/** * Not very flushed out, but kind of fun nonetheless. */ class TimSpheres extends SCPattern { private BasicParameter hueParameter = new BasicParameter("RAD", 1.0); private final SawLFO lfo = new SawLFO(0, 1, 10000); private final SinLFO sinLfo = new SinLFO(0, 1, 4000); private final float centerX, centerY, centerZ; class Sphere { float x, y, z; float radius; float hue; } private final Sphere[] spheres; public TimSpheres(GLucose glucose) { super(glucose); addParameter(hueParameter); addModulator(lfo).trigger(); addModulator(sinLfo).trigger(); centerX = (model.xMax + model.xMin) / 2; centerY = (model.yMax + model.yMin) / 2; centerZ = (model.zMax + model.zMin) / 2; spheres = new Sphere[2]; spheres[0] = new Sphere(); spheres[0].x = model.xMin; spheres[0].y = centerY; spheres[0].z = centerZ; spheres[0].hue = 0; spheres[0].radius = 50; spheres[1] = new Sphere(); spheres[1].x = model.xMax; spheres[1].y = centerY; spheres[1].z = centerZ; spheres[1].hue = 0.33; spheres[1].radius = 50; } public void run(int deltaMs) { // Access the core master hue via this method call float hv = hueParameter.getValuef(); float lfoValue = lfo.getValuef(); float sinLfoValue = sinLfo.getValuef(); spheres[0].x = model.xMin + sinLfoValue * model.xMax; spheres[1].x = model.xMax - sinLfoValue * model.xMax; spheres[0].radius = 100 * hueParameter.getValuef(); spheres[1].radius = 100 * hueParameter.getValuef(); for (Point p : model.points) { float value = 0; color c = color(0, 0, 0); for (Sphere s : spheres) { float d = sqrt(pow(p.x - s.x, 2) + pow(p.y - s.y, 2) + pow(p.z - s.z, 2)); float r = (s.radius); // * (sinLfoValue + 0.5)); value = max(0, 1 - max(0, d - r) / 10); c = blendColor(c, color(((s.hue + lfoValue) % 1) * 360, 100, min(1, value) * 100), ADD); } colors[p.index] = c; } } } class Vector2 { float x, y; Vector2() { this(0, 0); } Vector2(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } float distanceTo(float x, float y) { return sqrt(pow(x - this.x, 2) + pow(y - this.y, 2)); } float distanceTo(Vector2 v) { return distanceTo(v.x, v.y); } Vector2 plus(float x, float y) { return new Vector2(this.x + x, this.y + y); } Vector2 plus(Vector2 v) { return plus(v.x, v.y); } Vector2 minus(Vector2 v) { return plus(-1 * v.x, -1 * v.y); } } class Vector3 { float x, y, z; Vector3() { this(0, 0, 0); } Vector3(float x, float y, float z) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; } float distanceTo(float x, float y, float z) { return sqrt(pow(x - this.x, 2) + pow(y - this.y, 2) + pow(z - this.z, 2)); } float distanceTo(Vector3 v) { return distanceTo(v.x, v.y, v.z); } float distanceTo(Point p) { return distanceTo(p.fx, p.fy, p.fz); } void add(Vector3 other, float multiplier) { this.add(other.x * multiplier, other.y * multiplier, other.z * multiplier); } void add(float x, float y, float z) { this.x += x; this.y += y; this.z += z; } void divide(float factor) { this.x /= factor; this.y /= factor; this.z /= factor; } } class Rotation { private float a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i; Rotation(float yaw, float pitch, float roll) { float cosYaw = cos(yaw); float sinYaw = sin(yaw); float cosPitch = cos(pitch); float sinPitch = sin(pitch); float cosRoll = cos(roll); float sinRoll = sin(roll); a = cosYaw * cosPitch; b = cosYaw * sinPitch * sinRoll - sinYaw * cosRoll; c = cosYaw * sinPitch * cosRoll + sinYaw * sinRoll; d = sinYaw * cosPitch; e = sinYaw * sinPitch * sinRoll + cosYaw * cosRoll; f = sinYaw * sinPitch * cosRoll - cosYaw * sinRoll; g = -1 * sinPitch; h = cosPitch * sinRoll; i = cosPitch * cosRoll; } Vector3 rotated(Vector3 v) { return new Vector3( rotatedX(v), rotatedY(v), rotatedZ(v)); } float rotatedX(Vector3 v) { return a * v.x + b * v.y + c * v.z; } float rotatedY(Vector3 v) { return d * v.x + e * v.y + f * v.z; } float rotatedZ(Vector3 v) { return g * v.x + h * v.y + i * v.z; } } /** * Very literal rain effect. Not that great as-is but some tweaking could make it nice. * A couple ideas: * - changing hue and direction of "rain" could make a nice fire effect * - knobs to change frequency and size of rain drops * - sync somehow to tempo but maybe less frequently than every beat? */ class TimRaindrops extends SCPattern { Vector3 randomVector3() { return new Vector3( random(model.xMax - model.xMin) + model.xMin, random(model.yMax - model.yMin) + model.yMin, random(model.zMax - model.zMin) + model.zMin); } class Raindrop { Vector3 p; Vector3 v; float radius; float hue; Raindrop() { this.radius = 30; this.p = new Vector3( random(model.xMax - model.xMin) + model.xMin, model.yMax + this.radius, random(model.zMax - model.zMin) + model.zMin); float velMagnitude = 120; this.v = new Vector3( 0, -3 * model.yMax, 0); this.hue = random(40) + 200; } // returns TRUE when this should die boolean age(int ms) { p.add(v, ms / 1000.0); return this.p.y < (0 - this.radius); } } private float leftoverMs = 0; private float msPerRaindrop = 40; private List raindrops; public TimRaindrops(GLucose glucose) { super(glucose); raindrops = new LinkedList(); } public void run(int deltaMs) { leftoverMs += deltaMs; while (leftoverMs > msPerRaindrop) { leftoverMs -= msPerRaindrop; raindrops.add(new Raindrop()); } for (Point p : model.points) { color c = blendColor( color(210, 20, (float)Math.max(0, 1 - Math.pow((model.yMax - p.fy) / 10, 2)) * 50), color(220, 60, (float)Math.max(0, 1 - Math.pow((p.fy - model.yMin) / 10, 2)) * 100), ADD); for (Raindrop raindrop : raindrops) { if (p.fx >= (raindrop.p.x - raindrop.radius) && p.fx <= (raindrop.p.x + raindrop.radius) && p.fy >= (raindrop.p.y - raindrop.radius) && p.fy <= (raindrop.p.y + raindrop.radius)) { float d = raindrop.p.distanceTo(p) / raindrop.radius; // float value = (float)Math.max(0, 1 - Math.pow(Math.min(0, d - raindrop.radius) / 5, 2)); if (d < 1) { c = blendColor(c, color(raindrop.hue, 80, (float)Math.pow(1 - d, 0.01) * 100), ADD); } } } colors[p.index] = c; } Iterator i = raindrops.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Raindrop raindrop = i.next(); boolean dead = raindrop.age(deltaMs); if (dead) { i.remove(); } } } } class TimCubes extends SCPattern { private BasicParameter rateParameter = new BasicParameter("RATE", 0.125); private BasicParameter attackParameter = new BasicParameter("ATTK", 0.5); private BasicParameter decayParameter = new BasicParameter("DECAY", 0.5); private BasicParameter hueParameter = new BasicParameter("HUE", 0.5); private BasicParameter hueVarianceParameter = new BasicParameter("H.V.", 0.25); private BasicParameter saturationParameter = new BasicParameter("SAT", 0.5); class CubeFlash { Cube c; float value; float hue; boolean hasPeaked; CubeFlash() { c = model.cubes.get(floor(random(model.cubes.size()))); hue = random(1); boolean infiniteAttack = (attackParameter.getValuef() > 0.999); hasPeaked = infiniteAttack; value = (infiniteAttack ? 1 : 0); } // returns TRUE if this should die boolean age(int ms) { if (!hasPeaked) { value = value + (ms / 1000.0f * ((attackParameter.getValuef() + 0.01) * 5)); if (value >= 1.0) { value = 1.0; hasPeaked = true; } return false; } else { value = value - (ms / 1000.0f * ((decayParameter.getValuef() + 0.01) * 10)); return value <= 0; } } } private float leftoverMs = 0; private List flashes; public TimCubes(GLucose glucose) { super(glucose); addParameter(rateParameter); addParameter(attackParameter); addParameter(decayParameter); addParameter(hueParameter); addParameter(hueVarianceParameter); addParameter(saturationParameter); flashes = new LinkedList(); } public void run(int deltaMs) { leftoverMs += deltaMs; float msPerFlash = 1000 / ((rateParameter.getValuef() + .01) * 100); while (leftoverMs > msPerFlash) { leftoverMs -= msPerFlash; flashes.add(new CubeFlash()); } for (Point p : model.points) { colors[p.index] = 0; } for (CubeFlash flash : flashes) { float hue = (hueParameter.getValuef() + (hueVarianceParameter.getValuef() * flash.hue)) % 1.0; color c = color(hue * 360, saturationParameter.getValuef() * 100, (flash.value) * 100); for (Point p : flash.c.points) { colors[p.index] = c; } } Iterator i = flashes.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { CubeFlash flash = i.next(); boolean dead = flash.age(deltaMs); if (dead) { i.remove(); } } } } /** * This one is the best but you need to play with all the knobs. It's synced to * the tempo, with the WSpd knob letting you pick 4 discrete multipliers for * the tempo. * * Basically it's just 3 planes all rotating to the beat, but also rotated relative * to one another. The intersection of the planes and the cubes over time makes * for a nice abstract effect. */ class TimPlanes extends SCPattern { private BasicParameter wobbleParameter = new BasicParameter("Wob", 0.2); private BasicParameter wobbleSpreadParameter = new BasicParameter("WSpr", 0.25); private BasicParameter wobbleSpeedParameter = new BasicParameter("WSpd", 0.375); private BasicParameter wobbleOffsetParameter = new BasicParameter("WOff", 0); private BasicParameter derezParameter = new BasicParameter("Drez", 0.5); private BasicParameter thicknessParameter = new BasicParameter("Thick", 0.4); private BasicParameter ySpreadParameter = new BasicParameter("ySpr", 0.2); private BasicParameter hueParameter = new BasicParameter("Hue", 0.75); private BasicParameter hueSpreadParameter = new BasicParameter("HSpr", 0.68); final float centerX, centerY, centerZ; float phase; class Plane { Vector3 center; Rotation rotation; float hue; Plane(Vector3 center, Rotation rotation, float hue) { this.center = center; this.rotation = rotation; this.hue = hue; } } TimPlanes(GLucose glucose) { super(glucose); centerX = (model.xMin + model.xMax) / 2; centerY = (model.yMin + model.yMax) / 2; centerZ = (model.zMin + model.zMax) / 2; phase = 0; addParameter(wobbleParameter); addParameter(wobbleSpreadParameter); addParameter(wobbleSpeedParameter); // addParameter(wobbleOffsetParameter); addParameter(derezParameter); addParameter(thicknessParameter); addParameter(ySpreadParameter); addParameter(hueParameter); addParameter(hueSpreadParameter); } color getColor(Vector3 normalizedPoint, float hue, Rotation rotation, float saturation) { float t = (thicknessParameter.getValuef() * 25 + 1); float v = rotation.rotatedY(normalizedPoint); float d = abs(v); if (d <= t) { return color(hue, saturation, 100); } else if (d <= t * 2) { float value = 1 - ((d - t) / t); return color(hue, saturation, value * 100); } else { return 0; } } int beat = 0; float prevRamp = 0; float[] wobbleSpeeds = { 1.0/8, 1.0/4, 1.0/2, 1.0 }; public void run(int deltaMs) { float ramp = (float)lx.tempo.ramp(); if (ramp < prevRamp) { beat = (beat + 1) % 32; } prevRamp = ramp; float wobbleSpeed = wobbleSpeeds[floor(wobbleSpeedParameter.getValuef() * wobbleSpeeds.length * 0.9999)]; phase = (((beat + ramp) * wobbleSpeed + wobbleOffsetParameter.getValuef()) % 1) * 2 * PI; float ySpread = ySpreadParameter.getValuef() * 50; float wobble = wobbleParameter.getValuef() * PI; float wobbleSpread = wobbleSpreadParameter.getValuef() * PI; float hue = hueParameter.getValuef() * 360; float hueSpread = (hueSpreadParameter.getValuef() - 0.5) * 360; float saturation = 10 + 60.0 * pow(ramp, 0.25); float derez = derezParameter.getValuef(); Plane[] planes = { new Plane( new Vector3(centerX, centerY + ySpread, centerZ), new Rotation(wobble - wobbleSpread, phase, 0), (hue + 360 - hueSpread) % 360), new Plane( new Vector3(centerX, centerY, centerZ), new Rotation(wobble, phase, 0), hue), new Plane( new Vector3(centerX, centerY - ySpread, centerZ), new Rotation(wobble + wobbleSpread, phase, 0), (hue + 360 + hueSpread) % 360) }; for (Point p : model.points) { if (random(1.0) < derez) { continue; } color c = 0; for (Plane plane : planes) { Vector3 normalizedPoint = new Vector3(p.fx - plane.center.x, p.fy - plane.center.y, p.fz - plane.center.z); color planeColor = getColor(normalizedPoint, plane.hue, plane.rotation, saturation); if (planeColor != 0) { if (c == 0) { c = planeColor; } else { c = blendColor(c, planeColor, ADD); } } } colors[p.index] = c; } } } /** * Not very flushed out but pretty. */ class TimPinwheels extends SCPattern { float phase = 0; private final int NUM_BLADES = 16; class Pinwheel { Vector2 center; int numBlades; float phase; float speed; Pinwheel(float xCenter, float yCenter, int numBlades, float speed) { this.center = new Vector2(xCenter, yCenter); this.numBlades = numBlades; this.speed = speed; } void age(int deltaMs) { phase = (phase + deltaMs / 1000.0 * speed) % 1.0; } boolean isOnBlade(float x, float y) { x = x - center.x; y = y - center.y; float normalizedAngle = (atan2(x, y) / (2 * PI) + 1.5 + phase) % 1; float v = (normalizedAngle * 4 * numBlades); int blade_num = floor((v + 2) / 4); return (blade_num % 2) == 0; } } private final List pinwheels; TimPinwheels(GLucose glucose) { super(glucose); float xDist = model.xMax - model.xMin; float xCenter = (model.xMin + model.xMax) / 2; float yCenter = (model.yMin + model.yMax) / 2; pinwheels = new ArrayList(); pinwheels.add(new Pinwheel(xCenter - xDist * 0.4, yCenter, NUM_BLADES, 0.1)); pinwheels.add(new Pinwheel(xCenter + xDist * 0.4, yCenter, NUM_BLADES, -0.1)); } public void run(int deltaMs) { for (Pinwheel pw : pinwheels) { pw.age(deltaMs); } for (Point p : model.points) { int value = 0; for (Pinwheel pw : pinwheels) { value += (pw.isOnBlade(p.fx, p.fy) ? 1 : 0); } if (value == 1) { colors[p.index] = color(120, 0, 100); } else { color c = colors[p.index]; colors[p.index] = color(max(0, hue(c) - 10), min(100, saturation(c) + 10), brightness(c) - 5 ); } } } } /** * This tries to figure out neighboring pixels from one cube to another to * let you have a bunch of moving points tracing all over the structure. * Adds a couple seconds of startup time to do the calculation, and in the * end just comes out looking a lot like a screensaver. Probably not worth * it but there may be useful code here. */ class TimTrace extends SCPattern { private Map> pointToNeighbors; private Map pointToStrip; // private final Map> stripToNearbyStrips; int extraMs; class MovingPoint { Point currentPoint; float hue; private Strip currentStrip; private int currentStripIndex; private int direction; // +1 or -1 MovingPoint(Point p) { this.setPointOnNewStrip(p); hue = random(360); } private void setPointOnNewStrip(Point p) { this.currentPoint = p; this.currentStrip = pointToStrip.get(p); for (int i = 0; i < this.currentStrip.points.size(); ++i) { if (this.currentStrip.points.get(i) == p) { this.currentStripIndex = i; break; } } if (this.currentStripIndex == 0) { // we are at the beginning of the strip; go forwards this.direction = 1; } else if (this.currentStripIndex == this.currentStrip.points.size()) { // we are at the end of the strip; go backwards this.direction = -1; } else { // we are in the middle of a strip; randomly go one way or another this.direction = ((random(1.0) < 0.5) ? -1 : 1); } } void step() { List neighborsOnOtherStrips = pointToNeighbors.get(this.currentPoint); Point nextPointOnCurrentStrip = null; this.currentStripIndex += this.direction; if (this.currentStripIndex >= 0 && this.currentStripIndex < this.currentStrip.points.size()) { nextPointOnCurrentStrip = this.currentStrip.points.get(this.currentStripIndex); } // pick which option to take; if we can keep going on the current strip then // add that as another option int option = floor(random(neighborsOnOtherStrips.size() + (nextPointOnCurrentStrip == null ? 0 : 100))); if (option < neighborsOnOtherStrips.size()) { this.setPointOnNewStrip(neighborsOnOtherStrips.get(option)); } else { this.currentPoint = nextPointOnCurrentStrip; } } } List movingPoints; TimTrace(GLucose glucose) { super(glucose); extraMs = 0; pointToNeighbors = this.buildPointToNeighborsMap(); pointToStrip = this.buildPointToStripMap(); int numMovingPoints = 1000; movingPoints = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < numMovingPoints; ++i) { movingPoints.add(new MovingPoint(model.points.get(floor(random(model.points.size()))))); } } private Map> buildStripToNearbyStripsMap() { Map stripToCenter = new HashMap(); for (Strip s : model.strips) { Vector3 v = new Vector3(); for (Point p : s.points) { v.add(p.fx, p.fy, p.fz); } v.divide(s.points.size()); stripToCenter.put(s, v); } Map> stripToNeighbors = new HashMap(); for (Strip s : model.strips) { List neighbors = new ArrayList(); Vector3 sCenter = stripToCenter.get(s); for (Strip potentialNeighbor : model.strips) { if (s != potentialNeighbor) { float distance = sCenter.distanceTo(stripToCenter.get(potentialNeighbor)); if (distance < 25) { neighbors.add(potentialNeighbor); } } } stripToNeighbors.put(s, neighbors); } return stripToNeighbors; } private Map> buildPointToNeighborsMap() { Map> m = new HashMap(); Map> stripToNearbyStrips = this.buildStripToNearbyStripsMap(); for (Strip s : model.strips) { List nearbyStrips = stripToNearbyStrips.get(s); for (Point p : s.points) { Vector3 v = new Vector3(p.fx, p.fy, p.fz); List neighbors = new ArrayList(); for (Strip nearbyStrip : nearbyStrips) { Point closestPoint = null; float closestPointDistance = 100000; for (Point nsp : nearbyStrip.points) { float distance = v.distanceTo(nsp.fx, nsp.fy, nsp.fz); if (closestPoint == null || distance < closestPointDistance) { closestPoint = nsp; closestPointDistance = distance; } } if (closestPointDistance < 15) { neighbors.add(closestPoint); } } m.put(p, neighbors); } } return m; } private Map buildPointToStripMap() { Map m = new HashMap(); for (Strip s : model.strips) { for (Point p : s.points) { m.put(p, s); } } return m; } public void run(int deltaMs) { for (Point p : model.points) { color c = colors[p.index]; colors[p.index] = color(hue(c), saturation(c), brightness(c) - 3); } for (MovingPoint mp : movingPoints) { mp.step(); colors[mp.currentPoint.index] = blendColor(colors[mp.currentPoint.index], color(mp.hue, 10, 100), ADD); } } }