- private void setPhase(float phase) {
- this.phase = phase;
- setPhaseNormalFromPhase();
- }
Line getAxis() {
return axis;
void step(int deltaMs) {
// Rotate
if (rotationPeriod != 0) {
- setPhase(phase + (deltaMs / rotationPeriod) * TWO_PI);
+ this.phase = (phase + ((float)deltaMs / (float)rotationPeriod) * TWO_PI);
PVector pointOnToroidalAxis(float t) {
PVector p = axis.getPointAt(t);
PVector middle = PVector.add(p, phaseNormal);
- return axis.rotatePoint(middle, (t / period) * TWO_PI);
+ return axis.rotatePoint(middle, (t / period) * TWO_PI + phase);
color colorOfPoint(final PVector p) {
// Find the appropriate point for the current rotation
// of the helix.
- float t = axis.getTValue(projectedPoint);
+ float t = axis.getTValue(p);
PVector toroidPoint = pointOnToroidalAxis(t);
// The rotated point represents the middle of the girth of
// the helix. Figure out if the current point is inside that
// region.
float d = PVector.dist(p, toroidPoint);
- boolean inToroid = d < girth;
- // Soften edges by fading brightness
+ // Soften edges by fading brightness.
float b = constrain(100*(1 - ((d-.5*girth)/(girth*.5))), 0, 100);
- return color((lx.getBaseHuef() + (360*(phase / TWO_PI)))%360, (inToroid ? 80 : 0), b);
+ return color((lx.getBaseHuef() + (360*(phase / TWO_PI)))%360, 80, b);
h1 = new Helix(
- new Line(new PVector(100, 50, 70), new PVector(1,0,0)),
- 700, // period
- 50, // radius
+ new Line(new PVector(100, 50, 45), new PVector(1,0,0)),
+ 100, // period
+ 40, // radius
30, // girth
0, // phase
10000); // rotation period (ms)
h2 = new Helix(
new Line(new PVector(100, 50, 70), new PVector(1,0,0)),
- 700,
- 50,
+ 100,
+ 40,