]> Piment Noir Git Repositories - Project_algorithmic_C.git/blob - src/main.c
Merge branch 'master' into playable_shots
[Project_algorithmic_C.git] / src / main.c
1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include <ncurses.h>
6 #include "ui.h"
7 #include "othello.h"
8 #include "debug.h"
10 int main() {
11 int min_y = 26 + 6, min_x = 42 + 14 + 15 + 4;
12 int row = 0, col = 0;
13 unsigned int round = 0;
14 unsigned int player = player_one; /* first player is black */
15 bool exit_condition = false;
16 unsigned int nb_white = 0, nb_black = 0;
18 char* title_msg = "Jeu Othello";
19 char* score_msg = "Pions %s: %d";
20 char* invalid_move_msg = "Coup invalide";
21 char* player_msg = "Joueur %d (%s) joue !";
22 char* winner_msg = "Joueur %d (%s) gagne !";
23 char* draw_msg = "Egalite !";
24 char* exit_msg = "Pressez une touche pour sortir ou \'r\' pour rejouer";
26 /* linked list of the history shots */
27 //struct shots_history_list_s shots_history;
28 //INIT_LIST_HEAD(&shots_history.list);
29 /* linked list of black playable shots */
30 struct shots_list_s black_playable_shots;
31 INIT_LIST_HEAD(&black_playable_shots.list);
32 /* linked list of white playable shots */
33 struct shots_list_s white_playable_shots;
34 INIT_LIST_HEAD(&white_playable_shots.list);
36 unsigned int pawns[board_size][board_size] = {
37 {0, 0},
38 {0, 0}
39 };
40 init_pawns(pawns);
42 initscr();
43 if (has_colors() == false) {
44 endwin();
45 printf("Votre terminal ne supporte pas les couleurs.\n");
46 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
47 }
48 start_color();
49 getmaxyx(stdscr, row, col);
50 if (row < min_y || col < min_x) {
51 endwin();
52 printf("Votre terminal est trop petit pour afficher ce jeu.\n");
53 printf("Merci d'agrandir la fenetre de votre terminal.\n");
54 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
55 }
56 echo();
57 curs_set(0);
59 /* center */
60 int center_y = row/2;
61 int center_x = col/2;
62 /* base coordinates to center the board */
63 int board_center_y = center_y - 26/2;
64 int board_center_x = center_x - 42/2;
66 do {
67 print_board(board_center_y, board_center_x);
68 print_pawns(board_center_y, board_center_x, pawns);
70 mvprintw(center_y - 26/2 - 4, (center_x - strlen(title_msg)/2), title_msg);
72 player = current_player(round);
74 if (player == player_one) {
75 mvprintw(center_y - 26/2 - 2, center_x - snprintf(NULL, 0, player_msg, player, "noir")/2, player_msg, player, "noir");
76 } else {
77 mvprintw(center_y - 26/2 - 2, center_x - snprintf(NULL, 0, player_msg, player, "blanc")/2, player_msg, player, "blanc");
78 }
80 nb_white = count_pawns_type(pawns, white);
81 nb_black = count_pawns_type(pawns, black);
83 mvprintw(center_y, center_x - 42/2 - snprintf(NULL, 0, score_msg, "noirs", nb_black) - 2, score_msg, "noirs", nb_black);
84 mvprintw(center_y, center_x + 42/2 + 2, score_msg, "blancs", nb_white);
86 //display_array(1, 1, pawns);
88 int y;
89 char x_char;
90 bool input_ok = false;
91 unsigned int nb_pawns_reversed = 0;
92 do {
93 y = 0;
94 x_char = "";
95 char* prompt_msg = "Prochain pion ? (ligne colonne - chiffre lettre):";
96 int prmt_rt = prompt_values(stdscr, center_y + 26/2 + 1, (center_x - strlen(prompt_msg)/2), prompt_msg, &y, &x_char);
97 int x = map_col_letter_to_index(x_char);
98 nb_pawns_reversed = valid_shot(y, x, player, pawns);
99 if (nb_pawns_reversed > 0 && prmt_rt == 1) {
100 input_ok = true;
101 clear();
102 } else {
103 mvprintw(center_y + 26/2 + 4, (center_x - strlen(invalid_move_msg)/2), invalid_move_msg);
104 }
105 } while (!input_ok);
107 round++; /* increment the round count */
109 /* here are all the end of the game conditions */
110 if (is_board_full(pawns)) {
111 print_board(board_center_y, board_center_x);
112 /* print the updated pawns before exiting */
113 print_pawns(board_center_y, board_center_x, pawns);
114 unsigned int winner = eval_winner(nb_white, nb_black);
115 if (winner != 0) {
116 if (winner == player_one) {
117 mvprintw(center_y - 26/2 - 2, center_x - snprintf(NULL, 0, winner_msg, winner, "noir")/2, winner_msg, winner, "noir");
118 } else {
119 mvprintw(center_y - 26/2 - 2, center_x - snprintf(NULL, 0, winner_msg, winner, "blanc")/2, winner_msg, winner, "blanc");
120 }
121 } else {
122 mvprintw(center_y - 26/2 - 2, (center_x - strlen(draw_msg)/2), draw_msg);
123 }
124 mvprintw(center_y + 26/2 + 1, (center_x - strlen(exit_msg)/2), exit_msg);
125 exit_condition = true;
126 /* getch() is blocking */
127 int key_exit = getch();
128 if (key_exit == 'r') {
129 round = 0;
130 player = player_one;
131 nb_white = nb_black = 0;
132 /* FIXME: do not seem properly reset the pawns 2D array */
133 init_pawns(pawns);
134 exit_condition = false;
135 clear();
136 }
137 }
139 refresh();
141 } while (!exit_condition);
143 endwin();
145 exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
146 }