/** * DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND * * //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ * ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ * \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// * \\// \\// \\// \\// * * EXPERTS ONLY!! EXPERTS ONLY!! * * Little UI framework in progress to handle mouse events, layout, * redrawing, etc. */ final color lightGreen = #669966; final color lightBlue = #666699; final color bgGray = #444444; final color defaultTextColor = #999999; final PFont defaultItemFont = createFont("Lucida Grande", 11); final PFont defaultTitleFont = createFont("Myriad Pro", 10); public abstract class UIObject { protected final List children = new ArrayList(); protected boolean needsRedraw = true; protected boolean childNeedsRedraw = true; protected float x=0, y=0, w=0, h=0; public UIContainer parent = null; protected boolean visible = true; public UIObject() {} public UIObject(float x, float y, float w, float h) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.w = w; this.h = h; } public boolean isVisible() { return visible; } public UIObject setVisible(boolean visible) { if (visible != this.visible) { this.visible = visible; redraw(); } return this; } public final UIObject setPosition(float x, float y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; redraw(); return this; } public final UIObject setSize(float w, float h) { this.w = w; this.h = h; redraw(); return this; } public final UIObject addToContainer(UIContainer c) { c.children.add(this); this.parent = c; return this; } public final UIObject removeFromContainer(UIContainer c) { c.children.remove(this); this.parent = null; return this; } public final UIObject redraw() { _redraw(); UIObject p = this.parent; while (p != null) { p.childNeedsRedraw = true; p = p.parent; } return this; } private final void _redraw() { needsRedraw = true; for (UIObject child : children) { childNeedsRedraw = true; child._redraw(); } } public final void draw(PGraphics pg) { if (!visible) { return; } if (needsRedraw) { needsRedraw = false; onDraw(pg); } if (childNeedsRedraw) { childNeedsRedraw = false; for (UIObject child : children) { if (needsRedraw || child.needsRedraw || child.childNeedsRedraw) { pg.pushMatrix(); pg.translate(child.x, child.y); child.draw(pg); pg.popMatrix(); } } } } public final boolean contains(float x, float y) { return (x >= this.x && x < (this.x + this.w)) && (y >= this.y && y < (this.y + this.h)); } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) {} protected void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) {} protected void onMouseReleased(float mx, float my) {} protected void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) {} protected void onMouseWheel(float mx, float my, float dx) {} } public class UIContainer extends UIObject { private UIObject focusedChild = null; public UIContainer() {} public UIContainer(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } public UIContainer(UIObject[] children) { for (UIObject child : children) { child.addToContainer(this); } } protected void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) { for (int i = children.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { UIObject child = children.get(i); if (child.contains(mx, my)) { child.onMousePressed(mx - child.x, my - child.y); focusedChild = child; break; } } } protected void onMouseReleased(float mx, float my) { if (focusedChild != null) { focusedChild.onMouseReleased(mx - focusedChild.x, my - focusedChild.y); } focusedChild = null; } protected void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) { if (focusedChild != null) { focusedChild.onMouseDragged(mx - focusedChild.x, my - focusedChild.y, dx, dy); } } protected void onMouseWheel(float mx, float my, float delta) { for (UIObject child : children) { if (child.contains(mx, my)) { child.onMouseWheel(mx - child.x, mx - child.y, delta); } } } } public class UIContext extends UIContainer { final public PGraphics pg; UIContext(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); pg = createGraphics((int)w, (int)h, JAVA2D); pg.smooth(); } public void draw() { if (!visible) { return; } if (needsRedraw || childNeedsRedraw) { pg.beginDraw(); draw(pg); pg.endDraw(); } image(pg, x, y); } private float px, py; private boolean dragging = false; public boolean mousePressed(float mx, float my) { if (!visible) { return false; } if (contains(mx, my)) { dragging = true; px = mx; py = my; onMousePressed(mx - x, my - y); return true; } return false; } public boolean mouseReleased(float mx, float my) { if (!visible) { return false; } dragging = false; onMouseReleased(mx - x, my - y); return true; } public boolean mouseDragged(float mx, float my) { if (!visible) { return false; } if (dragging) { float dx = mx - px; float dy = my - py; onMouseDragged(mx - x, my - y, dx, dy); px = mx; py = my; return true; } return false; } public boolean mouseWheel(float mx, float my, float delta) { if (!visible) { return false; } if (contains(mx, my)) { onMouseWheel(mx - x, my - y, delta); return true; } return false; } } public class UIWindow extends UIContext { protected final static int titleHeight = 24; public UIWindow(String label, float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); new UILabel(6, 8, w-6, titleHeight-8) { protected void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) { parent.x = constrain(parent.x + dx, 0, width - w); parent.y = constrain(parent.y + dy, 0, height - h); } }.setLabel(label).setFont(defaultTitleFont).addToContainer(this); } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(#444444); pg.stroke(#292929); pg.rect(0, 0, w-1, h-1); } } public class UILabel extends UIObject { private PFont font = defaultTitleFont; private color fontColor = #CCCCCC; private String label = ""; public UILabel(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { pg.textAlign(LEFT, TOP); pg.textFont(font); pg.fill(fontColor); pg.text(label, 0, 0); } public UILabel setFont(PFont font) { this.font = font; redraw(); return this; } public UILabel setFontColor(color fontColor) { this.fontColor = fontColor; redraw(); return this; } public UILabel setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; redraw(); return this; } } public class UIButton extends UIObject { private boolean active = false; private boolean isMomentary = false; private color borderColor = #666666; private color inactiveColor = #222222; private color activeColor = #669966; private color labelColor = #999999; private String label = ""; public UIButton(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } public UIButton setMomentary(boolean momentary) { isMomentary = momentary; return this; } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { pg.stroke(borderColor); pg.fill(active ? activeColor : inactiveColor); pg.rect(0, 0, w, h); if (label != null && label.length() > 0) { pg.fill(active ? #FFFFFF : labelColor); pg.textFont(defaultItemFont); pg.textAlign(CENTER); pg.text(label, w/2, h-5); } } protected void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) { if (isMomentary) { setActive(true); } else { setActive(!active); } } protected void onMouseReleased(float mx, float my) { if (isMomentary) { setActive(false); } } public UIButton setActive(boolean active) { this.active = active; onToggle(active); redraw(); return this; } public UIButton toggle() { return setActive(!active); } protected void onToggle(boolean active) {} public UIButton setBorderColor(color borderColor) { if (this.borderColor != borderColor) { this.borderColor = borderColor; redraw(); } return this; } public UIButton setActiveColor(color activeColor) { if (this.activeColor != activeColor) { this.activeColor = activeColor; if (active) { redraw(); } } return this; } public UIButton setInactiveColor(color inactiveColor) { if (this.inactiveColor != inactiveColor) { this.inactiveColor = inactiveColor; if (!active) { redraw(); } } return this; } public UIButton setLabelColor(color labelColor) { if (this.labelColor != labelColor) { this.labelColor = labelColor; redraw(); } return this; } public UIButton setLabel(String label) { if (!this.label.equals(label)) { this.label = label; redraw(); } return this; } public void onMousePressed() { setActive(!active); } } public class UIToggleSet extends UIObject { private String[] options; private int[] boundaries; private String value; public UIToggleSet(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } public UIToggleSet setOptions(String[] options) { this.options = options; boundaries = new int[options.length]; int totalLength = 0; for (String s : options) { totalLength += s.length(); } int lengthSoFar = 0; for (int i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) { lengthSoFar += options[i].length(); boundaries[i] = (int) (lengthSoFar * w / totalLength); } value = options[0]; redraw(); return this; } public String getValue() { return value; } public UIToggleSet setValue(String option) { value = option; onToggle(value); redraw(); return this; } public void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { pg.stroke(#666666); pg.fill(#222222); pg.rect(0, 0, w, h); for (int b : boundaries) { pg.line(b, 1, b, h-1); } pg.noStroke(); pg.textAlign(CENTER); pg.textFont(defaultItemFont); int leftBoundary = 0; for (int i = 0; i < options.length; ++i) { boolean isActive = options[i] == value; if (isActive) { pg.fill(lightGreen); pg.rect(leftBoundary + 1, 1, boundaries[i] - leftBoundary - 1, h-1); } pg.fill(isActive ? #FFFFFF : #999999); pg.text(options[i], (leftBoundary + boundaries[i]) / 2., h-6); leftBoundary = boundaries[i]; } } public void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) { for (int i = 0; i < boundaries.length; ++i) { if (mx < boundaries[i]) { setValue(options[i]); break; } } } protected void onToggle(String option) {} } public abstract class UIParameterControl extends UIObject implements LXParameter.Listener { protected LXParameter parameter = null; protected UIParameterControl(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } public void onParameterChanged(LXParameter parameter) { redraw(); } public UIParameterControl setParameter(LXParameter parameter) { if (this.parameter != null) { if (this.parameter instanceof LXListenableParameter) { ((LXListenableParameter)this.parameter).removeListener(this); } } this.parameter = parameter; if (this.parameter != null) { if (this.parameter instanceof LXListenableParameter) { ((LXListenableParameter)this.parameter).addListener(this); } } redraw(); return this; } } public class UIParameterKnob extends UIParameterControl { private int knobSize = 28; private final float knobIndent = .4; private final int knobLabelHeight = 14; public UIParameterKnob(float x, float y) { this(x, y, 0, 0); setSize(knobSize, knobSize + knobLabelHeight); } public UIParameterKnob(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { float knobValue = (parameter != null) ? parameter.getValuef() : 0; pg.ellipseMode(CENTER); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(bgGray); pg.rect(0, 0, knobSize, knobSize); // Full outer dark ring pg.fill(#222222); pg.arc(knobSize/2, knobSize/2, knobSize, knobSize, HALF_PI + knobIndent, HALF_PI + knobIndent + (TWO_PI-2*knobIndent)); // Light ring indicating value pg.fill(lightGreen); pg.arc(knobSize/2, knobSize/2, knobSize, knobSize, HALF_PI + knobIndent, HALF_PI + knobIndent + knobValue*(TWO_PI-2*knobIndent)); // Center circle of knob pg.fill(#333333); pg.ellipse(knobSize/2, knobSize/2, knobSize/2, knobSize/2); String knobLabel = (parameter != null) ? parameter.getLabel() : null; if (knobLabel == null) { knobLabel = "-"; } else if (knobLabel.length() > 4) { knobLabel = knobLabel.substring(0, 4); } pg.fill(#000000); pg.rect(0, knobSize + 2, knobSize, knobLabelHeight - 2); pg.fill(#999999); pg.textAlign(CENTER); pg.textFont(defaultTitleFont); pg.text(knobLabel, knobSize/2, knobSize + knobLabelHeight - 2); } public void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) { if (parameter != null) { float value = constrain(parameter.getValuef() - dy / 100., 0, 1); parameter.setValue(value); } } } public class UIParameterSlider extends UIParameterControl { private static final float handleWidth = 12; UIParameterSlider(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(#333333); pg.rect(0, 0, w, h); pg.fill(#222222); pg.rect(4, h/2-2, w-8, 4); pg.fill(#666666); pg.stroke(#222222); pg.rect((int) (4 + parameter.getValuef() * (w-8-handleWidth)), 4, handleWidth, h-8); } private boolean editing = false; protected void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) { float handleLeft = 4 + parameter.getValuef() * (w-8-handleWidth); if (mx >= handleLeft && mx < handleLeft + handleWidth) { editing = true; } } protected void onMouseReleased(float mx, float my) { editing = false; } protected void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) { if (editing) { parameter.setValue(constrain((mx - handleWidth/2. - 4) / (w-8-handleWidth), 0, 1)); } } } public class UIScrollList extends UIObject { private List items = new ArrayList(); private PFont itemFont = defaultItemFont; private int itemHeight = 20; private color selectedColor = lightGreen; private color pendingColor = lightBlue; private int scrollOffset = 0; private int numVisibleItems = 0; private boolean hasScroll; private float scrollYStart; private float scrollYHeight; public UIScrollList(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { int yp = 0; boolean even = true; for (int i = 0; i < numVisibleItems; ++i) { if (i + scrollOffset >= items.size()) { break; } ScrollItem item = items.get(i + scrollOffset); color itemColor; color labelColor = #FFFFFF; if (item.isSelected()) { itemColor = selectedColor; } else if (item.isPending()) { itemColor = pendingColor; } else { labelColor = #000000; itemColor = #707070; } float factor = even ? .92 : 1.08; itemColor = color(hue(itemColor), saturation(itemColor), min(100, factor*brightness(itemColor))); pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(itemColor); pg.rect(0, yp, w, itemHeight); pg.fill(labelColor); pg.textFont(itemFont); pg.textAlign(LEFT, TOP); pg.text(item.getLabel(), 6, yp+4); yp += itemHeight; even = !even; } if (hasScroll) { pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(color(0, 0, 100, 15)); pg.rect(w-12, 0, 12, h); pg.fill(#333333); pg.rect(w-12, scrollYStart, 12, scrollYHeight); } } private boolean scrolling = false; private ScrollItem pressedItem = null; public void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) { pressedItem = null; if (hasScroll && mx >= w-12) { if (my >= scrollYStart && my < (scrollYStart + scrollYHeight)) { scrolling = true; dAccum = 0; } } else { int index = (int) my / itemHeight; if (scrollOffset + index < items.size()) { pressedItem = items.get(scrollOffset + index); pressedItem.onMousePressed(); pressedItem.select(); redraw(); } } } public void onMouseReleased(float mx, float my) { scrolling = false; if (pressedItem != null) { pressedItem.onMouseReleased(); redraw(); } } private float dAccum = 0; public void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) { if (scrolling) { dAccum += dy; float scrollOne = h / items.size(); int offset = (int) (dAccum / scrollOne); if (offset != 0) { dAccum -= offset * scrollOne; setScrollOffset(scrollOffset + offset); } } } private float wAccum = 0; public void onMouseWheel(float mx, float my, float delta) { wAccum += delta; int offset = (int) (wAccum / 5); if (offset != 0) { wAccum -= offset * 5; setScrollOffset(scrollOffset + offset); } } public void setScrollOffset(int offset) { scrollOffset = constrain(offset, 0, items.size() - numVisibleItems); scrollYStart = (int) (scrollOffset * h / items.size()); scrollYHeight = (int) (numVisibleItems * h / (float) items.size()); redraw(); } public UIScrollList setItems(List items) { this.items = items; numVisibleItems = (int) (h / itemHeight); hasScroll = items.size() > numVisibleItems; setScrollOffset(0); redraw(); return this; } } public interface ScrollItem { public boolean isSelected(); public boolean isPending(); public String getLabel(); public void select(); public void onMousePressed(); public void onMouseReleased(); } public abstract class AbstractScrollItem implements ScrollItem { public boolean isPending() { return false; } public void select() {} public void onMousePressed() {} public void onMouseReleased() {} } public class UIIntegerBox extends UIObject { private int minValue = 0; private int maxValue = MAX_INT; private int value = 0; UIIntegerBox(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } public UIIntegerBox setRange(int minValue, int maxValue) { this.minValue = minValue; this.maxValue = maxValue; setValue(constrain(value, minValue, maxValue)); return this; } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { pg.stroke(#666666); pg.fill(#222222); pg.rect(0, 0, w, h); pg.textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); pg.textFont(defaultItemFont); pg.fill(#999999); pg.text("" + value, w/2, h/2); } protected void onValueChange(int value) {} float dAccum = 0; protected void onMousePressed(float mx, float my) { dAccum = 0; } protected void onMouseDragged(float mx, float my, float dx, float dy) { dAccum -= dy; int offset = (int) (dAccum / 5); dAccum = dAccum - (offset * 5); setValue(value + offset); } public int getValue() { return value; } public UIIntegerBox setValue(int value) { if (this.value != value) { int range = (maxValue - minValue + 1); while (value < minValue) { value += range; } this.value = minValue + (value - minValue) % range; this.onValueChange(this.value); redraw(); } return this; } }