/** * DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND * * //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ * ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ * \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// * \\// \\// \\// \\// * * EXPERTS ONLY!! EXPERTS ONLY!! * * Overlay UI that indicates pattern control, etc. This will be moved * into the Processing library once it is stabilized and need not be * regularly modified. */ class DebugUI { final ChannelMapping[] channelList; final int debugX = 5; final int debugY = 5; final int debugXSpacing = 28; final int debugYSpacing = 21; final int[][] debugState; final int[] indexState; final int CUBE_STATE_UNUSED = 0; final int CUBE_STATE_USED = 1; final int CUBE_STATE_DUPLICATED = 2; final int DEBUG_STATE_ANIM = 0; final int DEBUG_STATE_WHITE = 1; final int DEBUG_STATE_OFF = 2; final int DEBUG_STATE_UNUSED = 3; DebugUI(PandaMapping[] pandaMappings) { int totalChannels = pandaMappings.length * PandaMapping.CHANNELS_PER_BOARD; debugState = new int[totalChannels+1][ChannelMapping.CUBES_PER_CHANNEL+1]; indexState = new int[glucose.model.cubes.size()+1]; channelList = new ChannelMapping[totalChannels]; int channelIndex = 0; for (PandaMapping pm : pandaMappings) { for (ChannelMapping channel : pm.channelList) { channelList[channelIndex++] = channel; } } for (int i = 0; i < debugState.length; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < debugState[i].length; ++j) { debugState[i][j] = DEBUG_STATE_ANIM; } } for (int rawIndex = 0; rawIndex < glucose.model.cubes.size()+1; ++rawIndex) { indexState[rawIndex] = CUBE_STATE_UNUSED; } for (ChannelMapping channel : channelList) { for (int rawCubeIndex : channel.objectIndices) { if (rawCubeIndex > 0) ++indexState[rawCubeIndex]; } } } void draw() { noStroke(); int xBase = debugX; int yPos = debugY; textSize(10); fill(#000000); rect(0, 0, debugX + 5*debugXSpacing, height); int channelNum = 0; for (ChannelMapping channel : channelList) { int xPos = xBase; drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, channelNum+1, debugState[channelNum][0]); xPos += debugXSpacing; switch (channel.mode) { case ChannelMapping.MODE_CUBES: int stateIndex = 0; boolean first = true; for (int rawCubeIndex : channel.objectIndices) { if (rawCubeIndex < 0) { break; } if (first) { first = false; } else { stroke(#999999); line(xPos - 12, yPos + 8, xPos, yPos + 8); } drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, rawCubeIndex, debugState[channelNum][stateIndex+1], indexState[rawCubeIndex]); ++stateIndex; xPos += debugXSpacing; } break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_BASS: drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, "B", debugState[channelNum][1]); break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_SPEAKER: drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, "S" + channel.objectIndices[0], debugState[channelNum][1]); break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_STRUTS_AND_FLOOR: drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, "F", debugState[channelNum][1]); break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_NULL: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled channel mapping mode: " + channel.mode); } yPos += debugYSpacing; ++channelNum; } drawNumBox(xBase, yPos, "A", debugState[channelNum][0]); yPos += debugYSpacing * 2; noFill(); fill(#CCCCCC); text("Unused Cubes", xBase, yPos + 12); yPos += debugYSpacing; int xIndex = 0; for (int rawIndex = 1; rawIndex <= glucose.model.cubes.size(); ++rawIndex) { if (indexState[rawIndex] == CUBE_STATE_UNUSED) { drawNumBox(xBase + (xIndex * debugXSpacing), yPos, rawIndex, DEBUG_STATE_UNUSED); ++xIndex; if (xIndex > 4) { xIndex = 0; yPos += debugYSpacing + 2; } } } } void drawNumBox(int xPos, int yPos, int label, int state) { drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, "" + label, state); } void drawNumBox(int xPos, int yPos, String label, int state) { drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, "" + label, state, CUBE_STATE_USED); } void drawNumBox(int xPos, int yPos, int label, int state, int cubeState) { drawNumBox(xPos, yPos, "" + label, state, cubeState); } void drawNumBox(int xPos, int yPos, String label, int state, int cubeState) { noFill(); color textColor = #cccccc; switch (state) { case DEBUG_STATE_ANIM: noStroke(); fill(#880000); rect(xPos, yPos, 16, 8); fill(#000088); rect(xPos, yPos+8, 16, 8); noFill(); stroke(textColor); break; case DEBUG_STATE_WHITE: stroke(textColor); fill(#e9e9e9); textColor = #333333; break; case DEBUG_STATE_OFF: stroke(textColor); break; case DEBUG_STATE_UNUSED: stroke(textColor); fill(#880000); break; } if (cubeState >= CUBE_STATE_DUPLICATED) { stroke(textColor = #FF0000); } rect(xPos, yPos, 16, 16); noStroke(); fill(textColor); text(label, xPos + 2, yPos + 12); } void maskColors(color[] colors) { color white = #FFFFFF; color off = #000000; int channelIndex = 0; int state; for (ChannelMapping channel : channelList) { switch (channel.mode) { case ChannelMapping.MODE_CUBES: int cubeIndex = 1; for (int rawCubeIndex : channel.objectIndices) { if (rawCubeIndex >= 0) { state = debugState[channelIndex][cubeIndex]; if (state != DEBUG_STATE_ANIM) { color debugColor = (state == DEBUG_STATE_WHITE) ? white : off; Cube cube = glucose.model.getCubeByRawIndex(rawCubeIndex); for (Point p : cube.points) { colors[p.index] = debugColor; } } } ++cubeIndex; } break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_BASS: state = debugState[channelIndex][1]; if (state != DEBUG_STATE_ANIM) { color debugColor = (state == DEBUG_STATE_WHITE) ? white : off; for (Strip s : glucose.model.bassBox.boxStrips) { for (Point p : s.points) { colors[p.index] = debugColor; } } } break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_STRUTS_AND_FLOOR: state = debugState[channelIndex][1]; if (state != DEBUG_STATE_ANIM) { color debugColor = (state == DEBUG_STATE_WHITE) ? white : off; for (Point p : glucose.model.boothFloor.points) { colors[p.index] = debugColor; } for (Strip s : glucose.model.bassBox.struts) { for (Point p : s.points) { colors[p.index] = debugColor; } } } break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_SPEAKER: state = debugState[channelIndex][1]; if (state != DEBUG_STATE_ANIM) { color debugColor = (state == DEBUG_STATE_WHITE) ? white : off; for (Point p : glucose.model.speakers.get(channel.objectIndices[0]).points) { colors[p.index] = debugColor; } } break; case ChannelMapping.MODE_NULL: break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unhandled channel mapping mode: " + channel.mode); } ++channelIndex; } } boolean mousePressed() { int dx = (mouseX - debugX) / debugXSpacing; int dy = (mouseY - debugY) / debugYSpacing; if ((dy < 0) || (dy >= debugState.length)) { return false; } if ((dx < 0) || (dx >= debugState[dy].length)) { return false; } int newState = debugState[dy][dx] = (debugState[dy][dx] + 1) % 3; if (dy == debugState.length-1) { for (int[] states : debugState) { for (int i = 0; i < states.length; ++i) { states[i] = newState; } } } else if (dx == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < debugState[dy].length; ++i) { debugState[dy][i] = newState; } } return true; } }