/** * DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND * * //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ * ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ * \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// * \\// \\// \\// \\// * * EXPERTS ONLY!! EXPERTS ONLY!! * * If you are an artist, you may ignore this file! It just sets * up the framework to run the patterns. Should not need modification * for general animation work. */ import glucose.*; import glucose.control.*; import glucose.effect.*; import glucose.model.*; import glucose.pattern.*; import glucose.transform.*; import glucose.transition.*; import heronarts.lx.*; import heronarts.lx.control.*; import heronarts.lx.effect.*; import heronarts.lx.modulator.*; import heronarts.lx.pattern.*; import heronarts.lx.transition.*; import ddf.minim.*; import ddf.minim.analysis.*; import processing.opengl.*; import rwmidi.*; import java.lang.reflect.*; final int VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 900; final int VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 700; // The trailer is measured from the outside of the black metal (but not including the higher welded part on the front) final float TRAILER_WIDTH = 240; final float TRAILER_DEPTH = 97; final float TRAILER_HEIGHT = 33; final int MaxCubeHeight = 5; final int NumBackTowers = 11; int targetFramerate = 60; int startMillis, lastMillis; // Core engine variables GLucose glucose; HeronLX lx; LXPattern[] patterns; Effects effects; MappingTool mappingTool; PandaDriver[] pandaBoards; PresetManager presetManager; MidiEngine midiEngine; // Display configuration mode boolean mappingMode = false; boolean debugMode = false; DebugUI debugUI; boolean uiOn = true; LXPattern restoreToPattern = null; PImage logo; float[] hsb = new float[3]; // Handles to UI objects UIContext[] overlays; UIPatternDeck uiPatternA; UICrossfader uiCrossfader; UIMidi uiMidi; UIMapping uiMapping; UIDebugText uiDebugText; UISpeed uiSpeed; // Camera variables float eyeR, eyeA, eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, midX, midY, midZ; /** * Engine construction and initialization. */ LXTransition _transition(GLucose glucose) { return new DissolveTransition(glucose.lx).setDuration(1000); } LXPattern[] _leftPatterns(GLucose glucose) { LXPattern[] patterns = patterns(glucose); for (LXPattern p : patterns) { p.setTransition(_transition(glucose)); } return patterns; } LXPattern[] _rightPatterns(GLucose glucose) { LXPattern[] patterns = _leftPatterns(glucose); LXPattern[] rightPatterns = new LXPattern[patterns.length+1]; int i = 0; rightPatterns[i++] = new BlankPattern(glucose).setTransition(_transition(glucose)); for (LXPattern p : patterns) { rightPatterns[i++] = p; } return rightPatterns; } LXEffect[] _effectsArray(Effects effects) { List effectList = new ArrayList(); for (Field f : effects.getClass().getDeclaredFields()) { try { Object val = f.get(effects); if (val instanceof LXEffect) { effectList.add((LXEffect)val); } } catch (IllegalAccessException iax) {} } return effectList.toArray(new LXEffect[]{}); } void logTime(String evt) { int now = millis(); println(evt + ": " + (now - lastMillis) + "ms"); lastMillis = now; } void setup() { startMillis = lastMillis = millis(); // Initialize the Processing graphics environment size(VIEWPORT_WIDTH, VIEWPORT_HEIGHT, OPENGL); frameRate(targetFramerate); noSmooth(); // hint(ENABLE_OPENGL_4X_SMOOTH); // no discernable improvement? logTime("Created viewport"); // Create the GLucose engine to run the cubes glucose = new GLucose(this, buildModel()); lx = glucose.lx; lx.enableKeyboardTempo(); logTime("Built GLucose engine"); // Set the patterns LXEngine engine = lx.engine; engine.setPatterns(patterns = _leftPatterns(glucose)); engine.addDeck(_rightPatterns(glucose)); logTime("Built patterns"); glucose.setTransitions(transitions(glucose)); logTime("Built transitions"); glucose.lx.addEffects(_effectsArray(effects = new Effects())); logTime("Built effects"); // Preset manager presetManager = new PresetManager(); logTime("Loaded presets"); // MIDI devices midiEngine = new MidiEngine(); logTime("Setup MIDI devices"); // Build output driver PandaMapping[] pandaMappings = buildPandaList(); pandaBoards = new PandaDriver[pandaMappings.length]; int pbi = 0; for (PandaMapping pm : pandaMappings) { pandaBoards[pbi++] = new PandaDriver(pm.ip, glucose.model, pm); } mappingTool = new MappingTool(glucose, pandaMappings); logTime("Built PandaDriver"); // Build overlay UI debugUI = new DebugUI(pandaMappings); overlays = new UIContext[] { uiPatternA = new UIPatternDeck(lx.engine.getDeck(GLucose.LEFT_DECK), "PATTERN A", 4, 4, 140, 324), new UIBlendMode(4, 332, 140, 86), new UIEffects(4, 422, 140, 144), new UITempo(4, 570, 140, 50), uiSpeed = new UISpeed(4, 624, 140, 50), new UIPatternDeck(lx.engine.getDeck(GLucose.RIGHT_DECK), "PATTERN B", width-144, 4, 140, 324), uiMidi = new UIMidi(midiEngine, width-144, 332, 140, 158), new UIOutput(width-144, 494, 140, 106), uiCrossfader = new UICrossfader(width/2-90, height-90, 180, 86), uiDebugText = new UIDebugText(148, height-138, width-304, 44), uiMapping = new UIMapping(mappingTool, 4, 4, 140, 324), }; uiMapping.setVisible(false); logTime("Built overlay UI"); // Load logo image logo = loadImage("data/logo.png"); // Setup camera midX = TRAILER_WIDTH/2.; midY = glucose.model.yMax/2; midZ = TRAILER_DEPTH/2.; eyeR = -290; eyeA = .15; eyeY = midY + 70; eyeX = midX + eyeR*sin(eyeA); eyeZ = midZ + eyeR*cos(eyeA); // Add mouse scrolling event support addMouseWheelListener(new java.awt.event.MouseWheelListener() { public void mouseWheelMoved(java.awt.event.MouseWheelEvent mwe) { mouseWheel(mwe.getWheelRotation()); }}); println("Total setup: " + (millis() - startMillis) + "ms"); println("Hit the 'p' key to toggle Panda Board output"); } /** * Core render loop and drawing functionality. */ void draw() { // Draws the simulation and the 2D UI overlay background(40); color[] simulationColors; color[] sendColors; simulationColors = sendColors = glucose.getColors(); String displayMode = uiCrossfader.getDisplayMode(); if (displayMode == "A") { simulationColors = lx.engine.getDeck(GLucose.LEFT_DECK).getColors(); } else if (displayMode == "B") { simulationColors = lx.engine.getDeck(GLucose.RIGHT_DECK).getColors(); } if (debugMode) { debugUI.maskColors(simulationColors); debugUI.maskColors(sendColors); } camera( eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, midX, midY, midZ, 0, -1, 0 ); translate(0, 40, 0); noStroke(); fill(#141414); drawBox(0, -TRAILER_HEIGHT, 0, 0, 0, 0, TRAILER_WIDTH, TRAILER_HEIGHT, TRAILER_DEPTH, TRAILER_HEIGHT/2.); fill(#070707); stroke(#222222); beginShape(); vertex(0, 0, 0); vertex(TRAILER_WIDTH, 0, 0); vertex(TRAILER_WIDTH, 0, TRAILER_DEPTH); vertex(0, 0, TRAILER_DEPTH); endShape(); // Draw the logo on the front of platform pushMatrix(); translate(0, 0, -1); float s = .07; scale(s, -s, s); image(logo, TRAILER_WIDTH/2/s-logo.width/2, TRAILER_HEIGHT/2/s-logo.height/2-2/s); popMatrix(); noStroke(); if (glucose.model.bassBox.exists) { drawBassBox(glucose.model.bassBox, false); } for (Speaker speaker : glucose.model.speakers) { drawSpeaker(speaker); } for (Cube c : glucose.model.cubes) { drawCube(c); } noFill(); strokeWeight(2); beginShape(POINTS); for (Point p : glucose.model.points) { stroke(simulationColors[p.index]); vertex(p.x, p.y, p.z); } endShape(); // 2D Overlay UI drawUI(); // Gamma correction here. Apply a cubic to the brightness // for better representation of dynamic range for (int i = 0; i < sendColors.length; ++i) { lx.RGBtoHSB(sendColors[i], hsb); float b = hsb[2]; sendColors[i] = lx.hsb(360.*hsb[0], 100.*hsb[1], 100.*(b*b*b)); } // TODO(mcslee): move into GLucose engine for (PandaDriver p : pandaBoards) { p.send(sendColors); } } void drawBassBox(BassBox b, boolean hasSub) { float in = .15; if (hasSub) { noStroke(); fill(#191919); pushMatrix(); translate(b.x + BassBox.EDGE_WIDTH/2., b.y + BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT/2, b.z + BassBox.EDGE_DEPTH/2.); box(BassBox.EDGE_WIDTH-20*in, BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT-20*in, BassBox.EDGE_DEPTH-20*in); popMatrix(); } noStroke(); fill(#393939); drawBox(b.x+in, b.y+in, b.z+in, 0, 0, 0, BassBox.EDGE_WIDTH-in*2, BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT-in*2, BassBox.EDGE_DEPTH-in*2, Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in); pushMatrix(); translate(b.x+(Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in)/2., b.y + BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT-in, b.z + BassBox.EDGE_DEPTH/2.); float lastOffset = 0; for (float offset : BoothFloor.STRIP_OFFSETS) { translate(offset - lastOffset, 0, 0); box(Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in, 0, BassBox.EDGE_DEPTH - 2*in); lastOffset = offset; } popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(b.x + (Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in)/2., b.y + BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT/2., b.z + in); for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) { pushMatrix(); for (int i = 0; i < BassBox.NUM_FRONT_STRUTS; ++i) { translate(BassBox.FRONT_STRUT_SPACING, 0, 0); box(Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in, BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT - in*2, 0); } popMatrix(); translate(0, 0, BassBox.EDGE_DEPTH - 2*in); } popMatrix(); pushMatrix(); translate(b.x + in, b.y + BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT/2., b.z + BassBox.SIDE_STRUT_SPACING + (Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in)/2.); box(0, BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT - in*2, Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in); translate(BassBox.EDGE_WIDTH-2*in, 0, 0); box(0, BassBox.EDGE_HEIGHT - in*2, Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in); popMatrix(); } void drawCube(Cube c) { float in = .15; noStroke(); fill(#393939); drawBox(c.x+in, c.y+in, c.z+in, c.rx, c.ry, c.rz, Cube.EDGE_WIDTH-in*2, Cube.EDGE_HEIGHT-in*2, Cube.EDGE_WIDTH-in*2, Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in); } void drawSpeaker(Speaker s) { float in = .15; noStroke(); fill(#191919); pushMatrix(); translate(s.x, s.y, s.z); rotate(s.ry / 180. * PI, 0, -1, 0); translate(Speaker.EDGE_WIDTH/2., Speaker.EDGE_HEIGHT/2., Speaker.EDGE_DEPTH/2.); box(Speaker.EDGE_WIDTH-20*in, Speaker.EDGE_HEIGHT-20*in, Speaker.EDGE_DEPTH-20*in); translate(0, Speaker.EDGE_HEIGHT/2. + Speaker.EDGE_HEIGHT*.8/2, 0); fill(#222222); box(Speaker.EDGE_WIDTH*.6, Speaker.EDGE_HEIGHT*.8, Speaker.EDGE_DEPTH*.75); popMatrix(); noStroke(); fill(#393939); drawBox(s.x+in, s.y+in, s.z+in, 0, s.ry, 0, Speaker.EDGE_WIDTH-in*2, Speaker.EDGE_HEIGHT-in*2, Speaker.EDGE_DEPTH-in*2, Cube.CHANNEL_WIDTH-in); } void drawBox(float x, float y, float z, float rx, float ry, float rz, float xd, float yd, float zd, float sw) { pushMatrix(); translate(x, y, z); rotate(rx / 180. * PI, -1, 0, 0); rotate(ry / 180. * PI, 0, -1, 0); rotate(rz / 180. * PI, 0, 0, -1); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { float wid = (i % 2 == 0) ? xd : zd; beginShape(); vertex(0, 0); vertex(wid, 0); vertex(wid, yd); vertex(wid - sw, yd); vertex(wid - sw, sw); vertex(0, sw); endShape(); beginShape(); vertex(0, sw); vertex(0, yd); vertex(wid - sw, yd); vertex(wid - sw, yd - sw); vertex(sw, yd - sw); vertex(sw, sw); endShape(); translate(wid, 0, 0); rotate(HALF_PI, 0, -1, 0); } popMatrix(); } void drawUI() { camera(); javax.media.opengl.GL gl = ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).beginGL(); gl.glClear(javax.media.opengl.GL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).endGL(); strokeWeight(1); if (uiOn) { for (UIContext context : overlays) { context.draw(); } } // Always draw FPS meter fill(#555555); textSize(9); textAlign(LEFT, BASELINE); text("FPS: " + ((int) (frameRate*10)) / 10. + " / " + targetFramerate + " (-/+)", 4, height-4); if (debugMode) { debugUI.draw(); } } /** * Top-level keyboard event handling */ void keyPressed() { if (mappingMode) { mappingTool.keyPressed(uiMapping); } switch (key) { case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) { presetManager.select(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), key - '1'); } break; case '!': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 0); break; case '@': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 1); break; case '#': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 2); break; case '$': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 3); break; case '%': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 4); break; case '^': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 5); break; case '&': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 6); break; case '*': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) presetManager.store(midiEngine.getFocusedDeck(), 7); break; case '-': case '_': frameRate(--targetFramerate); break; case '=': case '+': frameRate(++targetFramerate); break; case 'b': effects.boom.trigger(); break; case 'd': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) { debugMode = !debugMode; println("Debug output: " + (debugMode ? "ON" : "OFF")); } break; case 'm': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) { mappingMode = !mappingMode; uiPatternA.setVisible(!mappingMode); uiMapping.setVisible(mappingMode); if (mappingMode) { restoreToPattern = lx.getPattern(); lx.setPatterns(new LXPattern[] { mappingTool }); } else { lx.setPatterns(patterns); LXTransition pop = restoreToPattern.getTransition(); restoreToPattern.setTransition(null); lx.goPattern(restoreToPattern); restoreToPattern.setTransition(pop); } } break; case 't': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) { lx.engine.setThreaded(!lx.engine.isThreaded()); } break; case 'p': for (PandaDriver p : pandaBoards) { p.toggle(); } break; case 'u': if (!midiEngine.isQwertyEnabled()) { uiOn = !uiOn; } break; } } /** * Top-level mouse event handling */ int mx, my; void mousePressed() { boolean debugged = false; if (debugMode) { debugged = debugUI.mousePressed(); } if (!debugged) { for (UIContext context : overlays) { context.mousePressed(mouseX, mouseY); } } mx = mouseX; my = mouseY; } void mouseDragged() { boolean dragged = false; for (UIContext context : overlays) { dragged |= context.mouseDragged(mouseX, mouseY); } if (!dragged) { int dx = mouseX - mx; int dy = mouseY - my; mx = mouseX; my = mouseY; eyeA += dx*.003; eyeX = midX + eyeR*sin(eyeA); eyeZ = midZ + eyeR*cos(eyeA); eyeY += dy; } } void mouseReleased() { for (UIContext context : overlays) { context.mouseReleased(mouseX, mouseY); } } void mouseWheel(int delta) { boolean wheeled = false; for (UIContext context : overlays) { wheeled |= context.mouseWheel(mouseX, mouseY, delta); } if (!wheeled) { eyeR = constrain(eyeR - delta, -500, -80); eyeX = midX + eyeR*sin(eyeA); eyeZ = midZ + eyeR*cos(eyeA); } }