Merge branch 'master' of
[SugarCubes.git] / DanUtil.pde
... / ...
2xyz mMax, mCtr, mHalf;
3int NumApcRows = 5, NumApcCols = 8;
4DGlobals DG = new DGlobals();
6boolean btwn (int a,int b,int c) { return a >= b && a <= c; }
7boolean btwn (double a,double b,double c) { return a >= b && a <= c; }
8float interp (float a, float b, float c) { return (1-a)*b + a*c; }
9float randctr (float a) { return random(a) - a*.5; }
10float min (float a, float b, float c, float d) { return min(min(a,b),min(c,d)); }
12float distToSeg (float x, float y, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
13 float A = x - x1, B = y - y1, C = x2 - x1, D = y2 - y1;
14 float dot = A * C + B * D, len_sq = C * C + D * D;
15 float xx, yy,param = dot / len_sq;
17 if (param < 0 || (x1 == x2 && y1 == y2)) { xx = x1; yy = y1; }
18 else if (param > 1) { xx = x2; yy = y2; }
19 else { xx = x1 + param * C;
20 yy = y1 + param * D; }
21 float dx = x - xx, dy = y - yy;
22 return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
26public class Pick {
27 int NumPicks, Default , CurRow , CurCol ,
28 StartRow, EndRow ;
29 String tag , Desc[] ;
31 Pick (String label, int _Def, int _Num, int nStart, String d[]) {
32 NumPicks = _Num; Default = _Def;
33 StartRow = nStart; EndRow = StartRow + floor((NumPicks-1) / NumApcCols);
34 tag = label; Desc = d;
35 reset();
36 }
38 int Cur() { return (CurRow-StartRow)*NumApcCols + CurCol; }
39 String CurDesc() { return Desc[Cur()]; }
40 void reset() { CurCol = Default % NumApcCols; CurRow = StartRow + Default / NumApcCols; }
42 boolean set(int r, int c) {
43 if (!btwn(r,StartRow,EndRow) || !btwn(c,0,NumApcCols-1) ||
44 !btwn((r-StartRow)*NumApcCols + c,0,NumPicks-1)) return false;
45 CurRow=r; CurCol=c; return true;
46 }
49public class DBool {
50 boolean def, b;
51 String tag;
52 int row, col;
53 void reset() { b = def; }
54 boolean set (int r, int c, boolean val) { if (r != row || c != col) return false; b = val; return true; }
55 DBool(String _tag, boolean _def, int _row, int _col) {
56 def = _def; b = _def; tag = _tag; row = _row; col = _col;
57 }
60public class DParam extends BasicParameter {
61 double dflt;
62 DParam (String label, double value) { super(label,value); dflt=value; }
63 void set (double value) { super.setValue(value); }
64 void reset () { super.setValue(dflt); }
65 float Val () { return getValuef(); }
68public class xyz { float x,y,z; // extends pVector; eliminate half of the functions
69 xyz() {x=y=z=0;}
70 xyz(Point p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y; z=p.z;}
71 xyz(xyz p ) {set(p); }
72 xyz(float _x,float _y,float _z) {x=_x ; y=_y ; z=_z ;}
73 void set(Point p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y; z=p.z;}
74 void set(xyz p ) {x=p.x ; y=p.y ; z=p.z ;}
75 void set(float _x,float _y,float _z) {x=_x ; y=_y ; z=_z ;}
77 void zoomX (float zx) {x = x*zx - mMax.x*(zx-1)/2; }
78 void zoomY (float zy) {y = y*zy - mMax.y*(zy-1)/2; }
80 float distance(xyz b) {return dist(x,y,z,b.x,b.y,b.z); }
81 float distance(float _x, float _y) {return dist(x,y,_x,_y); }
82 float dot (xyz b) {return x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z; }
83 void add (xyz b) {x += b.x; y += b.y; z += b.z; }
84 void add (float b) {x += b ; y += b ; z += b ; }
85 void subtract(xyz b) {x -= b.x; y -= b.y; z -= b.z; }
86 void scale (float b) {x *= b ; y *= b ; z *= b ; }
88 void RotateZ (xyz o, float nSin, float nCos) {
89 float nX = nCos*(x-o.x) - nSin*(y-o.y) + o.x;
90 float nY = nSin*(x-o.x) + nCos*(y-o.y) + o.y;
91 x = nX; y = nY;
92 }
94 void RotateX (xyz o, float nSin, float nCos) {
95 float nY = nCos*(y-o.y) - nSin*(z-o.z) + o.y;
96 float nZ = nSin*(y-o.y) + nCos*(z-o.z) + o.z;
97 y = nY; z = nZ;
98 }
100 void RotateY (xyz o, float nSin, float nCos) {
101 float nZ = nCos*(z-o.z) - nSin*(x-o.x) + o.z;
102 float nX = nSin*(z-o.z) + nCos*(x-o.x) + o.x;
103 z = nZ; x = nX;
104 }
106 void setRand () { x = random(mMax.x); y = random(mMax.y); z = random(mMax.z); }
107 void setNorm () { x /= mMax.x; y /= mMax.y; z /= mMax.z; }
108 void interpolate(float i, xyz d) { x = interp(i,x,d.x); y = interp(i,y,d.y); z = interp(i,z,d.z); }
111public class DGlobals {
112 boolean bInit = false;
113 MidiOutput APCOut = null;
114 MidiInput APCIn = null, OxygenIn = null;
115 DPat CurPat = null;
116 int KeyPressed = -1;
117 boolean bSustain = false;
120 float Sliders[] = new float [] {1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
121 String SliderText[] = new String[] {"Level", "??", "Spark", "Xwave", "Ywave", "??", "??", "??", "??"};
123 void SetNoteOn (int row, int col, int clr){ if (APCOut != null) APCOut.sendNoteOn (col, row, clr); }
124 void SetNoteOff (int row, int col, int clr){ if (APCOut != null) APCOut.sendNoteOff (col, row, clr); }
125 void SetKnob (int cc , int c , int v ){ if (APCOut != null) APCOut.sendController (cc , c, v); }
127 DBool GetBool (int i) { return (DBool)CurPat.bools .get(i); }
128 Pick GetPick (int i) { return (Pick) CurPat.picks .get(i); }
129 DParam GetParam(int i) { return (DParam) CurPat.params.get(i); }
131 float _Level () { return Sliders[0]; }
132 float _Spark () { return Sliders[2]; }
133 float _XWave () { return Sliders[3]; }
134 float _YWave () { return Sliders[4]; }
136 void Init () {
137 if (bInit) return; bInit=true;
138 for (MidiOutputDevice o: RWMidi.getOutputDevices()) { if (o.toString().contains("APC")) { APCOut = o.createOutput(); break;}}
139 for (MidiInputDevice i: RWMidi.getInputDevices ()) { if (i.toString().contains("APC")) { i.createInput (this); break;}}
140 }
142 boolean isFocused () { return CurPat != null && CurPat == midiEngine.getFocusedDeck().getActivePattern(); }
143 void Deactivate (DPat p) { if (p != CurPat) return; uiDebugText.setText(""); CurPat = null; }
144 void Activate (DPat p) {
145 bSustain = false;
146 CurPat = p;
147 while (lx.tempo.bpm() > 40) lx.tempo.setBpm(lx.tempo.bpm()/2);
148 for (int i=0; i<p.params.size(); i++) GetParam(i).reset();
149 for (int i=0; i<p.bools .size(); i++) GetBool (i).reset();
150 for (int i=0; i<p.picks .size(); i++) GetPick (i).reset();
151 UpdateLights();
152 }
154 void SetText() {
155 if (!isFocused()) return;
156 String Text1="", Text2="";
157 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.bools.size(); i++) if (GetBool(i).b) Text1 += " " + GetBool(i).tag + " ";
158 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.picks.size(); i++) Text1 += GetPick(i).tag + ": " + GetPick(i).CurDesc() + " ";
159 for (int i=0; i<5; i++) Text2 += SliderText[i] + ": " + round(100*Sliders[i]) + " ";
160 uiDebugText.setText(Text1, Text2);
161 }
163 void UpdateLights() {
164 if (!isFocused() || APCOut == null) return;
165 for (int i=53;i< 58; i++) for (int j=0; j<NumApcCols; j++) SetNoteOn(i, j, 0);
166 for (int i=48;i< 56; i++) SetKnob(0, i, 0);
167 for (int i=16;i< 20; i++) SetKnob(0, i, 0);
169 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.params.size(); i++) SetKnob ( 0, i<8 ? 48+i : 16 + i - 8, round(GetParam(i).Val()*127) );
170 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.picks .size(); i++) SetNoteOn (GetPick(i).CurRow, GetPick(i).CurCol, 3);
171 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.bools .size(); i++) if (GetBool(i).b) SetNoteOn (GetBool(i).row, GetBool(i).col, 1);
172 else SetNoteOff (GetBool(i).row, GetBool(i).col, 0);
173 }
175 void controllerChangeReceived(rwmidi.Controller cc) {
176 if (cc.getCC() == 7 && btwn(cc.getChannel(),0,7)) { Sliders[cc.getChannel()] = 1.*cc.getValue()/127.; }
177 }
179 void noteOffReceived(Note note) { if (!isFocused()) return;
180 int row = note.getPitch(), col = note.getChannel();
181 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.bools.size(); i++) if (GetBool(i).set(row, col, false)) return;
182 UpdateLights();
183 bSustain=false;
184 }
186 void noteOnReceived (Note note) { if (!isFocused()) return;
187 int row = note.getPitch(), col = note.getChannel();
188 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.picks.size(); i++) if (GetPick(i).set(row, col)) return;
189 for (int i=0; i<CurPat.bools.size(); i++) if (GetBool(i).set(row, col, true)) return;
191 if (row == 84 && col==0) { Activate(CurPat); CurPat.StartPattern(); return; }
192 if (row == 85 && col==0) { bSustain=true; return; }
194 if (row == 52) { KeyPressed = col; return; }
195 println("row: " + row + " col: " + col);
196 }
199public class DPat extends SCPattern
201 ArrayList picks = new ArrayList(); // should be ArrayList<Pick> picks = new ArrayList<Pick>();
202 ArrayList params = new ArrayList();
203 ArrayList bools = new ArrayList();
204 int nMaxRow = 53;
205 float LastQuant = -1, LastJog = -1;
206 float[] xWaveNz, yWaveNz;
207 int nPoint , nPoints;
208 xyz xyzJog = new xyz(), vT1 = new xyz(), vT2 = new xyz();
209 xyz modmin;
211 float NoiseMove = random(10000);
212 DParam pBlank, pBlank2, pRotX, pRotY, pRotZ, pSpin, pTransX, pTransY;
214 DBool pXsym, pYsym, pRsym, pXdup, pXtrip, pJog, pKey;
215 float lxh () { return lx.getBaseHuef(); }
216 float Dist (xyz a, xyz b) { return dist(a.x,a.y,a.z,b.x,b.y,b.z); }
217 int c1c (float a) { return round(100*constrain(a,0,1)); }
218 float interpWv(float i, float[] vals) { return interp(i-floor(i), vals[floor(i)], vals[ceil(i)]); }
220 float CalcCone (xyz v1, xyz v2, xyz c) { vT1.set(v1); vT2.set(v2); vT1.subtract(c); vT2.subtract(c);
221 return degrees( acos ( / (sqrt( * sqrt( ) )); }
223 void StartPattern() { }
224 void StartRun(double deltaMs) { }
225 color CalcPoint(xyz p) { return lx.hsb(0,0,0); }
226 boolean IsActive() { return this == DG.CurPat; }
227 boolean IsFocused() { return midiEngine != null && midiEngine.getFocusedDeck() != null &&
228 this == midiEngine.getFocusedDeck().getActivePattern(); }
229 void onInactive() { UpdateState(); }
230 void onActive () { UpdateState(); StartPattern(); }
231 void UpdateState() { if (IsFocused() != IsActive()) { if (IsFocused()) DG.Activate(this); else DG.Deactivate(this); } }
232 color blend3(color c1, color c2, color c3){ return blendColor(c1,blendColor(c2,c3,ADD),ADD); }
234 DParam addParam(String label, double value) {
235 DParam P = new DParam(label, value);
236 super.addParameter(P);
237 params.add(P); return P;
238 }
240 Pick addPick(String name, int def, int _max, String[] desc) {
241 Pick P = new Pick(name, def, _max+1, nMaxRow, desc);
242 nMaxRow = P.EndRow + 1;
243 picks.add(P);
244 return P;
245 }
247 DPat(GLucose glucose) {
248 super(glucose);
250 pBlank = addParam("", 0);
251 pBlank2 = addParam("" , .5);
252 pTransX = addParam("TrnX", .5);
253 pTransY = addParam("TrnY", .5);
254 pRotX = addParam("RotX", .5);
255 pRotY = addParam("RotY", .5);
256 pRotZ = addParam("RotZ", .5);
257 pSpin = addParam("Spin", .5);
259 nPoints = model.points.size();
260 pXsym = new DBool("X-SYM", false, 49, 0); bools.add(pXsym );
261 pYsym = new DBool("Y-SYM", false, 49, 1); bools.add(pYsym );
262 pRsym = new DBool("R-SYM", false, 49, 2); bools.add(pRsym );
263 pXdup = new DBool("X-DUP", false, 49, 3); bools.add(pXdup );
264 pJog = new DBool("JOG" , false, 49, 4); bools.add(pJog );
265 pKey = new DBool("KBD" , false, 49, 5); bools.add(pKey );
267 modmin = new xyz(model.xMin, model.yMin, model.zMin);
268 mMax = new xyz(model.xMax, model.yMax, model.zMax); mMax.subtract(modmin);
269 mCtr = new xyz(mMax); mCtr.scale(.5);
270 mHalf = new xyz(.5,.5,.5);
271 xWaveNz = new float[ceil(mMax.y)+1];
272 yWaveNz = new float[ceil(mMax.x)+1];
274 //println (model.xMin + " " + model.yMin + " " + model.zMin);
275 //println (model.xMax + " " + model.yMax + " " + model.zMax);
276 DG.Init();
277 }
279 void run(double deltaMs)
280 {
281 UpdateState();
282 NoiseMove += deltaMs; NoiseMove = NoiseMove % 1e7;
283 StartRun (deltaMs);
284 xyz P = new xyz(), tP = new xyz(), pSave = new xyz();
285 xyz pTrans = new xyz(pTransX.Val()*200-100, pTransY.Val()*100-50,0);
287 DG.SetText();
288 nPoint = 0;
290 if (pJog.b) {
291 float tRamp = (lx.tempo.rampf() % .25);
292 if (tRamp < LastJog) xyzJog.set(randctr(mMax.x*.2), randctr(mMax.y*.2), randctr(mMax.z*.2));
293 LastJog = tRamp;
294 }
296 // precalculate this stuff
297 float yWv = DG._YWave(), xWv = DG._XWave(), sprk = DG._Spark();
298 if (yWv > 0) for (int i=0; i<ceil(mMax.x)+1; i++)
299 yWaveNz[i] = yWv * (noise(i/(mMax.x*.3)-(2e3+NoiseMove)/1500.) - .5) * (mMax.y/2.);
301 if (xWv > 0) for (int i=0; i<ceil(mMax.y)+1; i++)
302 xWaveNz[i] = xWv * (noise(i/(mMax.y*.3)-(1e3+NoiseMove)/1500.) - .5) * (mMax.x/2.);
304 for (Point p : model.points) { nPoint++;
305 P.set(p);
306 P.subtract(modmin);
307 P.subtract(pTrans);
308 if (sprk > 0) { P.y += sprk*randctr(50); P.x += sprk*randctr(50); P.z += sprk*randctr(50); }
309 if (yWv > 0) P.y += interpWv(p.x-modmin.x, yWaveNz);
310 if (xWv > 0) P.x += interpWv(p.y-modmin.y, xWaveNz);
311 if (pJog.b) P.add(xyzJog);
314 color cNew, cOld = colors[p.index];
315 { tP.set(P); cNew = CalcPoint(tP); }
316 if (pXsym.b) { tP.set(mMax.x-P.x,P.y,P.z); cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(tP), ADD); }
317 if (pYsym.b) { tP.set(P.x,mMax.y-P.y,P.z); cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(tP), ADD); }
318 if (pRsym.b) { tP.set(mMax.x-P.x,mMax.y-P.y,mMax.z-P.z); cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(tP), ADD); }
319 if (pXdup.b) { tP.set((P.x+mMax.x*.5)%mMax.x,P.y,P.z); cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(tP), ADD); }
321 float s = lx.s(cNew);
322 float b = lx.b(cNew)/100.;
323 if (DG.bSustain == true) b = max(b, (float) (lx.b(cOld)/100.));
325 colors[p.index] = lx.hsb(lx.h(cNew), s, 100 * b * DG._Level());
326 }
327 }
330class dTurn {
331 dVertex v;
332 int pos0, pos1;
333 dTurn(int _pos0, dVertex _v, int _pos1) { v = _v; pos0 = _pos0; pos1 = _pos1; }
336class dVertex {
337 dVertex c0, c1, // connections on the cube
338 opp, same; // opp - same strip, opp direction
339 // same - same strut, diff strip, dir
340 dTurn t0, t1;
341 dStrip s;
342 int dir, ci; // dir -- 1 or -1.
343 // ci -- color index
345 dVertex(dStrip _s, Point _p) { s = _s; ci = _p.index; }
346 Point getPoint(int i) { return s.s.points.get(dir>0 ? i : 15-i); }
347 void setOpp(dVertex _opp) { opp = _opp; dir = (ci < ? 1 : -1); }
350class dStrip {
351 dVertex v0, v1;
352 int row, col;
353 Strip s;
354 String desc() { return "r:" + row + " c:" + col + "i:" + floor(; }
355 dStrip(Strip _s, int _i, int _row, int _col) { s = _s; row = _row; col = _col; }
358float PointDist(Point p1, Point p2) { return dist(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z); }
360class dPixel { dVertex v; int pos; dPixel(dVertex _v, int _pos) { v=_v; pos=_pos; } }
361class dLattice {
362 private int iTowerStrips=0;
364 dStrip[] DS = new dStrip[glucose.model.strips.size()];
365 //int[][] DQ = new int[NumBackTowers][MaxCubeHeight*2];
366 //dStrip GetStrip (int row, int col, int off) {
367 // return (!btwn(off,0,15) || !btwn(row,0,MaxCubeHeight*2-1) || !btwn(col,0,NumBackTowers-1) || DQ[col][row]<0) ? null :
368 // DS[DQ[col][row]+off];
369 //}
371 void addTurn(dVertex v0, int pos0, dVertex v1, int pos1) { dTurn t = new dTurn(pos0, v1, pos1); if (v0.t0 == null) v0.t0=t; else v0.t1=t; }
372 float Dist2 (Strip s1, int pos1, Strip s2, int pos2) { return PointDist(s1.points.get(pos1), s2.points.get(pos2)); }
373 float PD2 (Point p1, float x, float y, float z) { return dist(p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,x,y,z); }
374 boolean SameSame (Strip s1, Strip s2) { return max(Dist2(s1, 0, s2, 0), Dist2(s1,15, s2,15)) < 5 ; } // same strut, same direction
375 boolean SameOpp (Strip s1, Strip s2) { return max(Dist2(s1, 0, s2,15), Dist2(s1,15, s2,0 )) < 5 ; } // same strut, opp direction
376 boolean SameBar (Strip s1, Strip s2) { return SameSame(s1,s2) || SameOpp(s1,s2); } // 2 strips on same strut
377 void AddJoint (dVertex v1, dVertex v2) {
378 // should probably replace parallel but further with the new one
379 if (v1.c0 != null && SameBar(v2.s.s, v1.c0.s.s)) return;
380 if (v1.c1 != null && SameBar(v2.s.s, v1.c1.s.s)) return;
381 if (v1.c0 == null) v1.c0 = v2;
382 else if (v1.c1 == null) v1.c1 = v2;
383 }
385 dPixel getRand() { return new dPixel(DS[floor(random(iTowerStrips))].v0,floor(random(15))); }
386 dPixel getClosest(xyz p) {
387 dVertex v = null; int pos=0; float d = 500;
388 for (int j=0; j<iTowerStrips; j++) {
389 dStrip s = DS[j];
390 float nd = PD2(s.s.points.get(0),p.x,p.y,p.z); if (nd < d) { v=s.v0; d=nd; pos=0; }
391 if (nd > 30) continue;
392 for (int k=0; k<=15; k++) {
393 nd = PD2(s.s.points.get(k),p.x,p.y,p.z); if (nd < d) { v = s.v0; d=nd; pos=k; }
394 }
395 }
396 return random(2) < 1 ? new dPixel(v,pos) : new dPixel(v.opp,15-pos);
397 }
399 dLattice() {
400 lattice=this;
401 //for (int i=0;i<NumBackTowers;i++) for (int j=0;j<MaxCubeHeight*2;j++) DQ[i][j]=-1;
403 int col = 0, row = -2, i=-1;
404 for (Strip strip : glucose.model.strips ) { i++;
405 if (i % 16 == 0) row+=2;
406 if (row >= MaxCubeHeight*2-1) { col++; row = (col%2==1)?1:0; } // only include lattice parts!
407 iTowerStrips++;
408 dStrip s = DS[iTowerStrips-1] = new dStrip(strip, iTowerStrips-1, row, col);
409 s.v0 = new dVertex(s,strip.points.get(0 ));
410 s.v1 = new dVertex(s,strip.points.get(15));
411 s.v0.setOpp(s.v1); s.v1.setOpp(s.v0);
412 //if (col < NumBackTowers) DQ[col][row] = 16*floor((iTowerStrips-1)/16);
413 //else s.row=-1;
414 }
416 for (int j=0; j<iTowerStrips; j++) { for (int k=j+1; k<iTowerStrips; k++) {
417 dStrip s1 = DS[j], s2 = DS[k];
418 int c=0;
419 if (SameSame(s1.s,s2.s)) { s1.v0.same = s2.v0; s1.v1.same = s2.v1;
420 s2.v0.same = s1.v0; s2.v1.same = s1.v1; continue; } // parallel
421 if (SameOpp (s1.s,s2.s)) { s1.v0.same = s2.v1; s1.v1.same = s2.v0;
422 s2.v0.same = s1.v1; s2.v1.same = s1.v0; continue; } // parallel
423 if (Dist2(s1.s, 0, s2.s, 0) < 5) { c++; AddJoint(s1.v1, s2.v0); AddJoint(s2.v1, s1.v0); }
424 if (Dist2(s1.s, 0, s2.s,15) < 5) { c++; AddJoint(s1.v1, s2.v1); AddJoint(s2.v0, s1.v0); }
425 if (Dist2(s1.s,15, s2.s, 0) < 5) { c++; AddJoint(s1.v0, s2.v0); AddJoint(s2.v1, s1.v1); }
426 if (Dist2(s1.s,15, s2.s,15) < 5) { c++; AddJoint(s1.v0, s2.v1); AddJoint(s2.v0, s1.v1); }
427 if (c>0) continue;
429 // Are they touching at all?
430 int pos1=0, pos2=0; float d = 100;
432 while (pos1 < 15 || pos2 < 15) {
433 float oldD = d;
434 if (pos1<15) { float d2 = Dist2(s1.s, pos1+1, s2.s, pos2+0); if (d2 < d) { d=d2; pos1++; } }
435 if (pos2<15) { float d2 = Dist2(s1.s, pos1+0, s2.s, pos2+1); if (d2 < d) { d=d2; pos2++; } }
436 if (d > 50 || oldD == d) break ;
437 }
439 if (d>5) continue;
440 addTurn(s1.v0, pos1, s2.v0, pos2); addTurn(s1.v1, 15-pos1, s2.v0, pos2);
441 addTurn(s2.v0, pos2, s1.v0, pos1); addTurn(s2.v1, 15-pos2, s1.v0, pos1);
443 }}
444 }
447dLattice lattice;