LIBNFS is a client library for accessing NFS shares over a network. LIBNFS offers three different APIs, for different use : 1, RAW : A fully async low level rpc library for nfs protocols This API is described in include/libnfs-raw.h it offers a fully async interface to raw XDR encoded blobs. This api provides very flexible and precice control of the RPC issued. examples/nfsclient-raw.c provides examples on how to use the raw API 2, NFS ASYNC : A fully asynchronous library for high level vfs functions This API is described by the *_async() fucntions in include/libnfs.h. This API provides a fully async access to posix vfs like functions such as stat(), read(), ... examples/nfsclient-async.c provides examples on how to use this API 3, NFS SYNC : A synchronous library for high level vfs functions This API is described by the *_sync() fucntions in include/libnfs.h. This API provides access to posix vfs like functions such as stat(), read(), ... examples/nfsclient-sync.c provides examples on how to use this API