Make shairplay.c sample application compile with latest version of the lib
[deb_shairplay.git] / AirTV-Qt / qtsingleapplication / configure.bat
1 @echo off
3 rem
4 rem "Main"
5 rem
7 if not "%1"=="" (
8 if not "%1"=="-library" (
9 call :PrintUsage
10 goto EOF
11 )
12 )
14 if exist config.pri. del config.pri
15 if "%1"=="-library" (
16 echo Configuring to build this component as a dynamic library.
17 echo SOLUTIONS_LIBRARY = yes > config.pri
18 )
20 echo .
21 echo This component is now configured.
22 echo .
23 echo To build the component library (if requested) and example(s),
24 echo run qmake and your make or nmake command.
25 echo .
26 echo To remove or reconfigure, run make (nmake) distclean.
27 echo .
29 :PrintUsage
30 echo Usage: configure.bat [-library]
31 echo .
32 echo -library: Build the component as a dynamic library (DLL). Default is to
33 echo include the component source directly in the application.
34 echo A DLL may be preferable for technical or licensing (LGPL) reasons.
35 echo .
36 goto EOF
39 :EOF