TP 9 exo2: correct some types mismatching.
[TD_C.git] / TP_9 / exo2 / clist.c
1 #include <stdlib.h>
2 #include <stdio.h>
3 #include <stdbool.h>
5 #include "clist.h"
7 link_t* list_new(int value) {
8 link_t* link_new;
9 link_new = malloc(sizeof(link_t));
10 link_new->value = value;
11 link_new->next = NULL;
12 return link_new;
13 }
15 link_t* list_append(link_t* head, int value) {
17 if (head == NULL) {
18 return head = list_new(value);
19 } else {
20 link_t* head_first = head;
21 while (head->next != NULL) {
22 head = head->next;
23 }
24 head->next = list_new(value);
25 return head_first;
26 }
27 }
29 link_t* list_prepend(link_t* head, int value) {
30 link_t* first_link = list_new(value);
32 first_link->next = head;
33 return first_link;
34 }
36 link_t* list_insert(link_t* head, unsigned index, int value) {
38 if (index == 0) {
39 return list_prepend(head, value);
40 } else if (index == list_count(head)) {
41 return list_append(head, value);
42 } else {
43 link_t* link_insrt = list_new(value);
44 link_t* head_first = head;
45 link_t* head_next = NULL;
46 for (unsigned i = 0; i < index-1; i++) {
47 head = head->next;
48 }
49 head_next = head->next;
50 head->next = link_insrt;
51 head = link_insrt;
52 head->next = head_next;
53 return head_first;
54 }
55 }
57 link_t* list_delete(link_t* head, unsigned index) {
58 link_t* head_prev = NULL;
59 link_t* head_next = NULL;
60 link_t* head_ret = NULL;
62 if (head == NULL) {
63 return NULL;
64 } else if (index == 0) {
65 head_next = head->next;
66 free(head);
67 head = head_next;
68 head_ret = head;
69 } else {
70 link_t* head_first = head;
71 for (unsigned i = 0; i < index-1; i++) {
72 head = head->next;
73 }
74 head_prev = head;
75 head = head->next;
76 head_next = head->next;
77 free(head);
78 head = head_prev;
79 head->next = head_next;
80 head_ret = head_first;
81 }
82 if (head_ret != NULL) {
83 return head_ret;
84 } else {
85 return NULL;
86 }
87 }
89 link_t* list_concat(link_t* first, link_t* second) {
90 link_t* head_first = first;
92 while (first->next != NULL) {
93 first = first->next;
94 }
95 first->next = second;
96 return head_first;
97 }
99 link_t* list_sort(link_t* head) {
100 int tmp;
101 bool isswaped;
102 link_t* head_first = head;
104 do {
105 isswaped = false;
106 while (head->next != NULL) {
107 if (head->value > head->next->value) {
108 tmp = head->value;
109 head->value = head->next->value;
110 head->next->value = tmp;
111 isswaped = true;
112 }
113 head = head->next;
114 }
115 /* Reloop at the beginning of the list until there's is values swaped */
116 head = head_first;
117 } while (isswaped);
118 return head_first;
119 }
121 unsigned list_count(link_t* head) {
122 unsigned count = 0;
124 while (head != NULL) {
125 ++count;
126 head = head->next;
127 }
128 return count;
129 }
131 void list_set(link_t* head, unsigned index, int value) {
132 unsigned count = 0;
134 while (head != NULL && count < index) {
135 ++count;
136 head = head->next;
137 }
138 if (head != NULL) { head->value = value; }
139 }
141 int list_get(link_t* head, unsigned index) {
142 unsigned count = 0;
144 while (head != NULL && count < index) {
145 ++count;
146 head = head->next;
147 }
148 if (head != NULL) {
149 return head->value;
150 } else {
151 return -1;
152 }
153 }
155 void list_clear(link_t* head) {
156 link_t* next_link = NULL;
158 while (head != NULL) {
159 next_link = head->next;
160 free(head);
161 head = next_link;
162 }
163 }
165 void list_display_values(link_t* head) {
166 unsigned i = 0;
168 printf("------Begin------\n");
169 while (head != NULL) {
170 printf("value at [%d]=%d\n", i, head->value);
171 head = head->next;
172 i++;
173 }
174 printf("------End------\n");
175 }