TP 11 exo1: deconstify where appropriate
[TD_C.git] / TP_13 / exo1 / lib / array.c
1 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include "array.h"
5 int* create_tab(int tab[], unsigned tab_size) {
6 tab = malloc(sizeof(int) * tab_size);
7 if (tab != NULL) {
8 /* initialize to zero the integer array */
9 for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab_size; i++) {
10 tab[i] = 0;
11 }
12 }
13 return tab;
14 }
16 void free_tab(int tab[]) {
17 free(tab);
18 }
20 /* we suppose both tabs are already created */
21 static void copy_tab(int src_tab[], int dest_tab[], unsigned src_tab_size, unsigned index_offset) {
22 /* FIXME: I think it's worth doing some sanity checks on the array size:
23 * dest_tab_size >= src_tab_size */
24 for (unsigned i = 0; i < src_tab_size; i++) {
25 dest_tab[i + index_offset] = src_tab[i];
26 }
27 }
29 int* concat_tab(int tab1[], unsigned tab_size1, int tab2[], unsigned tab_size2, int tab_dest[]) {
30 int* rt = create_tab(tab_dest, tab_size1 + tab_size2);
32 copy_tab(tab1, tab_dest, tab_size1, 0);
33 copy_tab(tab2, tab_dest, tab_size2, tab_size1);
34 return rt;
35 }
37 int* resize_tab(int tab[], unsigned new_tab_size) {
38 tab = realloc(tab, sizeof(int) * new_tab_size);
39 return tab;
40 }
42 /* number of occurences of an element in an unsorted array */
43 int count_tab_element(int tab[], unsigned tab_size, int element) {
44 unsigned el_count = 0;
45 for (unsigned i = 0; i < tab_size; i++) {
46 if (tab[i] == element) {
47 el_count++;
48 }
49 }
50 return el_count;
51 }
53 void sort_tab(int tab[], unsigned tab_size, criteria_cb criteria) {
54 sort_bubble_array(tab, tab_size, criteria);
55 }