@echo off rem Check for NSIS IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles%\NSIS\makensis.exe" ( set NSIS="%ProgramFiles%\NSIS\makensis.exe" ) ELSE IF EXIST "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" ( set NSIS="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\NSIS\makensis.exe" ) ELSE GOTO NONSIS rem Check for the Windows DDK IF NOT EXIST "C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1" GOTO NODDK set DDK="C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1" cd ..\project del /s /f /q ..\build mkdir ..\build echo. Copying driver installer copy "%DDK%\redist\DIFx\dpinst\MultiLin\amd64\dpinst.exe" ..\build\dpinst-amd64.exe copy "%DDK%\redist\DIFx\dpinst\MultiLin\x86\dpinst.exe" ..\build\dpinst-x86.exe :CREATEINSTALLER echo. Creating the installer %NSIS% /V1 /X"SetCompressor /FINAL lzma" "p8-usbcec-driver.nsi" IF NOT EXIST "..\build\p8-usbcec-driver-installer.exe" GOTO :ERRORCREATINGINSTALLER rem Sign the installer if sign-binary.cmd exists IF EXIST "..\support\sign-binary.cmd" ( echo. Signing the installer binaries CALL ..\support\sign-binary.cmd ..\build\p8-usbcec-driver-installer.exe ) echo. The installer can be found here: ..\build\p8-usbcec-driver-installer.exe GOTO EXIT :NOSIS echo. NSIS could not be found on your system. GOTO EXIT :NODDK echo. Windows DDK could not be found on your system GOTO EXIT :ERRORCREATINGINSTALLER echo. The installer could not be created. :EXIT del /q /f ..\build\dpinst-amd64.exe del /q /f ..\build\dpinst-x86.exe cd ..\support