Add some code documentation skeletons and comment some methods/functions.
[Project_webapp.git] / includes / formsearch.php
1 <?php
2 $form_departure_city = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "departure_city", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
3 $form_departure_date = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "departure_date", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
4 $form_arrival_city = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "arrival_city", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
5 $form_arrival_date = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "arrival_date", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
6 $form_date_now = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "date_now", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
7 $action = filter_input(INPUT_POST, "action", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
9 $oDepartureDate = new DateTime($form_departure_date);
10 $oArrivalDate = new DateTime($form_arrival_date);
11 $oDateNow = new Datetime($form_date_now);
13 /**
14 * Sanity checks
15 */
17 $input_failure = false;
19 if ($form_departure_city === $form_arrival_city) {
20 echo "Departure and arrival city are the same. <br>";
21 $input_failure = true;
22 }
24 if ($oDepartureDate < $oDateNow) {
25 echo "The departure date is before the current date. <br>";
26 $input_failure = true;
27 }
29 if (!($action === "return_flight") && $oArrivalDate <= $oDepartureDate) {
30 echo "Arrival date is before departure date. <br>";
31 $input_failure = true;
32 }
34 if (empty($form_arrival_date)) {
35 // Limit to a 6 months interval from the departure date.
36 $oArrivalDate = $oDepartureDate;
37 $oArrivalDate->add(new DateInterval("P6M"));
38 $form_arrival_date = $oArrivalDate->format('Y-m-d\TH:i');
39 }
41 ?>
43 <h1> Rechercher un vol <?php if ($action === "return_flight") { echo "retour"; } ?> </h1>
45 <form action="index.php" id="search" method="post">
46 <input type="hidden" name="form" value="search" />
47 <?php if ($action === "return_flight") { echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"action\" value=\"return_flight\" />"; } ?>
48 <input type="hidden" name="date_now" value="<?php echo $form_date_now; ?>" />
49 <label> De&#769;part : Ville -> </label>
50 <select size="1" name="departure_city" required>
51 <optgroup label="Se&#769;lectionner une ville">
52 <?php
53 $sql_pquery = "select distinct VilleD from VOLS order by VilleD";
54 global $connection;
55 $connection->prepare_query($sql_pquery);
56 $connection->run_prepared_query();
57 $connection->get_pquery_result();
58 $cities = $connection->get_result_array();
59 $connection->close_prepared_query();
60 foreach ($cities as $city) {
61 if (strcmp($city[0], $form_departure_city) === 0) {
62 echo "<option value=\"$city[0]\" selected>$city[0]</option>\n";
63 } else {
64 echo "<option value=\"$city[0]\">$city[0]</option>\n";
65 }
66 }
67 ?>
68 </optgroup>
69 </select>
70 <label> Date -> </label>
71 <input type="datetime-local" name="departure_date" value="<?php echo $form_departure_date; ?>" required/>
72 <label> Arrive&#769;e : Ville -> </label>
73 <select size="1" name="arrival_city" required>
74 <optgroup label="Se&#769;lectionner une ville">
75 <?php
76 $sql_pquery = "select distinct VilleA from VOLS order by VilleA";
77 global $connection;
78 $connection->prepare_query($sql_pquery);
79 $connection->run_prepared_query();
80 $connection->get_pquery_result();
81 $cities = $connection->get_result_array();
82 $connection->close_prepared_query();
83 foreach ($cities as $city) {
84 if (strcmp($city[0], $form_arrival_city) === 0) {
85 echo "<option value=\"$city[0]\" selected>$city[0]</option>\n";
86 } else {
87 echo "<option value=\"$city[0]\">$city[0]</option>\n";
88 }
89 }
90 ?>
91 </optgroup>
92 </select>
93 <label> Date -> </label>
94 <input type="datetime-local" name="arrival_date" <?php if (isset($form_arrival_date)) { echo "value=\"$form_arrival_date\""; } ?> />
95 <input type="submit" value="Rechercher">
96 </form>
97 <br>
99 <?php
100 if (!$input_failure) {
101 global $connection;
102 $sql_pquery = "select VOLS.NumVol as NumVol, VilleD, DateD, VilleA, DateA, DEFCLASSES.Classe, round(CoutVol*CoeffPrix, 2) as Prix, CapAv
103 from VOLS join DEFCLASSES on DEFCLASSES.NumVol = VOLS.NumVol
104 join AVIONS on AVIONS.NumAv = VOLS.NumAv
105 where DateD >= ? and VilleD = ? and DateA <= ? and VilleA = ?
106 order by DateD, NumVol, Prix";
107 $connection->prepare_query($sql_pquery);
108 $connection->prepared_query_bind_param("ssss", array($form_departure_date, $form_departure_city, $form_arrival_date, $form_arrival_city));
109 $connection->run_prepared_query();
110 $connection->get_pquery_result();
111 $flights = $connection->get_result_array();
112 $connection->close_prepared_query();
113 //var_dump($flights);
114 if (empty($flights)) {
115 echo "Aucun vol ne correspond aux crite&#768;res de recherche. <br>";
116 } else {
117 if ($action === "return_flight" && isset($_SESSION['return_flight_nb_place'])) {
118 $nb_places = $_SESSION['return_flight_nb_place'];
119 unset($_SESSION['return_flight_nb_place']);
120 } else {
121 $nb_places = 1;
122 }
123 echo "<table id=\"search\">\n";
124 echo " <tr>\n";
125 echo " <th>Nume&#769;ro de vol</th>\n";
126 echo " <th>Ville de de&#769;part</th>\n";
127 echo " <th>Date de de&#769;part</th>\n";
128 echo " <th>Ville d'arrive&#769;e</th>\n";
129 echo " <th>Date d'arrive&#769;e</th>\n";
130 echo " <th>Classe</th>\n";
131 echo " <th>Prix d'une place</th>\n";
132 echo " <th>Re&#769;server</th>\n";
133 echo " </tr>\n";
134 foreach ($flights as $flight) {
135 $sql_pquery = "select sum(NbPlaces) as BookedPlaces from RESERVATIONS where NumVol = ?";
136 $connection->prepare_query($sql_pquery);
137 $connection->prepared_query_bind_param("s", array($flight['NumVol']));
138 $connection->run_prepared_query();
139 $connection->get_pquery_result();
140 $rows = $connection->get_result_array();
141 $connection->close_prepared_query();
142 $booked_places = $rows[0][0];
143 if (is_null($booked_places)) {
144 $booked_places = 0;
145 }
146 if (isset($flight['CapAv']) && isset($booked_places)) {
147 $free_places = $flight['CapAv'] - $booked_places;
148 } else {
149 $free_places = "Inconnu";
150 }
151 echo " <tr>\n";
152 echo " <td>" . $flight['NumVol'] . "</td>\n";
153 echo " <td>" . $flight['VilleD'] . "</td>\n";
154 echo " <td>" . $flight['DateD'] . "</td>\n";
155 echo " <td>" . $flight['VilleA'] . "</td>\n";
156 echo " <td>" . $flight['DateA'] . "</td>\n";
157 echo " <td>" . $flight['Classe'] . "</td>\n";
158 echo " <td>" . $flight['Prix'] . "&euro;</td>\n";
159 echo " <td>
160 Nombre de places libres : " . $free_places . "
161 <form action=\"index.php\" id=\"booking\" method=\"post\">
162 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"form\" value=\"booking\" />
163 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"flight_id\" value=\"" . $flight['NumVol'] . "\" />
164 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"class_name\" value=\"" . $flight['Classe'] . "\" />
165 <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"place_price\" value=\"" . $flight['Prix'] . "\" />
166 <label> Place(s) : </label>
167 <input type=\"number\" name=\"nb_place\" min=\"1\" max=\"9\" value=\"" . $nb_places . "\" required/>\n";
168 if ($action !== "return_flight") {
169 echo " <label> Vol retour : </label>\n";
170 echo " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"return_flight\" checked/>\n";
171 }
172 if ($free_places !== 0 || $free_places === "Inconnu") {
173 echo " <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Re&#769;server\">\n";
174 }
175 echo " </form>
176 </td>\n";
177 echo " </tr>\n";
178 }
179 echo "</table>\n";
180 }
181 }
183 ?>