final int VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 900;
final int VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 700;
-int targetFramerate = 30;
+int targetFramerate = 45;
int startMillis, lastMillis;
GLucose glucose;
boolean debugMode = false;
+// Camera variables
+final float eyeR = -270;
+float eyeA, eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ, midX, midY, midZ;
void setup() {
startMillis = lastMillis = millis();
logTime("Setup MIDI devices");
+ // Setup camera
+ midX = glucose.model.xMax/2 + 20;
+ midY = glucose.model.yMax/2;
+ midZ = glucose.model.zMax/2;
+ eyeA = .15;
+ eyeY = midY + 20;
+ eyeX = midX + eyeR*sin(eyeA);
+ eyeZ = midZ + eyeR*cos(eyeA);
println("Total setup: " + (millis() - startMillis) + "ms");
println("Hit the 'p' key to toggle Panda Board output");
void draw() {
- // The glucose engine deals with the core simulation here, we don't need
- // to do anything specific. This method just needs to exist.
+ // Draws the simulation and the 2D UI overlay
+ background(40);
+ color[] colors = glucose.getColors();
+ camera(
+ eyeX, eyeY, eyeZ,
+ midX, midY, midZ,
+ 0, -1, 0
+ );
+ stroke(#333333);
+ fill(#292929);
+ float yFloor = -3;
+ beginShape();
+ vertex(0, yFloor, 0);
+ vertex(glucose.model.xMax, yFloor, 0);
+ vertex(glucose.model.xMax, yFloor, glucose.model.zMax);
+ vertex(0, yFloor, glucose.model.zMax);
+ endShape(CLOSE);
+ noFill();
+ strokeWeight(2);
+ beginShape(POINTS);
+ for (Point p : glucose.model.points) {
+ stroke(colors[p.index]);
+ vertex(p.fx, p.fy, p.fz);
+ }
+ endShape();
+ // 2D Overlay
+ camera();
+ gl= ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).beginGL();
+ gl.glClear(;
+ ((PGraphicsOpenGL)g).endGL();
+ strokeWeight(1);
+ drawUI();
// TODO(mcslee): move into GLucose engine
if (pandaBoardsEnabled) {
- color[] colors = glucose.getColors();
+int mx, my;
+void mousePressed() {
+ if (mouseX > ui.leftPos) {
+ ui.mousePressed();
+ } else {
+ mx = mouseX;
+ my = mouseY;
+ }
+void mouseDragged() {
+ if (mouseX > ui.leftPos) {
+ ui.mouseDragged();
+ } else {
+ int dx = mouseX - mx;
+ int dy = mouseY - my;
+ mx = mouseX;
+ my = mouseY;
+ eyeA += dx*.003;
+ eyeX = midX + eyeR*sin(eyeA);
+ eyeZ = midZ + eyeR*cos(eyeA);
+ eyeY += dy;
+ }
+void mouseReleased() {
+ if (mouseX > ui.leftPos) {
+ ui.mouseReleased();
+ }