/** * DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND DOUBLE BLACK DIAMOND * * //\\ //\\ //\\ //\\ * ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ ///\\\ * \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// \\\/// * \\// \\// \\// \\// * * EXPERTS ONLY!! EXPERTS ONLY!! * * Custom UI components using the framework. */ class UIPatternDeck extends UIWindow { Engine.Deck deck; public UIPatternDeck(Engine.Deck deck, String label, float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(label, x, y, w, h); this.deck = deck; int yp = titleHeight; List items = new ArrayList(); for (LXPattern p : deck.getPatterns()) { items.add(new PatternScrollItem(p)); } final UIScrollList patternList = new UIScrollList(1, yp, w-2, 160).setItems(items); patternList.addToContainer(this); yp += patternList.h + 10; final UIParameterKnob[] parameterKnobs = new UIParameterKnob[12]; for (int ki = 0; ki < parameterKnobs.length; ++ki) { parameterKnobs[ki] = new UIParameterKnob(5 + 34*(ki % 4), yp + (ki/4) * 48); parameterKnobs[ki].addToContainer(this); } Engine.Listener lxListener = new Engine.AbstractListener() { public void patternWillChange(Engine.Deck deck, LXPattern pattern, LXPattern nextPattern) { patternList.redraw(); } public void patternDidChange(Engine.Deck deck, LXPattern pattern) { patternList.redraw(); int pi = 0; for (LXParameter parameter : pattern.getParameters()) { if (pi >= parameterKnobs.length) { break; } parameterKnobs[pi++].setParameter(parameter); } while (pi < parameterKnobs.length) { parameterKnobs[pi++].setParameter(null); } } }; deck.addListener(lxListener); lxListener.patternDidChange(deck, deck.getActivePattern()); } class PatternScrollItem extends AbstractScrollItem { private LXPattern pattern; private String label; PatternScrollItem(LXPattern pattern) { this.pattern = pattern; label = className(pattern, "Pattern"); } public String getLabel() { return label; } public boolean isSelected() { return deck.getActivePattern() == pattern; } public boolean isPending() { return deck.getNextPattern() == pattern; } public void onMousePressed() { deck.goPattern(pattern); } } } class UICrossfader extends UIWindow { private final UIToggleSet displayMode; public UICrossfader(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super("CROSSFADER", x, y, w, h); List items = new ArrayList(); for (LXTransition t : glucose.getTransitions()) { items.add(new TransitionScrollItem(t)); } final UIScrollList tList; (tList = new UIScrollList(1, titleHeight, w-2, 120)).setItems(items).addToContainer(this); new UIParameterSlider(4, titleHeight + 126, w-10, 24).setParameter(lx.engine.getDeck(1).getCrossfader()).addToContainer(this); (displayMode = new UIToggleSet(4, 182, w-10, 20)).setOptions(new String[] { "A", "COMP", "B" }).setValue("COMP").addToContainer(this); lx.engine.getDeck(1).addListener(new Engine.AbstractListener() { public void blendTransitionDidChange(Engine.Deck deck, LXTransition transition) { tList.redraw(); } }); } public String getDisplayMode() { return displayMode.getValue(); } } class TransitionScrollItem extends AbstractScrollItem { private final LXTransition transition; private String label; TransitionScrollItem(LXTransition transition) { this.transition = transition; label = className(transition, "Transition"); } public String getLabel() { return label; } public boolean isSelected() { return transition == glucose.getSelectedTransition(); } public boolean isPending() { return false; } public void onMousePressed() { glucose.setSelectedTransition(transition); } } class UIEffects extends UIWindow { UIEffects(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super("FX", x, y, w, h); int yp = titleHeight; List items = new ArrayList(); for (LXEffect fx : glucose.lx.getEffects()) { items.add(new FXScrollItem(fx)); } final UIScrollList effectsList = new UIScrollList(1, yp, w-2, 60).setItems(items); effectsList.addToContainer(this); yp += effectsList.h + 10; final UIParameterKnob[] parameterKnobs = new UIParameterKnob[4]; for (int ki = 0; ki < parameterKnobs.length; ++ki) { parameterKnobs[ki] = new UIParameterKnob(5 + 34*(ki % 4), yp + (ki/4) * 48); parameterKnobs[ki].addToContainer(this); } GLucose.EffectListener fxListener = new GLucose.EffectListener() { public void effectSelected(LXEffect effect) { int i = 0; for (LXParameter p : effect.getParameters()) { if (i >= parameterKnobs.length) { break; } parameterKnobs[i++].setParameter(p); } while (i < parameterKnobs.length) { parameterKnobs[i++].setParameter(null); } } }; glucose.addEffectListener(fxListener); fxListener.effectSelected(glucose.getSelectedEffect()); } class FXScrollItem extends AbstractScrollItem { private LXEffect effect; private String label; FXScrollItem(LXEffect effect) { this.effect = effect; label = className(effect, "Effect"); } public String getLabel() { return label; } public boolean isSelected() { return !effect.isEnabled() && (glucose.getSelectedEffect() == effect); } public boolean isPending() { return effect.isEnabled(); } public void onMousePressed() { if (glucose.getSelectedEffect() == effect) { if (effect.isMomentary()) { effect.enable(); } else { effect.toggle(); } } else { glucose.setSelectedEffect(effect); } } public void onMouseReleased() { if (effect.isMomentary()) { effect.disable(); } } } } class UIOutput extends UIWindow { public UIOutput(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super("OUTPUT", x, y, w, h); float yp = titleHeight; final UIScrollList outputs = new UIScrollList(1, titleHeight, w-2, 80); List items = new ArrayList(); for (final PandaDriver panda : pandaBoards) { items.add(new PandaScrollItem(panda)); panda.setListener(new PandaDriver.Listener() { public void onToggle(boolean active) { outputs.redraw(); } }); } outputs.setItems(items).addToContainer(this); } class PandaScrollItem extends AbstractScrollItem { final PandaDriver panda; PandaScrollItem(PandaDriver panda) { this.panda = panda; } public String getLabel() { return panda.ip; } public boolean isSelected() { return panda.isEnabled(); } public void onMousePressed() { panda.toggle(); } } } class UITempo extends UIWindow { private final UIButton tempoButton; UITempo(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super("TEMPO", x, y, w, h); tempoButton = new UIButton(4, titleHeight, w-10, 20) { protected void onToggle(boolean active) { if (active) { lx.tempo.tap(); } } }.setMomentary(true); tempoButton.addToContainer(this); } public void draw() { tempoButton.setLabel("" + ((int)(lx.tempo.bpm() * 10)) / 10.); super.draw(); // Overlay tempo thing with openGL, redraw faster than button UI fill(color(0, 0, 24 - 8*lx.tempo.rampf())); noStroke(); rect(x + 8, y + titleHeight + 5, 12, 12); } } class UIMapping extends UIWindow { private static final String MAP_MODE_ALL = "ALL"; private static final String MAP_MODE_CHANNEL = "CHNL"; private static final String MAP_MODE_CUBE = "CUBE"; private static final String CUBE_MODE_ALL = "ALL"; private static final String CUBE_MODE_STRIP = "SNGL"; private static final String CUBE_MODE_PATTERN = "PTRN"; private final MappingTool mappingTool; private final UIIntegerBox channelBox; private final UIIntegerBox cubeBox; private final UIIntegerBox stripBox; UIMapping(MappingTool tool, float x, float y, float w, float h) { super("MAPPING", x, y, w, h); mappingTool = tool; int yp = titleHeight; new UIToggleSet(4, yp, w-10, 20) { protected void onToggle(String value) { if (value == MAP_MODE_ALL) mappingTool.mappingMode = mappingTool.MAPPING_MODE_ALL; else if (value == MAP_MODE_CHANNEL) mappingTool.mappingMode = mappingTool.MAPPING_MODE_CHANNEL; else if (value == MAP_MODE_CUBE) mappingTool.mappingMode = mappingTool.MAPPING_MODE_SINGLE_CUBE; } }.setOptions(new String[] { MAP_MODE_ALL, MAP_MODE_CHANNEL, MAP_MODE_CUBE }).addToContainer(this); yp += 24; new UILabel(4, yp+8, w-10, 20).setLabel("CHANNEL ID").addToContainer(this); yp += 24; (channelBox = new UIIntegerBox(4, yp, w-10, 20) { protected void onValueChange(int value) { mappingTool.setChannel(value-1); } }).setRange(1, mappingTool.numChannels()).addToContainer(this); yp += 24; new UILabel(4, yp+8, w-10, 20).setLabel("CUBE ID").addToContainer(this); yp += 24; (cubeBox = new UIIntegerBox(4, yp, w-10, 20) { protected void onValueChange(int value) { mappingTool.setCube(value-1); } }).setRange(1, glucose.model.cubes.size()).addToContainer(this); yp += 24; new UILabel(4, yp+8, w-10, 20).setLabel("COLORS").addToContainer(this); yp += 24; new UIScrollList(1, yp, w-2, 60).setItems(Arrays.asList(new ScrollItem[] { new ColorScrollItem(ColorScrollItem.COLOR_RED), new ColorScrollItem(ColorScrollItem.COLOR_GREEN), new ColorScrollItem(ColorScrollItem.COLOR_BLUE), })).addToContainer(this); yp += 64; new UILabel(4, yp+8, w-10, 20).setLabel("STRIP MODE").addToContainer(this); yp += 24; new UIToggleSet(4, yp, w-10, 20) { protected void onToggle(String value) { if (value == CUBE_MODE_ALL) mappingTool.cubeMode = mappingTool.CUBE_MODE_ALL; else if (value == CUBE_MODE_STRIP) mappingTool.cubeMode = mappingTool.CUBE_MODE_SINGLE_STRIP; else if (value == CUBE_MODE_PATTERN) mappingTool.cubeMode = mappingTool.CUBE_MODE_STRIP_PATTERN; } }.setOptions(new String[] { CUBE_MODE_ALL, CUBE_MODE_STRIP, CUBE_MODE_PATTERN }).addToContainer(this); yp += 24; new UILabel(4, yp+8, w-10, 20).setLabel("STRIP ID").addToContainer(this); yp += 24; (stripBox = new UIIntegerBox(4, yp, w-10, 20) { protected void onValueChange(int value) { mappingTool.setStrip(value-1); } }).setRange(1, Cube.STRIPS_PER_CUBE).addToContainer(this); } public void setChannelID(int value) { channelBox.setValue(value); } public void setCubeID(int value) { cubeBox.setValue(value); } public void setStripID(int value) { stripBox.setValue(value); } class ColorScrollItem extends AbstractScrollItem { public static final int COLOR_RED = 1; public static final int COLOR_GREEN = 2; public static final int COLOR_BLUE = 3; private final int colorChannel; ColorScrollItem(int colorChannel) { this.colorChannel = colorChannel; } public String getLabel() { switch (colorChannel) { case COLOR_RED: return "Red"; case COLOR_GREEN: return "Green"; case COLOR_BLUE: return "Blue"; } return ""; } public boolean isSelected() { switch (colorChannel) { case COLOR_RED: return mappingTool.channelModeRed; case COLOR_GREEN: return mappingTool.channelModeGreen; case COLOR_BLUE: return mappingTool.channelModeBlue; } return false; } public void select() { switch (colorChannel) { case COLOR_RED: mappingTool.channelModeRed = !mappingTool.channelModeRed; break; case COLOR_GREEN: mappingTool.channelModeGreen = !mappingTool.channelModeGreen; break; case COLOR_BLUE: mappingTool.channelModeBlue = !mappingTool.channelModeBlue; break; } } } } class UIDebugText extends UIContext { private String line1 = ""; private String line2 = ""; UIDebugText(float x, float y, float w, float h) { super(x, y, w, h); } public UIDebugText setText(String line1) { return setText(line1, ""); } public UIDebugText setText(String line1, String line2) { if (!line1.equals(this.line1) || !line2.equals(this.line2)) { this.line1 = line1; this.line2 = line2; setVisible(line1.length() + line2.length() > 0); redraw(); } return this; } protected void onDraw(PGraphics pg) { super.onDraw(pg); if (line1.length() + line2.length() > 0) { pg.noStroke(); pg.fill(#444444); pg.rect(0, 0, w, h); pg.textFont(defaultItemFont); pg.textAlign(LEFT, TOP); pg.fill(#cccccc); pg.text(line1, 4, 4); pg.text(line2, 4, 24); } } } String className(Object p, String suffix) { String s = p.getClass().getName(); int li; if ((li = s.lastIndexOf(".")) > 0) { s = s.substring(li + 1); } if (s.indexOf("SugarCubes$") == 0) { s = s.substring("SugarCubes$".length()); } if ((suffix != null) && ((li = s.indexOf(suffix)) != -1)) { s = s.substring(0, li); } return s; }