX = new SinLFO(model.xMin, model.xMax, 13000); public Swarm(LX lx) { super(lx); addModulator(offset).trigger(); addModulator(rate).trigger(); addModulator(falloff).trigger(); addModulator(fX).trigger(); addModulator(fY).trigger(); addModulator(hOffX).trigger(); offset.modulateDurationBy(rate); } float modDist(float v1, float v2, float mod) { v1 = v1 % mod; v2 = v2 % mod; if (v2 > v1) { return min(v2-v1, v1+mod-v2); } else { return min(v1-v2, v2+mod-v1); } } void run(double deltaMs) { float s = 0; for (Strip strip : model.strips) { int i = 0; for (LXPoint p : strip.points) { float fV = max(-1, 1 - dist(p.x/2., p.y, fX.getValuef()/2., fY.getValuef()) / 64.); colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + 0.3 * abs(p.x - hOffX.getValuef())) % 360, constrain(80 + 40 * fV, 0, 100), constrain(100 - (30 - fV * falloff.getValuef()) * modDist(i + (s*63)%61, offset.getValuef() * strip.metrics.numPoints, strip.metrics.numPoints), 0, 100) ); ++i; } ++s; } } } class SwipeTransition extends LXTransition { final BasicParameter bleed = new BasicParameter("WIDTH", 0.5); SwipeTransition(LX lx) { super(lx); setDuration(5000); addParameter(bleed); } void computeBlend(int[] c1, int[] c2, double progress) { float bleedf = 10 + bleed.getValuef() * 200.; float xPos = (float) (-bleedf + progress * (model.xMax + bleedf)); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float d = (p.x - xPos) / bleedf; if (d < 0) { colors[p.index] = c2[p.index]; } else if (d > 1) { colors[p.index] = c1[p.index]; } else { colors[p.index] = lerpColor(c2[p.index], c1[p.index], d, RGB); } } } } class BassPod extends SCPattern { private GraphicEQ eq = null; private final BasicParameter clr = new BasicParameter("CLR", 0.5); public BassPod(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(clr); } void onActive() { if (eq == null) { eq = new GraphicEQ(lx, 16); eq.range.setValue(0.4); eq.level.setValue(0.4); eq.slope.setValue(0.6); addParameter(eq.level); addParameter(eq.range); addParameter(eq.attack); addParameter(eq.release); addParameter(eq.slope); } } public void run(double deltaMs) {; float bassLevel = eq.getAverageLevel(0, 5); float satBase = bassLevel*480*clr.getValuef(); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { int avgIndex = (int) constrain(1 + abs(*(eq.numBands-5), 0, eq.numBands-5); float value = 0; for (int i = avgIndex; i < avgIndex + 5; ++i) { value += eq.getLevel(i); } value /= 5.; float b = constrain(8 * (value*model.yMax - abs(p.y-model.yMax/2.)), 0, 100); colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + abs(p.y - + abs(p.x - % 360, constrain(satBase - .6*dist(p.x, p.y,,, 0, 100), b ); } } } class CubeEQ extends SCPattern { private GraphicEQ eq = null; private final BasicParameter edge = new BasicParameter("EDGE", 0.5); private final BasicParameter clr = new BasicParameter("CLR", 0.5); private final BasicParameter blockiness = new BasicParameter("BLK", 0.5); public CubeEQ(LX lx) { super(lx); } void onActive() { if (eq == null) { eq = new GraphicEQ(lx, 16); addParameter(eq.level); addParameter(eq.range); addParameter(eq.attack); addParameter(eq.release); addParameter(eq.slope); addParameter(edge); addParameter(clr); addParameter(blockiness); } } public void run(double deltaMs) {; float edgeConst = 2 + 30*edge.getValuef(); float clrConst = 1.1 + clr.getValuef(); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float avgIndex = constrain(2 + p.x / model.xMax * (eq.numBands-4), 0, eq.numBands-4); int avgFloor = (int) avgIndex; float leftVal = eq.getLevel(avgFloor); float rightVal = eq.getLevel(avgFloor+1); float smoothValue = lerp(leftVal, rightVal, avgIndex-avgFloor); float chunkyValue = ( eq.getLevel(avgFloor/4*4) + eq.getLevel(avgFloor/4*4 + 1) + eq.getLevel(avgFloor/4*4 + 2) + eq.getLevel(avgFloor/4*4 + 3) ) / 4.; float value = lerp(smoothValue, chunkyValue, blockiness.getValuef()); float b = constrain(edgeConst * (value*model.yMax - p.y), 0, 100); colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (480 + lx.getBaseHuef() - min(clrConst*p.y, 120)) % 360, 100, b ); } } } class BoomEffect extends LXEffect { final BasicParameter falloff = new BasicParameter("WIDTH", 0.5); final BasicParameter speed = new BasicParameter("SPD", 0.5); final BasicParameter bright = new BasicParameter("BRT", 1.0); final BasicParameter sat = new BasicParameter("SAT", 0.2); List layers = new ArrayList(); final float maxr = sqrt(model.xMax*model.xMax + model.yMax*model.yMax + model.zMax*model.zMax) + 10; class Layer { LinearEnvelope boom = new LinearEnvelope(-40, 500, 1300); Layer() { addModulator(boom); trigger(); } void trigger() { float falloffv = falloffv(); boom.setRange(-100 / falloffv, maxr + 100/falloffv, 4000 - speed.getValuef() * 3300); boom.trigger(); } void apply(int[] colors) { float brightv = 100 * bright.getValuef(); float falloffv = falloffv(); float satv = sat.getValuef() * 100; float huev = lx.getBaseHuef(); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { colors[p.index] = blendColor( colors[p.index], lx.hsb(huev, satv, constrain(brightv - falloffv*abs(boom.getValuef() - dist(p.x, 2*p.y, 3*p.z, model.xMax/2, model.yMax, model.zMax*1.5)), 0, 100)), ADD); } } } BoomEffect(LX lx) { super(lx, true); addParameter(falloff); addParameter(speed); addParameter(bright); addParameter(sat); } public void onEnable() { for (Layer l : layers) { if (!l.boom.isRunning()) { l.trigger(); return; } } layers.add(new Layer()); } private float falloffv() { return 20 - 19 * falloff.getValuef(); } public void onTrigger() { onEnable(); } public void apply(int[] colors) { for (Layer l : layers) { if (l.boom.isRunning()) { l.apply(colors); } } } } public class PianoKeyPattern extends SCPattern { final LinearEnvelope[] cubeBrt; final SinLFO base[]; final BasicParameter attack = new BasicParameter("ATK", 0.1); final BasicParameter release = new BasicParameter("REL", 0.5); final BasicParameter level = new BasicParameter("AMB", 0.6); PianoKeyPattern(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(attack); addParameter(release); addParameter(level); cubeBrt = new LinearEnvelope[model.cubes.size() / 4]; for (int i = 0; i < cubeBrt.length; ++i) { addModulator(cubeBrt[i] = new LinearEnvelope(0, 0, 100)); } base = new SinLFO[model.cubes.size() / 12]; for (int i = 0; i < base.length; ++i) { addModulator(base[i] = new SinLFO(0, 1, 7000 + 1000*i)).trigger(); } } private float getAttackTime() { return 15 + attack.getValuef()*attack.getValuef() * 2000; } private float getReleaseTime() { return 15 + release.getValuef() * 3000; } private LinearEnvelope getEnvelope(int index) { return cubeBrt[index % cubeBrt.length]; } private SinLFO getBase(int index) { return base[index % base.length]; } public boolean noteOn(Note note) { LinearEnvelope env = getEnvelope(note.getPitch()); env.setEndVal(min(1, env.getValuef() + (note.getVelocity() / 127.)), getAttackTime()).start(); return true; } public boolean noteOff(Note note) { getEnvelope(note.getPitch()).setEndVal(0, getReleaseTime()).start(); return true; } public void run(double deltaMs) { int i = 0; float huef = lx.getBaseHuef(); float levelf = level.getValuef(); for (Cube c : model.cubes) { float v = max(getBase(i).getValuef() * levelf/4., getEnvelope(i++).getValuef()); setColor(c, lx.hsb( (huef + 20*v + abs(*.3 + % 360, min(100, 120*v), 100*v )); } } } class CrossSections extends SCPattern { final SinLFO x = new SinLFO(0, model.xMax, 5000); final SinLFO y = new SinLFO(0, model.yMax, 6000); final SinLFO z = new SinLFO(0, model.zMax, 7000); final BasicParameter xw = new BasicParameter("XWID", 0.3); final BasicParameter yw = new BasicParameter("YWID", 0.3); final BasicParameter zw = new BasicParameter("ZWID", 0.3); final BasicParameter xr = new BasicParameter("XRAT", 0.7); final BasicParameter yr = new BasicParameter("YRAT", 0.6); final BasicParameter zr = new BasicParameter("ZRAT", 0.5); final BasicParameter xl = new BasicParameter("XLEV", 1); final BasicParameter yl = new BasicParameter("YLEV", 1); final BasicParameter zl = new BasicParameter("ZLEV", 0.5); CrossSections(LX lx) { super(lx); addModulator(x).trigger(); addModulator(y).trigger(); addModulator(z).trigger(); addParams(); } protected void addParams() { addParameter(xr); addParameter(yr); addParameter(zr); addParameter(xw); addParameter(xl); addParameter(yl); addParameter(zl); addParameter(yw); addParameter(zw); } void onParameterChanged(LXParameter p) { if (p == xr) { x.setDuration(10000 - 8800*p.getValuef()); } else if (p == yr) { y.setDuration(10000 - 9000*p.getValuef()); } else if (p == zr) { z.setDuration(10000 - 9000*p.getValuef()); } } float xv, yv, zv; protected void updateXYZVals() { xv = x.getValuef(); yv = y.getValuef(); zv = z.getValuef(); } public void run(double deltaMs) { updateXYZVals(); float xlv = 100*xl.getValuef(); float ylv = 100*yl.getValuef(); float zlv = 100*zl.getValuef(); float xwv = 100. / (10 + 40*xw.getValuef()); float ywv = 100. / (10 + 40*yw.getValuef()); float zwv = 100. / (10 + 40*zw.getValuef()); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { color c = 0; c = blendColor(c, lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + p.x/10 + p.y/3) % 360, constrain(140 - 1.1*abs(p.x - model.xMax/2.), 0, 100), max(0, xlv - xwv*abs(p.x - xv)) ), ADD); c = blendColor(c, lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + 80 + p.y/10) % 360, constrain(140 - 2.2*abs(p.y - model.yMax/2.), 0, 100), max(0, ylv - ywv*abs(p.y - yv)) ), ADD); c = blendColor(c, lx.hsb( (lx.getBaseHuef() + 160 + p.z / 10 + p.y/2) % 360, constrain(140 - 2.2*abs(p.z - model.zMax/2.), 0, 100), max(0, zlv - zwv*abs(p.z - zv)) ), ADD); colors[p.index] = c; } } } class Blinders extends SCPattern { final SinLFO[] m; final TriangleLFO r; final SinLFO s; final TriangleLFO hs; public Blinders(LX lx) { super(lx); m = new SinLFO[12]; for (int i = 0; i < m.length; ++i) { addModulator(m[i] = new SinLFO(0.5, 120, (120000. / (3+i)))).trigger(); } addModulator(r = new TriangleLFO(9000, 15000, 29000)).trigger(); addModulator(s = new SinLFO(-20, 275, 11000)).trigger(); addModulator(hs = new TriangleLFO(0.1, 0.5, 15000)).trigger(); s.modulateDurationBy(r); } public void run(double deltaMs) { float hv = lx.getBaseHuef(); int si = 0; for (Strip strip : model.strips) { int i = 0; float mv = m[si % m.length].getValuef(); for (LXPoint p : strip.points) { colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (hv + p.z + p.y*hs.getValuef()) % 360, min(100, abs(p.x - s.getValuef())/2.), max(0, 100 - mv/2. - mv * abs(i - (strip.metrics.length-1)/2.)) ); ++i; } ++si; } } } class Psychedelia extends SCPattern { final int NUM = 3; SinLFO m = new SinLFO(-0.5, NUM-0.5, 9000); SinLFO s = new SinLFO(-20, 147, 11000); TriangleLFO h = new TriangleLFO(0, 240, 19000); SinLFO c = new SinLFO(-.2, .8, 31000); Psychedelia(LX lx) { super(lx); addModulator(m).trigger(); addModulator(s).trigger(); addModulator(h).trigger(); addModulator(c).trigger(); } void run(double deltaMs) { float huev = h.getValuef(); float cv = c.getValuef(); float sv = s.getValuef(); float mv = m.getValuef(); int i = 0; for (Strip strip : model.strips) { for (LXPoint p : strip.points) { colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (huev + i*constrain(cv, 0, 2) + p.z/2. + p.x/4.) % 360, min(100, abs(p.y-sv)), max(0, 100 - 50*abs((i%NUM) - mv)) ); } ++i; } } } class AskewPlanes extends SCPattern { class Plane { private final SinLFO a; private final SinLFO b; private final SinLFO c; float av = 1; float bv = 1; float cv = 1; float denom = 0.1; Plane(int i) { addModulator(a = new SinLFO(-1, 1, 4000 + 1029*i)).trigger(); addModulator(b = new SinLFO(-1, 1, 11000 - 1104*i)).trigger(); addModulator(c = new SinLFO(-50, 50, 4000 + 1000*i * ((i % 2 == 0) ? 1 : -1))).trigger(); } void run(double deltaMs) { av = a.getValuef(); bv = b.getValuef(); cv = c.getValuef(); denom = sqrt(av*av + bv*bv); } } final Plane[] planes; final int NUM_PLANES = 3; AskewPlanes(LX lx) { super(lx); planes = new Plane[NUM_PLANES]; for (int i = 0; i < planes.length; ++i) { planes[i] = new Plane(i); } } public void run(double deltaMs) { float huev = lx.getBaseHuef(); // This is super fucking bizarre. But if this is a for loop, the framerate // tanks to like 30FPS, instead of 60. Call them manually and it works fine. // Doesn't make ANY sense... there must be some weird side effect going on // with the Processing internals perhaps? // for (Plane plane : planes) { //; // } planes[0].run(deltaMs); planes[1].run(deltaMs); planes[2].run(deltaMs); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float d = MAX_FLOAT; for (Plane plane : planes) { if (plane.denom != 0) { d = min(d, abs(plane.av*( +*( + / plane.denom); } } colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (huev + abs(*.3 + p.y*.8) % 360, max(0, 100 - .8*abs(p.x -, constrain(140 - 10.*d, 0, 100) ); } } } class ShiftingPlane extends SCPattern { final SinLFO a = new SinLFO(-.2, .2, 5300); final SinLFO b = new SinLFO(1, -1, 13300); final SinLFO c = new SinLFO(-1.4, 1.4, 5700); final SinLFO d = new SinLFO(-10, 10, 9500); ShiftingPlane(LX lx) { super(lx); addModulator(a).trigger(); addModulator(b).trigger(); addModulator(c).trigger(); addModulator(d).trigger(); } public void run(double deltaMs) { float hv = lx.getBaseHuef(); float av = a.getValuef(); float bv = b.getValuef(); float cv = c.getValuef(); float dv = d.getValuef(); float denom = sqrt(av*av + bv*bv + cv*cv); for (LXPoint p : model.points) { float d = abs(av*( + bv*( + cv*( + dv) / denom; colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (hv + abs(*.6 + abs(*.9 + abs(p.z - % 360, constrain(110 - d*6, 0, 100), constrain(130 - 7*d, 0, 100) ); } } } class Traktor extends SCPattern { final int FRAME_WIDTH = 60; final BasicParameter speed = new BasicParameter("SPD", 0.5); private float[] bass = new float[FRAME_WIDTH]; private float[] treble = new float[FRAME_WIDTH]; private int index = 0; private GraphicEQ eq = null; public Traktor(LX lx) { super(lx); for (int i = 0; i < FRAME_WIDTH; ++i) { bass[i] = 0; treble[i] = 0; } addParameter(speed); } public void onActive() { if (eq == null) { eq = new GraphicEQ(lx, 16); eq.slope.setValue(0.6); eq.level.setValue(0.65); eq.range.setValue(0.35); eq.release.setValue(0.4); addParameter(eq.level); addParameter(eq.range); addParameter(eq.attack); addParameter(eq.release); addParameter(eq.slope); } } int counter = 0; public void run(double deltaMs) {; int stepThresh = (int) (40 - 39*speed.getValuef()); counter += deltaMs; if (counter < stepThresh) { return; } counter = counter % stepThresh; index = (index + 1) % FRAME_WIDTH; float rawBass = eq.getAverageLevel(0, 4); float rawTreble = eq.getAverageLevel(eq.numBands-7, 7); bass[index] = rawBass * rawBass * rawBass * rawBass; treble[index] = rawTreble * rawTreble; for (LXPoint p : model.points) { int i = (int) constrain((model.xMax - p.x) / model.xMax * FRAME_WIDTH, 0, FRAME_WIDTH-1); int pos = (index + FRAME_WIDTH - i) % FRAME_WIDTH; colors[p.index] = lx.hsb( (360 + lx.getBaseHuef() + .8*abs( % 360, 100, constrain(9 * (bass[pos]* - abs(p.y - + 5)), 0, 100) ); colors[p.index] = blendColor(colors[p.index], lx.hsb( (400 + lx.getBaseHuef() + .5*abs( % 360, 60, constrain(5 * (treble[pos]*.6* - abs(p.y -, 0, 100) ), ADD); } } } class ColorFuckerEffect extends LXEffect { final BasicParameter level = new BasicParameter("BRT", 1); final BasicParameter desat = new BasicParameter("DSAT", 0); final BasicParameter hueShift = new BasicParameter("HSHFT", 0); final BasicParameter sharp = new BasicParameter("SHARP", 0); final BasicParameter soft = new BasicParameter("SOFT", 0); final BasicParameter mono = new BasicParameter("MONO", 0); final BasicParameter invert = new BasicParameter("INVERT", 0); float[] hsb = new float[3]; ColorFuckerEffect(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(level); addParameter(desat); addParameter(sharp); addParameter(hueShift); addParameter(soft); addParameter(mono); addParameter(invert); } public void apply(int[] colors) { if (!isEnabled()) { return; } float bMod = level.getValuef(); float sMod = 1 - desat.getValuef(); float hMod = hueShift.getValuef(); float fSharp = sharp.getValuef(); float fSoft = soft.getValuef(); boolean mon = mono.getValuef() > 0.5; boolean ivt = invert.getValuef() > 0.5; if (bMod < 1 || sMod < 1 || hMod > 0 || fSharp > 0 || ivt || mon || fSoft > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { lx.RGBtoHSB(colors[i], hsb); if (mon) { hsb[0] = lx.getBaseHuef() / 360.; } if (ivt) { hsb[2] = 1 - hsb[2]; } if (fSharp > 0) { fSharp = 1/(1-fSharp); if (hsb[2] < .5) { hsb[2] = pow(hsb[2],fSharp); } else { hsb[2] = 1-pow(1-hsb[2],fSharp); } } if (fSoft > 0) { if (hsb[2] > 0.5) { hsb[2] = lerp(hsb[2], 0.5 + 2 * (hsb[2]-0.5)*(hsb[2]-0.5), fSoft); } else { hsb[2] = lerp(hsb[2], 0.5 * sqrt(2*hsb[2]), fSoft); } } colors[i] = lx.hsb( (360. * hsb[0] + hMod*360.) % 360, 100. * hsb[1] * sMod, 100. * hsb[2] * bMod ); } } } } class QuantizeEffect extends LXEffect { color[] quantizedFrame; float lastQuant; final BasicParameter amount = new BasicParameter("AMT", 0); QuantizeEffect(LX lx) { super(lx); quantizedFrame = new color[]; lastQuant = 0; } public void apply(int[] colors) { float fQuant = amount.getValuef(); if (fQuant > 0) { float tRamp = (lx.tempo.rampf() % (1./pow(2,floor((1-fQuant) * 4)))); float f = lastQuant; lastQuant = tRamp; if (tRamp > f) { for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { colors[i] = quantizedFrame[i]; } return; } } for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { quantizedFrame[i] = colors[i]; } } } class BlurEffect extends LXEffect { final BasicParameter amount = new BasicParameter("AMT", 0); final int[] frame; final LinearEnvelope env = new LinearEnvelope(0, 1, 100); BlurEffect(LX lx) { super(lx); addParameter(amount); addModulator(env); frame = new int[]; for (int i = 0; i < frame.length; ++i) { frame[i] = #000000; } } public void onEnable() { env.setRangeFromHereTo(1, 400).start(); for (int i = 0; i < frame.length; ++i) { frame[i] = #000000; } } public void onDisable() { env.setRangeFromHereTo(0, 1000).start(); } public void apply(int[] colors) { float amt = env.getValuef() * amount.getValuef(); if (amt > 0) { amt = (1 - amt); amt = 1 - (amt*amt*amt); for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) { // frame[i] = colors[i] = blendColor(colors[i], lerpColor(#000000, frame[i], amt, RGB), SCREEN); frame[i] = colors[i] = lerpColor(colors[i], blendColor(colors[i], frame[i], SCREEN), amt, RGB); } } } }