Add mappings for panda board UI and PandaDriver class
[SugarCubes.git] / TestPatterns.pde
1 /**
2 * Simplest demonstration of using the rotating master hue.
3 * All pixels are full-on the same color.
4 */
5 class TestHuePattern extends SCPattern {
6 public TestHuePattern(GLucose glucose) {
7 super(glucose);
8 }
10 public void run(int deltaMs) {
11 // Access the core master hue via this method call
12 float hv = lx.getBaseHuef();
13 for (int i = 0; i < colors.length; ++i) {
14 colors[i] = color(hv, 100, 100);
15 }
16 }
17 }
19 /**
20 * Test of a wave moving across the X axis.
21 */
22 class TestXPattern extends SCPattern {
23 private final SinLFO xPos = new SinLFO(0, model.xMax, 4000);
24 public TestXPattern(GLucose glucose) {
25 super(glucose);
26 addModulator(xPos).trigger();
27 }
28 public void run(int deltaMs) {
29 float hv = lx.getBaseHuef();
30 for (Point p : model.points) {
31 // This is a common technique for modulating brightness.
32 // You can use abs() to determine the distance between two
33 // values. The further away this point is from an exact
34 // point, the more we decrease its brightness
35 float bv = max(0, 100 - abs(p.fx - xPos.getValuef()));
36 colors[p.index] = color(hv, 100, bv);
37 }
38 }
39 }
41 /**
42 * Test of a wave on the Y axis.
43 */
44 class TestYPattern extends SCPattern {
45 private final SinLFO yPos = new SinLFO(0, model.yMax, 4000);
46 public TestYPattern(GLucose glucose) {
47 super(glucose);
48 addModulator(yPos).trigger();
49 }
50 public void run(int deltaMs) {
51 float hv = lx.getBaseHuef();
52 for (Point p : model.points) {
53 float bv = max(0, 100 - abs(p.fy - yPos.getValuef()));
54 colors[p.index] = color(hv, 100, bv);
55 }
56 }
57 }
59 /**
60 * Test of a wave on the Z axis.
61 */
62 class TestZPattern extends SCPattern {
63 private final SinLFO zPos = new SinLFO(0, model.zMax, 4000);
64 public TestZPattern(GLucose glucose) {
65 super(glucose);
66 addModulator(zPos).trigger();
67 }
68 public void run(int deltaMs) {
69 float hv = lx.getBaseHuef();
70 for (Point p : model.points) {
71 float bv = max(0, 100 - abs(p.fz - zPos.getValuef()));
72 colors[p.index] = color(hv, 100, bv);
73 }
74 }
75 }
77 /**
78 * This is a demonstration of how to use the projection library. A projection
79 * creates a mutation of the coordinates of all the points in the model, creating
80 * virtual x,y,z coordinates. In effect, this is like virtually rotating the entire
81 * art car. However, since in reality the car does not move, the result is that
82 * it appears that the object we are drawing on the car is actually moving.
83 *
84 * Keep in mind that what we are creating a projection of is the view coordinates.
85 * Depending on your intuition, some operations may feel backwards. For instance,
86 * if you translate the view to the right, it will make it seem that the object
87 * you are drawing has moved to the left. If you scale the view up 2x, objects
88 * drawn with the same absolute values will seem to be half the size.
89 *
90 * If this feels counterintuitive at first, don't worry. Just remember that you
91 * are moving the pixels, not the structure. We're dealing with a finite set
92 * of sparse, non-uniformly spaced pixels. Mutating the structure would move
93 * things to a space where there are no pixels in 99% of the cases.
94 */
95 class TestProjectionPattern extends SCPattern {
97 private final Projection projection;
98 private final SawLFO angle = new SawLFO(0, TWO_PI, 9000);
99 private final SinLFO yPos = new SinLFO(-20, 40, 5000);
101 public TestProjectionPattern(GLucose glucose) {
102 super(glucose);
103 projection = new Projection(model);
104 addModulator(angle).trigger();
105 addModulator(yPos).trigger();
106 }
108 public void run(int deltaMs) {
109 // For the same reasons described above, it may logically feel to you that
110 // some of these operations are in reverse order. Again, just keep in mind that
111 // the car itself is what's moving, not the object
112 projection.reset(model)
114 // Translate so the center of the car is the origin, offset by yPos
115 .translateCenter(0, yPos.getValuef(), 0)
117 // Rotate around the origin (now the center of the car) about an X-vector
118 .rotate(angle.getValuef(), 1, 0, 0)
120 // Scale up the Y axis (objects will look smaller in that access)
121 .scale(1, 1.5, 1);
123 float hv = lx.getBaseHuef();
124 for (Coord c : projection) {
125 float d = sqrt(c.x*c.x + c.y*c.y + c.z*c.z); // distance from origin
126 // d = abs(d-60) + max(0, abs(c.z) - 20); // life saver / ring thing
127 d = max(0, abs(c.y) - 10 + .3*abs(c.z) + .08*abs(c.x)); // plane / spear thing
128 colors[c.index] = color(
129 (hv + .6*abs(c.x) + abs(c.z)) % 360,
130 100,
131 constrain(140 - 10*d, 0, 100)
132 );
133 }
134 }
135 }