DESCRIPTION ----------- LSystem3d is a experimental Lindenmayer System generator with 3d capabilities, whose main goal is to generate all kinds of plants or whatever fractal l-system structures the user desires. For now, LSystem3d is highly under development and is considered alpha, that is, lots of things are missing and it will probably not work 100% accurate. REQUIREMENTS ------------ Currently tested in Debian GNU/Linux (Sid) only, but should compile fine on other platforms without bigger modification. Necessary libs: OpenGL GLU GLUI User Interface Library GLUT (freeglut) libxml++ glibmm USAGE ----- Keys: Esc quit + zoom in - zoom out y rotate around the y-axis Up move camera up Down move camera down Left move camera left Right move camera right PageUp move camera forth PageDown move camera back Rules: = name/rule separator A-Z rewrite operator, step forward + turn left - turn right & pitch down ^ pitch up \ roll left / roll right | turn around 180 degrees [ save state to stack ] restore state from stack { first vertex of a filled surface } last vertex of a filled surface f one vertex of a filled surface ! decrement diameter of segment Example: The GUI input Axiom: A Rule #1: A=A/[!+A&A]/A Angle: 30.0 Iterations: 4 will render a simple l-system and create the xml-structure A A/[!+A&A]/A 30.0 4 and save it to the file named "lsystem.xml" when quitting. The same file will be initially loaded every time LSystem3d is started.