class SineSphere extends SCPattern {
+ float modelrad = sqrt((model.xMax)*(model.xMax) + (model.yMax)*(model.yMax) + (model.zMax)*(model.zMax));
private BasicParameter yrotspeed = new BasicParameter("yspeed", 3000, 1, 10000);
- private BasicParameter yrot2speed = new BasicParameter("y2speed", 8000, 1, 15000);
+ private BasicParameter yrot2speed = new BasicParameter("y2speed", 4000, 1, 15000);
private BasicParameter yrot3speed = new BasicParameter("y3speed", 1400, 1, 15000);
- private BasicParameter vibrationrate = new BasicParameter("vib", 1000, 1, 10000);
+ private BasicParameter vibrationrate = new BasicParameter("vib", 3000, 1, 10000);
private SawLFO yrot = new SawLFO(0, TWO_PI, yrotspeed);
private SawLFO yrot2 = new SawLFO(0, -TWO_PI, yrot2speed);
private SawLFO yrot3 = new SawLFO(0, -TWO_PI, yrot3speed);
- public BasicParameter huespread = new BasicParameter("Hue", 0, 180);
- public BasicParameter widthparameter= new BasicParameter("Width", .2);
+ public BasicParameter huespread = new BasicParameter("Hue", 0, 360);
+ public BasicParameter widthparameter= new BasicParameter("Width", 20, 1, 60);
+ public BasicParameter vibration_magnitude = new BasicParameter("Vmag", 20, 2, modelrad/2);
+ public BasicParameter scale = new BasicParameter("Scale", 1, .1, 5);
private int pitch = 0;
private int channel = 0;
private int velocity = 0;
public final LXProjection sinespin;
public final LXProjection sinespin2;
public final LXProjection sinespin3;
- float modelrad = sqrt((model.xMax)*(model.xMax) + (model.yMax)*(model.yMax) + (model.zMax)*(model.zMax));
Pick Sshape;
public BasicParameter rotationx = new BasicParameter("rotx", 0, 0, 1 );
class Sphery {
float f1xcenter, f1ycenter, f1zcenter, f2xcenter , f2ycenter, f2zcenter; //second three are for an ellipse with two foci
private SinLFO vibration;
- private SinLFO surface;
- private SinLFO vx;
+ private SinLFO surfacewave;
private SinLFO xbounce;
public SinLFO ybounce;
private SinLFO zbounce;
- float vibration_min, vibration_max, vperiod;
+ float vibration_magnitude, vperiod; //vibration_min; vibration_max;
//public BasicParameter huespread;
public BasicParameter bouncerate;
public BasicParameter vibrationrate;
public final PVector circlecenter = new PVector();
- public Sphery(float f1xcenter, float f1ycenter, float f1zcenter, float vibration_min, float vibration_max, float vperiod)
+ public Sphery(float f1xcenter, float f1ycenter, float f1zcenter, float vibration_magnitude , float vperiod)
this.f1xcenter = f1xcenter;
this.f1ycenter = f1ycenter;
this.f1zcenter = f1zcenter;
- this.vibration_min = vibration_min;
- this.vibration_max = vibration_max;
+ this.vibration_magnitude = vibration_magnitude;
this.vperiod = vperiod;
//addParameter(bounceamp = new BasicParameter("Amp", .5));
//addParameter(bouncerate = new BasicParameter("Rate", .5)); //ybounce.modulateDurationBy(bouncerate);
//addParameter(vibrationrate = new BasicParameter("vibration", 1000, 10000));
//addParameter(widthparameter = new BasicParameter("Width", .2));
- addModulator( vx = new SinLFO(500, 10000, 100000)).trigger() ;
- //addModulator(xbounce = new SinLFO(model.xMax/3, 2*model.yMax/3, 2000)).trigger();
+ //addModulator(xbounce = new SinLFO(model.xMax/3, 2*model.yMax/3, 2000)).trigger();
addModulator(ybounce= new SinLFO(model.yMax/3, 2*model.yMax/3, 240000)).trigger(); //bounce.modulateDurationBy
//addModulator(bounceamp); //ybounce.setMagnitude(bouncerate);
- addModulator( vibration = new SinLFO(vibration_min , vibration_max, 30000)).trigger(); //vibration.setPeriod(240000/lx.tempo.bpm());
+ addModulator( vibration = new SinLFO( modelrad/10 - vibration_magnitude , modelrad/10 + vibration_magnitude, vperiod)).trigger(); //vibration.setPeriod(240000/lx.tempo.bpm());
+ // public Sphery(float f1xcenter, float f1ycenter, float f1zcenter, float vibration_magnitude, float vperiod)
+ // {
+ // this.f1xcenter = f1xcenter;
+ // this.f1ycenter = f1ycenter;
+ // this.f1zcenter = f1zcenter;
+ // this.vibration_magnitude = vibration_magnitude;
+ // this.vperiod = vperiod;
+ // addModulator(ybounce= new SinLFO(model.yMax/3, 2*model.yMax/3, 240000)).trigger(); //bounce.modulateDurationBy
+ // addModulator( vibration = new SinLFO( modelrad/10 - vibration_magnitude , modelrad/10 + vibration_magnitude, vperiod)).trigger(); //vibration.setPeriod(240000/lx.tempo.bpm());
+ // }
//for an ellipse
// public Sphery(float f1xcenter, float f1ycenter, float f1zcenter, float f2xcenter, float f2ycenter, float f2zcenter,
// float vibration_min, float vibration_max, float vperiod)
+void setVibrationMagnitude(double mag){
+//to-do: make this optionally conditional upon decibel volume, frequency spectrum)
float distfromcirclecenter(float px, float py, float pz, float f1x, float f1y, float f1z)
float qtheta = atan2( (q.x-f1xcenter) , (q.z - f1zcenter) );
- return map(qtheta, -PI/2, PI/2, 160-huespread.getValuef(), 240 +huespread.getValuef());
+ return map(qtheta, -PI/2, PI/2, 180-huespread.getValuef(), 220+huespread.getValuef());
//if (q.x > f1xcenter ) {return 140 ;}
//else {return 250;}
//switch(sShpape.cur() ) {}
- float b = max(0, 100 - 100*widthparameter.getValuef()*abs(p.dist(circlecenter)
- - vibration.getValuef() ) );
+ float b = max(0, 100 - widthparameter.getValuef()*abs(p.dist(circlecenter)
+ - vibration.getValuef()) );
if (b <= 0) {
return 0;
return lx.hsb(
constrain(quadrant(p), 0, 360),
- 80,
- b
+ // constrain(100*noise(quadrant(p)), 0, 100),
+ 100,
+ b
color ellipsevalue(float px, float py, float pz , float f1xc, float f1yc, float f1zc, float f2xc, float f2yc, float f2zc)
SineSphere(GLucose glucose)
+ println("modelrad " + modelrad);
sinespin = new LXProjection(model);
sinespin2 = new LXProjection(model);
sinespin3= new LXProjection(model);
+ addParameter(widthparameter);
+ addParameter(vibration_magnitude);
+ addParameter(scale);
//Sshape = addPick("Shape", , 1);
spherys = new Sphery[] {
- new Sphery(model.xMax/4, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/16, modelrad/8, 3000),
- new Sphery(.75*model.xMax, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/20, modelrad/10, 2000),
- new Sphery(model.xMax/2, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/4, modelrad/8, 2300),
+ new Sphery(model.xMax/4, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/8, 3000),
+ new Sphery(.75*model.xMax, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/10, 2000),
+ new Sphery(model.xMax/2, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/5, 2300),
+ new Sphery(.7*model.xMax, .65*model.yMax, .5*model.zMax, modelrad/7, 3500),
+ new Sphery(.75*model.xMax, .8*model.yMax, .7*model.zMax, modelrad/10, 2000),
+ new Sphery(model.xMax/2, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/4, 2300),
- new Sphery(.7*model.xMax, .65*model.yMax, .5*model.zMax, modelrad/14, modelrad/7, 3500),
- new Sphery(.75*model.xMax, .8*model.yMax, .7*model.zMax, modelrad/20, modelrad/10, 2000),
- new Sphery(model.xMax/2, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/4, modelrad/8, 2300),
+ // new Sphery(model.xMax/4, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/16, modelrad/8, 3000),
+ // new Sphery(.75*model.xMax, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/20, modelrad/10, 2000),
+ // new Sphery(model.xMax/2, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/4, modelrad/8, 2300),
+ // new Sphery(.7*model.xMax, .65*model.yMax, .5*model.zMax, modelrad/14, modelrad/7, 3500),
+ // new Sphery(.75*model.xMax, .8*model.yMax, .7*model.zMax, modelrad/20, modelrad/10, 2000),
+ // new Sphery(model.xMax/2, model.yMax/2, model.zMax/2, modelrad/4, modelrad/8, 2300),
public void run( double deltaMs) {
float t = lx.tempo.rampf();
float bpm = lx.tempo.bpmf();
+ float scalevalue = scale.getValuef();
// switch (cur) {
+ // s.setVibrationMagnitude(vibration_magnitude.getValuef());
// Translate so the center of the car is the origin, offset
- // .scale(1.3,1.3,1.3)
+ .scale(scalevalue, scalevalue, scalevalue)
// Rotate around the origin (now the center of the car) about an y-vector
.rotate(yrot.getValuef(), rotationx.getValuef(), rotationy.getValuef() , rotationz.getValuef())
+ .scale(scalevalue,scalevalue,scalevalue)
.rotate(yrot2.getValuef(), rotationx.getValuef(), rotationy.getValuef() , rotationz.getValuef())
+ .scale(scalevalue,scalevalue,scalevalue)
.rotate(yrot3.getValuef(),-1 + rotationx.getValuef(), rotationy.getValuef(), rotationz.getValuef())
for (LXVector p: sinespin3)