/** * DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND * * //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ * ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ * \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// * \\// \\// \\// \\//H * * EXPERTS ONLY!! EXPERTS ONLY!! * * If you are an artist, you may ignore this file! It contains * the code to drive grizzly board outputs. */ private final static int[] STRIP_ORDERING = new int[] { 9, 8, 11, 5, 4, 7, 6, 10, 14, 2, 1, 0, 3, 13, 12, 15 }; static int[] cubePointIndices(Cube cube) { int[] pointIndices = new int[Cube.POINTS_PER_CUBE - 2]; int pi = 0; for (int stripIndex : STRIP_ORDERING) { Strip strip = cube.strips.get(stripIndex); int stripLen = ((stripIndex == 9) || (stripIndex == 15)) ? 15 : 16; for (int i = stripLen-1; i >= 0; --i) { pointIndices[pi++] = strip.points.get(i).index; } } return pointIndices; } abstract class IPOutput extends LXDatagramOutput { public final String ipAddress; protected IPOutput(LX lx, String ipAddress) throws SocketException { super(lx); this.ipAddress = ipAddress; } } static abstract class OSCDatagram extends LXDatagram { protected OSCDatagram(int bufferSize) { super(bufferSize); } protected final static int OSC_PORT = 779; protected static byte[] oscString(String s) { int len = s.length(); int padding = (4 - ((len + 1) % 4)) % 4; byte[] bytes = new byte[len + 1 + padding]; System.arraycopy(s.getBytes(), 0, bytes, 0, len); for (int i = len; i < bytes.length; ++i) { bytes[i] = 0; } return bytes; } protected static int oscIntCopy(int i, byte[] buffer, int pos) { buffer[pos] = (byte) ((i >> 24) & 0xff); buffer[pos + 1] = (byte) ((i >> 16) & 0xff); buffer[pos + 2] = (byte) ((i >> 8) & 0xff); buffer[pos + 3] = (byte) (i & 0xff); return 4; } } /** * Grizzly Output, sends packets to one grizzly board with a fixed IP and a number * of channels. */ class GrizzlyOutput extends IPOutput { private int frameNumber = 0; public GrizzlyOutput(LX lx, String ipAddress, int ... cubeIndices) throws UnknownHostException, SocketException { super(lx, ipAddress); int channelNum = 0; for (int rawCubeIndex : cubeIndices) { if (rawCubeIndex > 0) { Cube cube = model.getCubeByRawIndex(rawCubeIndex); addDatagram(new GrizzlyDatagram(this, channelNum, cube).setAddress(ipAddress)); } ++channelNum; } this.enabled.setValue(false); } protected void beforeSend(int[] colors) { ++frameNumber; } public int getFrameNumber() { return this.frameNumber; } } /** * Datagram to a Grizzlyboard. A simple fixed OSC packet. */ static class GrizzlyDatagram extends OSCDatagram { private final static byte[] OSC_ADDRESS = oscString("/shady/pointbuffer"); private final static byte[] OSC_TYPETAG = oscString(",iiiiibi"); private final static int HEADER_LENGTH = OSC_ADDRESS.length + OSC_TYPETAG.length + 24; private final static int FOOTER_LENGTH = 4; private GrizzlyOutput output; private int[] pointIndices; private final int frameNumberPos; public GrizzlyDatagram(GrizzlyOutput output, int channelNum, Cube cube) { this(output, channelNum, cubePointIndices(cube)); } public GrizzlyDatagram(GrizzlyOutput output, int channelNum, int[] pointIndices) { super(HEADER_LENGTH + 4*pointIndices.length + FOOTER_LENGTH); setPort(OSC_PORT); this.output = output; this.pointIndices = pointIndices; int dataLength = 4*pointIndices.length; int pos = 0; // OSC address System.arraycopy(OSC_ADDRESS, 0, this.buffer, pos, OSC_ADDRESS.length); pos += OSC_ADDRESS.length; // OSC typetag System.arraycopy(OSC_TYPETAG, 0, this.buffer, pos, OSC_TYPETAG.length); pos += OSC_TYPETAG.length; this.frameNumberPos = pos; pos += oscIntCopy(0, this.buffer, pos); // placeholder for frame number pos += oscIntCopy(0xDEADBEEF, this.buffer, pos); pos += oscIntCopy(channelNum, this.buffer, pos); pos += oscIntCopy(0xFEEDBEEF, this.buffer, pos); pos += oscIntCopy(dataLength, this.buffer, pos); pos += oscIntCopy(dataLength, this.buffer, pos); // end header oscIntCopy(0xBEFFFFEB, this.buffer, this.buffer.length - 4); } void onSend(int[] colors) { oscIntCopy(this.output.getFrameNumber(), this.buffer, frameNumberPos); int dataIndex = HEADER_LENGTH; for (int index : this.pointIndices) { color c = (index >= 0) ? colors[index] : 0; this.buffer[dataIndex] = (byte) 0; // unused, alpha this.buffer[dataIndex + 1] = (byte) ((c >> 16) & 0xff); // r this.buffer[dataIndex + 2] = (byte) ((c >> 8) & 0xff); // g this.buffer[dataIndex + 3] = (byte) (c & 0xff); // b dataIndex += 4; } } } /** * Grizzly Output, sends packets to one grizzly board with a fixed IP and a number * of channels. */ class PandaOutput extends IPOutput { public PandaOutput(LX lx, String ipAddress, String[][] channelMappings) throws UnknownHostException, SocketException { super(lx, ipAddress); int packetNum = 0; int[] packetPointIndices = new int[PandaDatagram.PIXELS_PER_PACKET]; int[] noCubePoints = new int[Cube.POINTS_PER_CUBE - 2]; // 15-strips for (int i = 0; i < noCubePoints.length; ++i) { noCubePoints[i] = -1; } int[] cubePointIndices; int pi = 0; for (String[] channel : channelMappings) { for (int i = 0; i < PandaDatagram.CUBES_PER_CHANNEL; ++i) { Cube cube = model.getCubeById((i < channel.length) ? channel[i] : null); cubePointIndices = (cube == null) ? noCubePoints : cubePointIndices(cube); for (int index : cubePointIndices) { packetPointIndices[pi++] = index; if (pi >= PandaDatagram.PIXELS_PER_PACKET) { addDatagram(new PandaDatagram(packetNum, packetPointIndices).setAddress(ipAddress)); pi = 0; packetPointIndices = new int[PandaDatagram.PIXELS_PER_PACKET]; ++packetNum; } } } // 2 dummy pixels per cube at the end of each channel, due to 15-strips for (int i = 0; i < PandaDatagram.CUBES_PER_CHANNEL * 2; ++i) { packetPointIndices[pi++] = -1; if (pi >= PandaDatagram.PIXELS_PER_PACKET) { addDatagram(new PandaDatagram(packetNum, packetPointIndices).setAddress(ipAddress)); pi = 0; packetPointIndices = new int[PandaDatagram.PIXELS_PER_PACKET]; ++packetNum; } } } if (pi > 0) { addDatagram(new PandaDatagram(packetNum, packetPointIndices).setAddress(ipAddress)); } this.enabled.setValue(false); } } /** * Datagram to a Panda board. A simple fixed OSC packet. */ static class PandaDatagram extends OSCDatagram { private final static byte[] OSC_ADDRESS = oscString("/shady/pointbuffer"); private final static byte[] OSC_TYPETAG = oscString(",iib"); private final static int HEADER_LENGTH = OSC_ADDRESS.length + OSC_TYPETAG.length + 12; private final static int PORT = 9001; public final static int CUBES_PER_CHANNEL = 4; public final static int PIXELS_PER_CHANNEL = Cube.POINTS_PER_CUBE * CUBES_PER_CHANNEL; public final static int PIXELS_PER_PACKET = 352; public final static int BYTES_PER_PIXEL = 4; public final static int PACKET_SIZE = BYTES_PER_PIXEL*PIXELS_PER_PACKET; private int[] pointIndices; public PandaDatagram(int packetNum, int[] pointIndices) { super(HEADER_LENGTH + PACKET_SIZE); setPort(PORT); this.pointIndices = pointIndices; int pos = 0; // OSC address System.arraycopy(OSC_ADDRESS, 0, this.buffer, pos, OSC_ADDRESS.length); pos += OSC_ADDRESS.length; // OSC typetag System.arraycopy(OSC_TYPETAG, 0, this.buffer, pos, OSC_TYPETAG.length); pos += OSC_TYPETAG.length; // Packet number pos += oscIntCopy(packetNum, this.buffer, pos); // Length of blob pos += oscIntCopy(PACKET_SIZE, this.buffer, pos); // Length of blob in osc-blob pos += oscIntCopy(PACKET_SIZE, this.buffer, pos); } void onSend(int[] colors) { int dataIndex = HEADER_LENGTH; for (int index : this.pointIndices) { color c = (index >= 0) ? colors[index] : 0; this.buffer[dataIndex] = (byte) 0; // unused, alpha this.buffer[dataIndex + 1] = (byte) ((c >> 16) & 0xff); // r this.buffer[dataIndex + 2] = (byte) ((c >> 8) & 0xff); // g this.buffer[dataIndex + 3] = (byte) (c & 0xff); // b dataIndex += 4; } } }