Overhaul UI code to make it more flexible and less redrawing, little hierarchy framework
[SugarCubes.git] / DanUtil.pde
1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 static MidiOutput midiout;
3 int nNumRows = 5, nNumCols = 8;
4 float xdMax,ydMax,zdMax;
5 String DanTextLine1 = "", DanTextLine2 = "";
7 boolean btwn (int a,int b,int c) { return a >= b && a <= c; }
8 boolean btwn (double a,double b,double c) { return a >= b && a <= c; }
10 public class Pick {
11 Pick (String label, int _Def, int _Max) { NumPicks=_Max; Default = _Def; tag=label; }
12 int Cur() { return (CurRow-StartRow)*nNumCols + CurCol; }
13 int NumPicks, Default, CurRow, CurCol, StartRow, EndRow;
14 String tag;
15 }
16 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 public class _DhP extends BasicParameter {
18 double dflt;
19 _DhP (String label, double value) { super(label,value); dflt=value; }
20 void Set (double value) { super.updateValue(value); }
21 void reset () { super.updateValue(dflt); }
22 float Val () { return getValuef(); }
23 boolean ZeroOrOne () { return Val()==0 || Val() == 1; }
24 }
26 public class IndexNums {
27 int point ;//, cube , tower , face , strip ;
28 int nPoints ;//, nCubes, nTowers, nFaces, nStrips ;
29 // boolean isHoriz;
30 void reset() { point=0;}//cube=tower=face=strip=0; }
31 }
32 IndexNums iCur = new IndexNums();
33 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34 public class xyz { float x,y,z;
35 xyz() {x=y=z=0;}
36 xyz(Point p ) {x=p.fx ; y=p.fy; z=p.fz;}
37 xyz(float _x,float _y,float _z) {x=_x ; y=_y ; z=_z ;}
38 void set(float _x,float _y,float _z) {x=_x ; y=_y ; z=_z ;}
39 float distance(xyz b) {return dist(x,y,z,b.x,b.y,b.z); }
40 float dot (xyz b) {return x*b.x + y*b.y + z*b.z; }
41 xyz minus (xyz b) {return new xyz(x-b.x,y-b.y,z-b.z); }
42 xyz plus (xyz b) {return new xyz(x+b.x,y+b.y,z+b.z); }
43 xyz plus (float b) {return new xyz(x+b ,y+b ,z+b ); }
44 xyz over (xyz b) {return new xyz(x/b.x,y/b.y,z/b.z); }
45 xyz times (float b) {return new xyz(x*b ,y*b ,z*b ); }
47 xyz RotateX (xyz o, float a) { return new xyz ( x,
48 cos(a)*(y-o.y) - sin(a)*(z-o.z) + o.y,
49 sin(a)*(y-o.y) + cos(a)*(z-o.z) + o.z); }
51 xyz RotateY (xyz o, float a) { return new xyz ( cos(a)*(x-o.x) - sin(a)*(z-o.z) + o.x,
52 y,
53 sin(a)*(x-o.x) + cos(a)*(z-o.z) + o.z); }
55 xyz RotateZ (xyz o, float a) { return new xyz ( cos(a)*(x-o.x) - sin(a)*(y-o.y) + o.x,
56 sin(a)*(x-o.x) + cos(a)*(y-o.y) + o.y,
57 z ); }
59 xyz setRand () { return new xyz ( random(xdMax), random(ydMax), random(zdMax)); }
60 xyz setNorm () { return new xyz ( x / xdMax, y / ydMax, z / zdMax); }
62 float interp (float a, float b, float c) { return (1-a)*b + a*c; }
63 xyz interpolate(float i, xyz d) { return new xyz ( interp(i,x,d.x), interp(i,y,d.y), interp(i,z,d.z)); }
64 }
65 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
66 public class DPat extends SCPattern
67 {
68 float zSpinHue;
69 xyz xyzdMax, xyz0, xyzMid, xyzHalf;
70 PFont itemFont = createFont("Lucida Grande", 11);
71 ArrayList picklist = new ArrayList();
72 ArrayList paramlist = new ArrayList();
73 int nMaxRow = 0;
74 boolean bIsActive = false;
75 float NoiseMove = random(10000);
77 float Dist (xyz a, xyz b) { return dist(a.x,a.y,a.z,b.x,b.y,b.z); }
78 int c1c (float a) { return int(100*constrain(a,0,1)); }
79 int mapRow (int a) { return btwn(a,53,57) ? a-53 : a; }
80 int unmapRow (int a) { return btwn(a,0 , 4) ? a+53 : a; }
81 void SetLight (int row, int col, int clr){ if (midiout != null) midiout.sendNoteOn(col, unmapRow(row), clr); }
82 void keypad (int row, int col) { println(row + " " + col); }
83 void onInactive() { bIsActive=false; DanTextLine1 = ""; DanTextLine2 = ""; uiDebugText.setText(""); }
84 void onActive () { bIsActive=true;
85 zSpinHue = 0;
86 for (int i=0; i<paramlist.size(); i++) ((_DhP)paramlist.get(i)).reset();
87 while (lx.tempo.bpm() > 40) lx.tempo.setBpm(lx.tempo.bpm()/2);
88 UpdateLights();
89 }
90 void StartRun(int deltaMs) { }
91 color CalcPoint(xyz p) { return color(0,0,0); }
92 float CalcCone (xyz v1, xyz v2, xyz c) {
93 return degrees( acos ( v1.minus(c).dot(v2.minus(c)) / (sqrt(v1.minus(c).dot(v1.minus(c))) * sqrt(v2.minus(c).dot(v2.minus(c))) ) ));
94 }
96 void AddDanText() {
97 DanTextLine1 = "APC40: ";
98 for (int i=0; i<picklist.size() ; i++) { Pick P = (Pick)picklist.get(i); DanTextLine1 += P.tag + ": " + P.Cur() + " "; }
99 DanTextLine1 += " X-Symm: " + (_XSym ? "ON" : "OFF") + " ";
100 DanTextLine1 += " Y-Symm: " + (_YSym ? "ON" : "OFF") + " ";
101 DanTextLine1 += " Z-Symm: " + (_ZSym ? "ON" : "OFF") + " ";
102 DanTextLine1 += " Rad-Sym: " + (_RadSym ? "ON" : "OFF") + " ";
103 // DanTextLine1 += " Horiz: " + (_Horiz ? "ON" : "OFF") + " ";
104 // DanTextLine1 += " Vert: " + (_Vert ? "ON" : "OFF") + " ";
106 DanTextLine2 = "SLIDERS: ";
107 for (int i=0; i<8; i++) if (SliderText[i] != "") { DanTextLine2 += SliderText[i] + ": " + Sliders[i] + " "; }
109 uiDebugText.setText(DanTextLine1, DanTextLine2);
110 }
112 void run(int deltaMs) {
113 NoiseMove += deltaMs;
114 xdMax = model.xMax;
115 ydMax = model.yMax;
116 zdMax = model.zMax;
117 xyzdMax = new xyz(xdMax,ydMax,zdMax);
118 xyzMid = new xyz(xdMax/2, ydMax/2, zdMax/2);
119 StartRun (deltaMs);
120 zSpinHue += s_SpinHue ()*deltaMs*.05;
121 float fSharp = 1/(1.01-pSharp.Val());
122 AddDanText();
123 iCur.reset(); iCur.nPoints = model.points.size();
124 // iCur.nTowers = model.towers.size(); iCur.nCubes = model.cubes .size();
125 // iCur.nFaces = model.faces .size(); iCur.nStrips = model.strips.size();
127 // for (Tower t : model.towers) { iCur.tower++;
128 // for (Cube c : t.cubes) { iCur.cube ++;
129 // for (Face f : c.faces) { iCur.face ++;
130 // for (Strip s : f.strips) { iCur.strip++; iCur.isHoriz= (iCur.strip % 2 == 1 || iCur.strip < 5) ? true : false;
131 for (Point p : model.points) { iCur.point++;
132 xyz P = new xyz(p);
134 if (s_Spark () > 0) P.y += s_Spark () * (noise(P.x,P.y+NoiseMove/30 ,P.z)*ydMax - ydMax/2.);
135 if (s_Wiggle() > 0) P.y += s_Wiggle() * (noise(P.x/(xdMax*.3)-NoiseMove/1500.) - .5) * (ydMax/2.);
137 color cOld = colors[p.index];
138 color cNew = CalcPoint(P);
140 // if (_Horiz && !iCur.isHoriz) { colors[p.index] = 0; continue; }
141 // if (_Vert && iCur.isHoriz) { colors[p.index] = 0; continue; }
142 if (_XSym) cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(new xyz(xdMax-P.x,P.y,P.z)), ADD);
143 if (_YSym) cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(new xyz(P.x,ydMax-P.y,P.z)), ADD);
144 if (_ZSym) cNew = blendColor(cNew, CalcPoint(new xyz(P.x,P.y,zdMax-P.z)), ADD);
146 float b = brightness(cNew)/100.;
147 b = b < .5 ? pow(b,fSharp) : 1-pow(1-b,fSharp);
149 float modhue = s_ModHue ()>0 ? s_ModHue ()*360:0;
151 float noizhue = s_NoiseHue()>0 ? s_NoiseHue()*360*noise( P.x/(xdMax*.3)+NoiseMove/3000.,
152 P.y/(ydMax*.3)+NoiseMove/4000.,
153 P.z/(zdMax*.3)+NoiseMove/5000.) : 0;
155 cNew = color( (hue(cNew) + modhue + zSpinHue - noizhue) % 360,
156 saturation(cNew) + 100*s_Saturate(),
157 100 * (s_Trails()==0 ? b : max(b, brightness(cOld)/100. - (1-s_Trails()) * deltaMs/200.))
158 * (s_Dim ()==0 ? 1 : 1-s_Dim())
159 );
161 colors[p.index] = cNew;
162 }
163 // }}}}
164 }
166 void controllerChangeReceived(rwmidi.Controller cc) {
167 if (cc.getCC() == 7 && btwn(cc.getChannel(),0,7)) Sliders[cc.getChannel()] = 1.*cc.getValue()/127.;
168 }
170 public float Sliders[] = new float[] {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
171 String SliderText[]= new String[] {"Trails", "Dim", "Saturate", "SpinHue", "Hue", "NoiseHue", "Spark", "Wiggle"};
172 float s_Trails () { return Sliders[0]; }
173 float s_Dim () { return Sliders[1]; }
174 float s_Saturate () { return Sliders[2]; }
175 float s_SpinHue () { return Sliders[3]; }
176 float s_ModHue () { return Sliders[4]; }
177 float s_NoiseHue () { return Sliders[5]; }
178 float s_Spark () { return Sliders[6]; }
179 float s_Wiggle () { return Sliders[7]; }
180 _DhP pSharp;
182 DPat(GLucose glucose) {
183 super(glucose);
184 xyzHalf = new xyz(.5,.5,.5);
185 xyz0 = new xyz(0,0,0);
186 pSharp = addParam("Shrp", 0);
188 for (MidiInputDevice input : RWMidi.getInputDevices ()) { if (input.toString().contains("APC")) input .createInput (this);}
189 for (MidiOutputDevice output : RWMidi.getOutputDevices()) {
190 if (midiout == null && output.toString().contains("APC")) midiout = output.createOutput();
191 }
192 }
194 void UpdateLights() {
195 for (int i=0; i<nNumRows ; i++) for (int j=0; j<nNumCols; j++) SetLight(i, j, 0);
196 for (int i=0; i<picklist.size() ; i++) {
197 Pick P = (Pick)picklist.get(i); SetLight(P.CurRow, P.CurCol, 3);
198 }
199 SetLight(82, 0, _XSym ? 3 : 0);
200 SetLight(83, 0, _YSym ? 3 : 0);
201 SetLight(84, 0, _ZSym ? 3 : 0);
202 SetLight(85, 0, _RadSym ? 3 : 0);
203 // SetLight(86, 0, _Horiz ? 3 : 0);
204 // SetLight(87, 0, _Vert ? 3 : 0);
205 }
207 Pick GetPick(int row, int col) {
208 for (int i=0; i<picklist.size(); i++) { Pick P = (Pick)picklist.get(i);
209 if (!btwn(row,P.StartRow,P.EndRow) ) continue;
210 if (!btwn(col,0,nNumCols-1) ) continue;
211 if (!btwn((row-P.StartRow)*nNumCols + col,0,P.NumPicks-1) ) continue;
212 return P;
213 }
214 return null;
215 }
217 double Tap1 = 0;
218 double getNow() { return millis() + 1000*second() + 60*1000*minute() + 3600*1000*hour(); }
220 void noteOffReceived(Note note) { if (!bIsActive) return;
221 int row = mapRow(note.getPitch()), col = note.getChannel();
223 if (row == 50 && col == 0 && btwn(getNow() - Tap1,5000,300*1000)) { // hackish tapping mechanism
224 double bpm = 32.*60000./(getNow()-Tap1);
225 while (bpm < 20) bpm*=2;
226 while (bpm > 40) bpm/=2;
227 lx.tempo.setBpm(bpm); lx.tempo.trigger(); Tap1=0; println("Tap Set - " + bpm + " bpm");
228 }
230 UpdateLights();
231 }
233 boolean _XSym=false, _YSym=false, _ZSym=false, _RadSym=false; //, _Horiz=false, _Vert=false;
235 void noteOnReceived (Note note) { if (!bIsActive) return;
236 int row = mapRow(note.getPitch()), col = note.getChannel();
237 Pick P = GetPick(row,col);
238 if (P != null) { P.CurRow=row; P.CurCol=col; }
239 else if (row == 50 && col == 0) { lx.tempo.trigger(); Tap1 = getNow(); }
240 else if (row == 82 && col == 0) _XSym = !_XSym ;
241 else if (row == 83 && col == 0) _YSym = !_YSym ;
242 else if (row == 84 && col == 0) _ZSym = !_ZSym ;
243 else if (row == 85 && col == 0) _RadSym = !_RadSym ;
244 else keypad(row, col) ;
245 }
247 _DhP addParam(String label, double value) {
248 _DhP P = new _DhP(label, value);
249 super.addParameter(P);
250 paramlist.add(P); return P;
251 }
253 Pick addPick(String name, int def, int nmax) {
254 Pick P = new Pick(name, def, nmax);
255 P.StartRow = nMaxRow;
256 P.EndRow = P.StartRow + int((nmax-1) / nNumCols);
257 nMaxRow = P.EndRow + 1;
258 P.CurCol = def % nNumCols;
259 P.CurRow = P.StartRow + def/nNumCols;
260 picklist.add(P);
261 return P;
262 }
263 }
264 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------