Clean up the mess in the upstream branch.
[deb_shairplay.git] / src / lib /
1 SUBDIRS = crypto alac
3 AM_CPPFLAGS = -I$(top_srcdir)/include/shairplay
6 libshairplay_la_SOURCES = base64.c base64.h digest.c digest.h dnssd.c dnssdint.h http_parser.c http_parser.h http_request.c http_request.h http_response.c http_response.h httpd.c httpd.h logger.c logger.h netutils.c netutils.h raop.c raop_buffer.c raop_buffer.h raop_rtp.c raop_rtp.h rsakey.c rsakey.h rsapem.c rsapem.h sdp.c sdp.h utils.c utils.h compat.h memalign.h sockets.h threads.h
7 libshairplay_la_CPPFLAGS = $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
9 # This library depends on 3rd party libraries
10 libshairplay_la_LIBADD = crypto/ alac/
11 libshairplay_la_LDFLAGS = -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0
13 ### Update -version-info above with the following rules
14 # 1. Start with version information of ‘0:0:0’ for each libtool library.
15 # 2. Update the version information only immediately before a public release of
16 # your software. More frequent updates are unnecessary, and only guarantee
17 # that the current interface number gets larger faster.
18 # 3. If the library source code has changed at all since the last update, then
19 # increment revision (‘c:r:a’ becomes ‘c:r+1:a’).
20 # 4. If any interfaces have been added, removed, or changed since the last
21 # update, increment current, and set revision to 0.
22 # 5. If any interfaces have been added since the last public release, then
23 # increment age.
24 # 6. If any interfaces have been removed or changed since the last public
25 # release, then set age to 0.
26 ###
28 libshairplay_la_LIBADD += $(LIBADD_DLOPEN)
29 libshairplay_la_LIBADD += $(LIBM)
31 if OS_WIN32
32 libshairplay_la_CPPFLAGS += -DDLL_EXPORT
33 libshairplay_la_LDFLAGS += -lws2_32 -lwinmm
34 else
35 libshairplay_la_LDFLAGS += -export-symbols-regex '^(raop|dnssd)'
36 endif