Properly implement the validation of a shot and reverse or flip the
[Project_algorithmic_C.git] / lib / othello.c
1 /*
2 * =====================================================================================
3 *
4 * Filename: othello.c
5 *
6 * Description: Handle the othello board content
7 *
8 * Version: 1.0
9 * Created: 25/04/2017 15:16:08
10 * Revision: none
11 * Compiler: gcc
12 *
13 * Author: Jerome Benoit (fraggle),
14 * Organization: Piment Noir
15 *
16 * =====================================================================================
17 */
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include <string.h>
23 #include "othello.h"
24 #include "debug.h"
26 unsigned int current_player(unsigned int round_count) {
28 if (round_count % 2 != 0) {
29 return player_two;
30 } else {
31 return player_one;
32 }
33 }
35 unsigned int current_opponent(unsigned int current_player) {
37 if (current_player == player_one) {
38 return player_two;
39 } else {
40 return player_one;
41 }
42 }
44 /* for consistency with ncurses, the board coordinates are in the following order:
45 * O--x-->
46 * |
47 * y
48 * |
49 * v
50 * The origin O has (1, 1) coordinates */
52 unsigned int get_box_value(int y, int x, unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
54 return pawn_array[y-1][x-1];
55 }
57 bool is_box_type(int y, int x, unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size], unsigned int type) {
59 if (type > 2) {
60 return NULL;
61 }
62 if (get_box_value(y, x, pawn_array) == type) {
63 return true;
64 } else {
65 return false;
66 }
67 }
69 static bool is_valid_coordinates(int y, int x) {
71 if ((y > 0 && y < board_size + 1) && \
72 (x > 0 && x < board_size + 1)) {
73 return true;
74 } else {
75 return false;
76 }
77 }
79 /* helper function to set a correct value at the (y, x) coordinates in the pawns array */
80 void set_pawn(int y, int x, unsigned int type, unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
82 if (type > 0 && type < 3 && \
83 is_valid_coordinates(y, x)) {
84 pawn_array[y-1][x-1] = type;
85 }
86 }
88 /* reverse the pawn at (y, x) coordinates if it exists */
89 static void reverse_pawn(int y, int x, unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
91 if (is_box_type(y, x, pawn_array, black)) {
92 set_pawn(y, x, white, pawn_array);
93 } else if (is_box_type(y, x, pawn_array, white)) {
94 set_pawn(y, x, black, pawn_array);
95 }
96 }
98 void zero_pawns(unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
100 for (int i = 1; i <= board_size; i++) {
101 for (int j = 1; j <= board_size; j++) {
102 set_pawn(i, j, empty, pawn_array);
103 }
104 }
105 }
107 /* set the pawns in the start position */
108 void init_pawns(unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
110 /* the 2D array zeroing is not necessary if it is properly initialized to zero */
111 zero_pawns(pawn_array);
112 set_pawn(5, 4, black, pawn_array);
113 set_pawn(4, 5, black, pawn_array);
114 set_pawn(4, 4, white, pawn_array);
115 set_pawn(5, 5, white, pawn_array);
116 }
118 unsigned int count_pawns_type(unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size], unsigned int type) {
119 unsigned int count = 0;
121 if (type > 2) {
122 return 0;
123 }
124 for (int i = 1; i <= board_size; i++) {
125 for (int j = 1; j <= board_size; j++) {
126 if (is_box_type(i, j, pawn_array, type)) {
127 count++;
128 }
129 }
130 }
131 return count;
132 }
134 static void direction_to_coordinates(unsigned int direction, int* start_y, int* start_x) {
136 if (direction == north) {
137 *start_y = *start_y - 1;
138 } else if (direction == north_east) {
139 *start_y = *start_y - 1;
140 *start_x = *start_x + 1;
141 } else if (direction == east) {
142 *start_x = *start_x + 1;
143 } else if (direction == south_east) {
144 *start_y = *start_y + 1;
145 *start_x = *start_x + 1;
146 } else if (direction == south) {
147 *start_y = *start_y + 1;
148 } else if (direction == south_west) {
149 *start_y = *start_y + 1;
150 *start_x = *start_x - 1;
151 } else if (direction == west) {
152 *start_x = *start_x - 1;
153 } else if (direction == north_west) {
154 *start_y = *start_y - 1;
155 *start_x = *start_x - 1;
156 }
157 }
159 bool is_board_full(unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
161 /* an alternate method is to test the round count vs. 60 */
162 for (int i = 1; i <= board_size; i++) {
163 for (int j = 1; j <= board_size; j++) {
164 if (is_box_type(i, j, pawn_array , empty)) {
165 return false;
166 }
167 }
168 }
169 return true;
170 }
172 unsigned int eval_winner(unsigned int nb_white, unsigned int nb_black) {
174 if (nb_white > nb_black) {
175 return player_two;
176 } else if (nb_white < nb_black) {
177 return player_one;
178 } else {
179 return 0;
180 }
181 }
183 static unsigned int reverse_one_direction(int y, int x, int direction, unsigned int current_player, unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
184 unsigned int nb_pawns_reserved = 0;
185 int moving_y = y, moving_x = x;
187 /* count for pawn to reverse in the chosen direction */
188 direction_to_coordinates(direction, &moving_y, &moving_x);
189 while (true) {
190 if (!is_valid_coordinates(moving_y, moving_x) || is_box_type(moving_y, moving_x, pawn_array, empty)) {
191 return 0;
192 }
193 if (is_box_type(moving_y, moving_x, pawn_array, current_player)) {
194 break;
195 }
196 nb_pawns_reserved++;
197 direction_to_coordinates(direction, &moving_y, &moving_x);
198 }
200 /* now reverse the needed panws */
201 if (nb_pawns_reserved > 0) {
202 moving_y = y, moving_x = x;
203 direction_to_coordinates(direction, &moving_y, &moving_x);
204 while (!is_box_type(moving_y, moving_x, pawn_array, current_player)) {
205 reverse_pawn(moving_y, moving_x, pawn_array);
206 direction_to_coordinates(direction, &moving_y, &moving_x);
207 }
208 }
209 return nb_pawns_reserved;
210 }
212 /* play the shot if legal and flip or reverse the necessary pawns */
213 unsigned int valid_shot(int y, int x, unsigned int current_player, unsigned int pawn_array[board_size][board_size]) {
214 unsigned int nb_pawns_reserved = 0;
216 if (!is_valid_coordinates(y, x) || !is_box_type(y, x, pawn_array, empty)) {
217 return 0;
218 }
220 for (unsigned int direction = north; direction <= north_west; direction++) {
221 nb_pawns_reserved += reverse_one_direction(y, x, direction, current_player, pawn_array);
222 }
224 if (nb_pawns_reserved == 0) {
225 return 0;
226 }
228 set_pawn(y, x, current_player, pawn_array);
229 return nb_pawns_reserved;
230 }