SinLFO x,y,z,dx,dy,dz;
float cRad; BasicParameter pSize;
Pick pChoose;
- xyz v = new xyz(), vMir = new xyz();
+ PVector v = new PVector(), vMir = new PVector();
Pong(GLucose glucose) {
addModulator(y = new SinLFO(cRad, mMax.y - cRad, 0)).trigger(); y.modulateDurationBy(dy);
addModulator(z = new SinLFO(cRad, mMax.z - cRad, 0)).trigger(); z.modulateDurationBy(dz);
pSize = addParam ("Size" , 0.4 );
- pChoose = addPick ("Animiation" , 0, 2, new String[] {"Pong", "Ball", "Cone"} );
+ pChoose = addPick ("Animiation" , 2, 2, new String[] {"Pong", "Ball", "Cone"} );
void StartRun(double deltaMs) { cRad = mMax.x*val(pSize)/6; }
- color CalcPoint(xyz p) {
+ color CalcPoint(PVector p) {
v.set(x.getValuef(), y.getValuef(), z.getValuef());
v.z=0;p.z=0;// ignore z dimension
switch(pChoose.Cur()) {
- case 0: vMir.set(mMax); vMir.subtract(p);
- return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - min(v.distance(p), v.distance(vMir))*.5/cRad)); // balls
- case 1: return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - v.distance(p)*.5/cRad)); // ball
+ case 0: vMir.set(mMax); vMir.sub(p);
+ return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - min(v.dist(p), v.dist(vMir))*.5/cRad)); // balls
+ case 1: return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - v.dist(p)*.5/cRad)); // ball
case 2: vMir.set(mMax.x/2,0,mMax.z/2);
- return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - CalcCone(p,v,vMir) * max(.02,.45-val(pSize)))); // spot
+ return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - calcCone(p,v,vMir) * max(.02,.45-val(pSize)))); // spot
return lx.hsb(0,0,0);
- color CalcPoint(xyz P) {
+ color CalcPoint(PVector p) {
color c = 0;
- P.rotateZ(mCtr, zSin, zCos);
+ rotateZ(p, mCtr, zSin, zCos);
if (CurAnim == 6 || CurAnim == 7) {
- P.setNorm();
+ setNorm(p);
return lx.hsb(lxh(),100, 100 * (
- constrain(1-50*(1-val(pDensity))*abs(P.y-sin(zTime*10 + P.x*(300))*.5 - .5),0,1) +
- (CurAnim == 7 ? constrain(1-50*(1-val(pDensity))*abs(P.x-sin(zTime*10 + P.y*(300))*.5 - .5),0,1) : 0))
+ constrain(1-50*(1-val(pDensity))*abs(p.y-sin(zTime*10 + p.x*(300))*.5 - .5),0,1) +
+ (CurAnim == 7 ? constrain(1-50*(1-val(pDensity))*abs(p.x-sin(zTime*10 + p.y*(300))*.5 - .5),0,1) : 0))
- if (iSymm == XSym && P.x > mMax.x/2) P.x = mMax.x-P.x;
- if (iSymm == YSym && P.y > mMax.y/2) P.y = mMax.y-P.y;
+ if (iSymm == XSym && p.x > mMax.x/2) p.x = mMax.x-p.x;
+ if (iSymm == YSym && p.y > mMax.y/2) p.y = mMax.y-p.y;
for (int i=0;i<_ND; i++) if (N[i].Active()) {
NDat n = N[i];
float zx = zTime * n.speed * n.sinAngle,
zy = zTime * n.speed * n.cosAngle;
- float b = (iSymm==RadSym ? noise(zTime*n.speed+n.xoff-P.distance(mCtr)/n.xz)
- : noise(P.x/n.xz+zx+n.xoff,P.y/n.yz+zy+n.yoff,P.z/n.zz+n.zoff))
+ float b = (iSymm==RadSym ? noise(zTime*n.speed+n.xoff-p.dist(mCtr)/n.xz)
+ : noise(p.x/n.xz+zx+n.xoff,p.y/n.yz+zy+n.yoff,p.z/n.zz+n.zoff))
b += n.den/100 -.4 + val(pDensity) -1;
float zTheta=0;
ArrayList<rWave> waves = new ArrayList<rWave>(10);
- rAngle a1 = new rAngle(), a2 = new rAngle(),
- a3 = new rAngle(), a4 = new rAngle();
- xyz cPrev = new xyz(), cRand = new xyz(),
- cMid = new xyz(), V = new xyz(),
- theta = new xyz(), tSin = new xyz(),
- tCos = new xyz(), cMidNorm = new xyz(),
- Pn = new xyz();
+ rAngle a1 = new rAngle(), a2 = new rAngle(),
+ a3 = new rAngle(), a4 = new rAngle();
+ PVector cPrev = new PVector(), cRand = new PVector(),
+ cMid = new PVector(), V = new PVector(),
+ theta = new PVector(), tSin = new PVector(),
+ tCos = new PVector(), cMidNorm = new PVector(),
+ Pn = new PVector();
float LastBeat=3, LastMeasure=3;
int curRandTempo = 1, curRandTPat = 1;
Pick pTimePattern, pTempoMult, pShape;
if (t<LastBeat) {
- cPrev.set(cRand); cRand.setRand();
+ cPrev.set(cRand); setRand(cRand);
a1.set(); a2.set(); a3.set(); a4.set();
} LastBeat = t;
case 6: t = .5*(1-cos(PI*t)); break; // slide
- cMid.set (cPrev); cMid.interpolate (t,cRand);
- cMidNorm.set (cMid); cMidNorm.setNorm();
+ cMid.set (cPrev); interpolate(t,cMid,cRand);
+ cMidNorm.set (cMid); setNorm(cMidNorm);
a1.move(); a2.move(); a3.move(); a4.move();
- color CalcPoint(xyz Px) {
- if (theta.x != 0) Px.rotateX(mCtr, tSin.x, tCos.x);
- if (theta.y != 0) Px.rotateY(mCtr, tSin.y, tCos.y);
- if (theta.z != 0) Px.rotateZ(mCtr, tSin.z, tCos.z);
+ color CalcPoint(PVector Px) {
+ if (theta.x != 0) rotateX(Px, mCtr, tSin.x, tCos.x);
+ if (theta.y != 0) rotateY(Px, mCtr, tSin.y, tCos.y);
+ if (theta.z != 0) rotateZ(Px, mCtr, tSin.z, tCos.z);
- Pn.set(Px); Pn.setNorm();
+ Pn.set(Px); setNorm(Pn);
float mp = min(Pn.x, Pn.z);
float yt = map(t,0,1,.5-bnc/2,.5+bnc/2);
case 11:
Px.z=mCtr.z; cMid.z=mCtr.z;
- return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - CalcCone(Px,cMid,mCtr) * 0.02 > .5?1:0)); // cone
+ return lx.hsb(lxh(),100,c1c(1 - calcCone(Px,cMid,mCtr) * 0.02 > .5?1:0)); // cone
case 12: return lx.hsb(lxh() + noise(Pn.x,Pn.y,Pn.z + (NoiseMove+50000)/1000.)*200,
85,c1c(Pn.y < noise(Pn.x + NoiseMove/2000.,Pn.z)*(1+amp)-amp/2.-.1 ? 1 : 0)); // noise
default: return lx.hsb(0,0,0);
- return lx.hsb(lxh(), 100, c1c(1 - V.distance(Pn)/rad));
+ return lx.hsb(lxh(), 100, c1c(1 - V.dist(Pn)/rad));
private BasicParameter pSpawn = new BasicParameter("DIR" , 0);
private BasicParameter pColor = new BasicParameter("CLR" , .1);
- int zMidLat = 82;
+ float zMidLat = 82.;
float nConfusion;
private final Click moveChase = new Click(1000);
- xyz middle;
+ PVector middle;
int AnimNum() { return floor(pSpawn.getValuef()*(4-.01)); }
float randX() { return random(model.xMax-model.xMin)+model.xMin; }
float randY() { return random(model.yMax-model.yMin)+model.yMin; }
- xyz randEdge() {
- return random(2) < 1 ? new xyz(random(2)<1 ? model.xMin:model.xMax, randY(), zMidLat) :
- new xyz(randX(), random(2)<1 ? model.yMin:model.yMax, zMidLat) ;
+ PVector randEdge() {
+ return random(2) < 1 ? new PVector(random(2)<1 ? model.xMin:model.xMax, randY(), zMidLat) :
+ new PVector(randX(), random(2)<1 ? model.yMin:model.yMax, zMidLat) ;
Worms(GLucose glucose) {
addParameter(pEQ); addParameter(pConfusion);
addParameter(pSpawn); addParameter(pColor);
- middle = new xyz(,, 71);
+ middle = new PVector(,, 71);
if (lattice == null) lattice = new dLattice();
for (int i=0; i<numCursors; i++) { dCursor c = new dCursor(); reset(c); cur.add(c); }
onParameterChanged(pEQ); setNewDest();
case 1: c.clr = lx.hsb(getClr(),100,100); // top to bottom
float xLin = randX();
- c.setDest(lattice.getClosest(new xyz(xLin, 0 , zMidLat)).v, nConfusion);
- c.setCur (lattice.getClosest(new xyz(xLin, model.yMax, zMidLat)));
+ c.setDest(lattice.getClosest(new PVector(xLin, 0 , zMidLat)).v, nConfusion);
+ c.setCur (lattice.getClosest(new PVector(xLin, model.yMax, zMidLat)));
case 2: c.clr = lx.hsb(getClr(),100,100); break; // chase a point around
case 3: boolean bLeft = random(2)<1;
c.clr = lx.hsb(getClr()+random(120),100,100); // sideways
float yLin = randX();
- c.setDest(lattice.getClosest(new xyz(bLeft ? 0 : model.xMax,yLin,zMidLat)).v, nConfusion);
- c.setCur (lattice.getClosest(new xyz(bLeft ? model.xMax : 0,yLin,zMidLat)));
+ c.setDest(lattice.getClosest(new PVector(bLeft ? 0 : model.xMax,yLin,zMidLat)).v, nConfusion);
+ c.setCur (lattice.getClosest(new PVector(bLeft ? model.xMax : 0,yLin,zMidLat)));
if (pBlur.getValuef() == 1 && random(2)<1) c.clr = lx.hsb(0,0,0);
void setNewDest() {
if (AnimNum() != 2) return;
- xyz dest = new xyz(randX(), randY(), zMidLat);
+ PVector dest = new PVector(randX(), randY(), zMidLat);
for (int i=0; i<numCursors; i++) {
cur.get(i).setDest(lattice.getClosest(dest).v, nConfusion);
cur.get(i).clr = lx.hsb(getClr()+75,100,100); // chase a point around
-xyz mMax, mCtr, mHalf;
int NumApcRows=4, NumApcCols=8;
boolean btwn (int a,int b,int c) { return a >= b && a <= c; }
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
public class Pick {
int NumPicks, Default ,
CurRow , CurCol ,
def = _def; b = _def; tag = _tag; row = _row; col = _col;
-public class xyz { float x,y,z; // extends pVector; eliminate half of the functions
- xyz() {x=y=z=0;}
- xyz(Point p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y; z=p.z;}
- xyz(xyz p ) {set(p); }
- xyz(float _x,float _y,float _z) {x=_x ; y=_y ; z=_z ;}
- void set(Point p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y; z=p.z;}
- void set(xyz p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y ; z=p.z ;}
- void set(float _x,float _y,float _z) {x=_x ; y=_y ; z=_z ;}
- void zoomX (float zx) {x = x*zx - mMax.x*(zx-1)/2; }
- void zoomY (float zy) {y = y*zy - mMax.y*(zy-1)/2; }
- float distance(xyz b) {return dist(x,y,z,b.x,b.y,b.z); }
- float distance(float _x, float _y) {return dist(x,y,_x,_y); }
- float dot (xyz b) {return x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z; }
- void add (xyz b) {x += b.x; y += b.y; z += b.z; }
- void add (float b) {x += b ; y += b ; z += b ; }
- void subtract(xyz b) {x -= b.x; y -= b.y; z -= b.z; }
- void scale (float b) {x *= b ; y *= b ; z *= b ; }
- void rotateZ (xyz o, float nSin, float nCos) {
- float nX = nCos*(x-o.x) - nSin*(y-o.y) + o.x;
- float nY = nSin*(x-o.x) + nCos*(y-o.y) + o.y;
- x = nX; y = nY;
- }
- void rotateX (xyz o, float nSin, float nCos) {
- float nY = nCos*(y-o.y) - nSin*(z-o.z) + o.y;
- float nZ = nSin*(y-o.y) + nCos*(z-o.z) + o.z;
- y = nY; z = nZ;
- }
- void rotateY (xyz o, float nSin, float nCos) {
- float nZ = nCos*(z-o.z) - nSin*(x-o.x) + o.z;
- float nX = nSin*(z-o.z) + nCos*(x-o.x) + o.x;
- z = nZ; x = nX;
- }
- void setRand () { x = random(mMax.x); y = random(mMax.y); z = random(mMax.z); }
- void setNorm () { x /= mMax.x; y /= mMax.y; z /= mMax.z; }
- void interpolate(float i, xyz d) { x = interp(i,x,d.x); y = interp(i,y,d.y); z = interp(i,z,d.z); }
public class DPat extends SCPattern
ArrayList<Pick> picks = new ArrayList<Pick> ();
ArrayList<DBool> bools = new ArrayList<DBool> ();
+ PVector mMax, mCtr, mHalf;
MidiOutput APCOut;
int nMaxRow = 53;
- float LastQuant = -1, LastJog = -1;
+ float LastJog = -1;
float[] xWaveNz, yWaveNz;
int nPoint , nPoints;
- xyz xyzJog = new xyz(), vT1 = new xyz(), vT2 = new xyz();
- xyz modmin;
+ PVector xyzJog = new PVector(), modmin;
float NoiseMove = random(10000);
BasicParameter pSpark, pWave, pRotX, pRotY, pRotZ, pSpin, pTransX, pTransY;
DBool pXsym, pYsym, pRsym, pXdup, pXtrip, pJog, pGrey;
- float lxh () { return lx.getBaseHuef(); }
- int c1c (float a) { return round(100*constrain(a,0,1)); }
- float interpWv(float i, float[] vals) { return interp(i-floor(i), vals[floor(i)], vals[ceil(i)]); }
- float CalcCone (xyz v1, xyz v2, xyz c) { vT1.set(v1); vT2.set(v2); vT1.subtract(c); vT2.subtract(c);
- return degrees( acos ( / (sqrt( * sqrt( ) )); }
- void StartRun(double deltaMs) { }
- color CalcPoint(xyz p) { return lx.hsb(0,0,0); }
- color blend3(color c1, color c2, color c3){ return blendColor(c1,blendColor(c2,c3,ADD),ADD); }
- float val (BasicParameter p) { return p.getValuef(); }
- BasicParameter addParam(String label, double value) { return new BasicParameter(label, value); }
+ float lxh () { return lx.getBaseHuef(); }
+ int c1c (float a) { return round(100*constrain(a,0,1)); }
+ float interpWv(float i, float[] vals) { return interp(i-floor(i), vals[floor(i)], vals[ceil(i)]); }
+ void setNorm (PVector vec) { vec.set(vec.x/mMax.x, vec.y/mMax.y, vec.z/mMax.z); }
+ void setRand (PVector vec) { vec.set(random(mMax.x), random(mMax.y), random(mMax.z)); }
+ void setVec (PVector vec, Point p) { vec.set(p.x, p.y, p.z); }
+ void interpolate(float i, PVector a, PVector b) { a.set(interp(i,a.x,b.x), interp(i,a.y,b.y), interp(i,a.z,b.z)); }
+ void StartRun(double deltaMs) { }
+ float val (BasicParameter p) { return p.getValuef(); }
+ color CalcPoint(PVector p) { return lx.hsb(0,0,0); }
+ color blend3(color c1, color c2, color c3) { return blendColor(c1,blendColor(c2,c3,ADD),ADD); }
+ void rotateZ (PVector p, PVector o, float nSin, float nCos) { p.set( nCos*(p.x-o.x) - nSin*(p.y-o.y) + o.x , nSin*(p.x-o.x) + nCos*(p.y-o.y) + o.y,p.z); }
+ void rotateX (PVector p, PVector o, float nSin, float nCos) { p.set(p.x,nCos*(p.y-o.y) - nSin*(p.z-o.z) + o.y , nSin*(p.y-o.y) + nCos*(p.z-o.z) + o.z ); }
+ void rotateY (PVector p, PVector o, float nSin, float nCos) { p.set( nSin*(p.z-o.z) + nCos*(p.x-o.x) + o.x,p.y, nCos*(p.z-o.z) - nSin*(p.x-o.x) + o.z ); }
+ BasicParameter addParam(String label, double value) { BasicParameter p = new BasicParameter(label, value); addParameter(p); return p; }
+ PVector vT1 = new PVector(), vT2 = new PVector();
+ float calcCone (PVector v1, PVector v2, PVector c) { // use vec.angleBetween() for this
+ vT1.set(v1); vT2.set(v2); vT1.sub(c); vT2.sub(c);
+ return degrees(PVector.angleBetween(vT1,vT2)); }
Pick addPick(String name, int def, int _max, String[] desc) {
Pick P = new Pick(name, def, _max+1, nMaxRow, desc);
pJog = new DBool("JOG" , false, 48, 4); bools.add(pJog );
pGrey = new DBool("GREY" , false, 48, 5); bools.add(pGrey );
- modmin = new xyz(model.xMin, model.yMin, model.zMin);
- mMax = new xyz(model.xMax, model.yMax, model.zMax); mMax.subtract(modmin);
- mCtr = new xyz(mMax); mCtr.scale(.5);
- mHalf = new xyz(.5,.5,.5);
+ modmin = new PVector(model.xMin, model.yMin, model.zMin);
+ mMax = new PVector(model.xMax, model.yMax, model.zMax); mMax.sub(modmin);
+ mCtr = new PVector(); mCtr.set(mMax); mCtr.mult(.5);
+ mHalf = new PVector(.5,.5,.5);
xWaveNz = new float[ceil(mMax.y)+1];
yWaveNz = new float[ceil(mMax.x)+1];
NoiseMove += deltaMs; NoiseMove = NoiseMove % 1e7;
StartRun (deltaMs);
- xyz P = new xyz(), tP = new xyz(), pSave = new xyz();
- xyz pTrans = new xyz(val(pTransX)*200-100, val(pTransY)*100-50,0);
+ PVector P = new PVector(), tP = new PVector(), pSave = new PVector();
+ PVector pTrans = new PVector(val(pTransX)*200-100, val(pTransY)*100-50,0);
nPoint = 0;
if (pJog.b) {
for (Point p : model.points) { nPoint++;
- P.set(p);
- P.subtract(modmin);
- P.subtract(pTrans);
+ setVec(P,p);
+ P.sub(modmin);
+ P.sub(pTrans);
if (sprk > 0) {P.y += sprk*randctr(50); P.x += sprk*randctr(50); P.z += sprk*randctr(50); }
if (wvAmp > 0) P.y += interpWv(p.x-modmin.x, yWaveNz);
if (wvAmp > 0) P.x += interpWv(p.y-modmin.y, xWaveNz);
dVertex v0(Strip s) { return (dVertex)s.obj1; }
dVertex v1(Strip s) { return (dVertex)s.obj2; }
- dPixel getClosest(xyz p) {
+ dPixel getClosest(PVector p) {
dVertex v = null; int pos=0; float d = 500;
for (Strip s : glucose.model.strips) {