New ViolinWave pattern to play with for Paramount show
[SugarCubes.git] / DanHorwitz.pde
1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 public class Pong extends DPat {
3 SinLFO x,y,z,dx,dy,dz;
4 float cRad; DParam pSize;
5 Pick pChoose;
6 xyz v = new xyz(), vMir = new xyz();
8 Pong(GLucose glucose) {
9 super(glucose);
10 cRad = mMax.x/10;
11 addModulator(dx = new SinLFO(6000, 500, 30000 )).trigger();
12 addModulator(dy = new SinLFO(3000, 500, 22472 )).trigger();
13 addModulator(dz = new SinLFO(1000, 500, 18420 )).trigger();
14 addModulator(x = new SinLFO(cRad, mMax.x - cRad, 0)).trigger(); x.modulateDurationBy(dx);
15 addModulator(y = new SinLFO(cRad, mMax.y - cRad, 0)).trigger(); y.modulateDurationBy(dy);
16 addModulator(z = new SinLFO(cRad, mMax.z - cRad, 0)).trigger(); z.modulateDurationBy(dz);
17 pSize = addParam ("Size" , 0.4 );
18 pChoose = addPick ("Animiation" , 0, 2, new String[] {"Pong", "Ball", "Cone"} );
19 }
21 void StartRun(double deltaMs) { cRad = mMax.x*pSize.Val()/6; }
22 color CalcPoint(xyz p) {
23 v.set(x.getValuef(), y.getValuef(), z.getValuef());
24 switch(pChoose.Cur()) {
25 case 0: vMir.set(mMax); vMir.subtract(p);
26 return color(0,0,c1c(1 - min(v.distance(p), v.distance(vMir))*.5/cRad)); // balls
27 case 1: return color(0,0,c1c(1 - v.distance(p)*.5/cRad)); // ball
28 case 2: vMir.set(mMax.x/2,0,mMax.z/2);
29 return color(0,0,c1c(1 - CalcCone(p,v,vMir) * max(.02,.45-pSize.Val()))); // spot
30 }
31 return color(0,0,0);
32 }
33 }
34 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 public class NDat {
36 float xz, yz, zz, hue, sat, speed, angle, den;
37 float xoff,yoff,zoff;
38 float sinAngle, cosAngle;
39 boolean isActive;
40 NDat () { isActive=false; }
41 boolean Active() { return isActive; }
42 void set (float _hue, float _sat, float _xz, float _yz, float _zz, float _den, float _speed, float _angle) {
43 isActive = true;
44 hue=_hue; sat=_sat; xz=_xz; yz=_yz; zz =_zz; den=_den; speed=_speed; angle=_angle;
45 xoff = random(100e3); yoff = random(100e3); zoff = random(100e3);
46 }
47 }
49 public class Noise extends DPat
50 {
51 int CurAnim, iSymm;
52 int XSym=1,YSym=2,RadSym=3;
53 float zTime , zTheta=0, zSin, zCos, rtime, ttime, transAdd;
54 DParam pSpeed , pDensity, pRotZ;
55 Pick pChoose, pSymm;
56 int _ND = 4;
57 NDat N[] = new NDat[_ND];
59 Noise(GLucose glucose) {
60 super(glucose);
61 pRotZ = addParam("RotZ" , .5 ); pSpeed = addParam("Fast", .55);
62 pDensity= addParam("Dens" , .5);
63 pSymm = addPick("Symmetry" , 0, 3, new String[] {"None", "X", "Y", "Radial"} );
64 pChoose = addPick("Animation", 1, 5, new String[] {"Drip", "Cloud", "Rain", "Fire", "Machine", "Spark"} );
65 for (int i=0; i<_ND; i++) N[i] = new NDat();
66 }
68 void StartPattern() { zTime = random(500); zTheta=0; rtime = 0; ttime = 0; transAdd=0; }
69 void StartRun(double deltaMs) {
70 zTime += deltaMs*(pSpeed.Val()-.5)*.002 ;
71 zTheta += deltaMs*(pRotZ .Val()-.5)*.01 ;
72 rtime += deltaMs;
73 iSymm = pSymm.Cur();
74 transAdd = 1*(1 - constrain(rtime - ttime,0,1000)/1000);
75 zSin = sin(zTheta);
76 zCos = cos(zTheta);
78 if (pChoose.Cur() != CurAnim) {
79 CurAnim = pChoose.Cur(); ttime = rtime;
80 pRotZ .reset(); zTheta = 0;
81 pDensity .reset(); pSpeed .reset();
82 for (int i=0; i<_ND; i++) { N[i].isActive = false; }
84 switch(CurAnim) {
85 // hue sat xz yz zz den mph angle
86 case 0: N[0].set(0 ,0 ,75 ,75 ,150,45 ,3 ,0 ); pSharp.set(1 ); break; // drip
87 case 1: N[0].set(0 ,0 ,100,100,200,45 ,3 ,180); pSharp.set(0 ); break; // clouds
88 case 2: N[0].set(0 ,0 ,2 ,400,2 ,20 ,3 ,0 ); pSharp.set(.5); break; // rain
89 case 3: N[0].set(40 ,1 ,100,100,200,10 ,1 ,180);
90 N[1].set(0 ,1 ,100,100,200,10 ,5 ,180); pSharp.set(0 ); break; // fire 1
91 case 4: N[0].set(0 ,1 ,40 ,40 ,40 ,15 ,2.5,180);
92 N[1].set(20 ,1 ,40 ,40 ,40 ,15 ,4 ,0 );
93 N[2].set(40 ,1 ,40 ,40 ,40 ,15 ,2 ,90 );
94 N[3].set(60 ,1 ,40 ,40 ,40 ,15 ,3 ,-90); pSharp.set(.5); break; // machine
95 case 5: N[0].set(0 ,1 ,400,100,2 ,15 ,3 ,90 );
96 N[1].set(20 ,1 ,400,100,2 ,15 ,2.5,0 );
97 N[2].set(40 ,1 ,100,100,2 ,15 ,2 ,180);
98 N[3].set(60 ,1 ,100,100,2 ,15 ,1.5,270); pSharp.set(.5); break; // spark
99 }
101 DG.UpdateLights();
102 }
104 for (int i=0; i<_ND; i++) if (N[i].Active()) {
105 N[i].sinAngle = sin(radians(N[i].angle));
106 N[i].cosAngle = cos(radians(N[i].angle));
107 }
108 }
110 color CalcPoint(xyz P) {
111 color c = 0;
112 P.RotateZ(mCtr, zSin, zCos);
114 if (iSymm == XSym && P.x > mMax.x/2) P.x = mMax.x-P.x;
115 if (iSymm == YSym && P.y > mMax.y/2) P.y = mMax.y-P.y;
117 for (int i=0;i<_ND; i++) if (N[i].Active()) {
118 NDat n = N[i];
119 float zx = zTime * n.speed * n.sinAngle,
120 zy = zTime * n.speed * n.cosAngle;
122 float b = (iSymm==RadSym ? noise(zTime*n.speed+n.xoff-Dist(P,mCtr)/n.xz)
123 : noise(P.x/n.xz+zx+n.xoff,P.y/n.yz+zy+n.yoff,P.z/n.zz+n.zoff))
124 *1.8;
126 b += n.den/100 -.4 + pDensity.Val() -1;
127 b += transAdd;
128 c = blendColor(c,color(n.hue,100*n.sat,c1c(b)),ADD);
129 }
130 return c;
131 }
132 }
133 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
134 public class Play extends DPat
135 {
136 public class rAngle {
137 float prvA, dstA, c;
138 float prvR, dstR, r;
139 float _cos, _sin, x, y;
140 float fixAngle (float a, float b) { return a<b ?
141 (abs(a-b) > abs(a+2*PI-b) ? a : a+2*PI) :
142 (abs(a-b) > abs(a-2*PI-b) ? a : a-2*PI) ; }
143 float getX(float r) { return mCtr.x + _cos*r; }
144 float getY(float r) { return mCtr.y + _sin*r; }
145 void move() { c = interp(t,prvA,dstA);
146 r = interp(t,prvR,dstR);
147 _cos = cos(c); _sin = sin(c);
148 x = getX(r); y = getY(r); }
149 void set() { prvA = dstA; dstA = random(2*PI); prvA = fixAngle(prvA, dstA);
150 prvR = dstR; dstR = random(mCtr.y); }
151 }
152 int nBeats = 0;
153 DParam pAmp, pRadius, pBounce;
154 DParam pRotX, pRotY, pRotZ;
156 float t,amp,rad,bnc;
157 rAngle a1 = new rAngle(), a2 = new rAngle(),
158 a3 = new rAngle(), a4 = new rAngle();
159 xyz cPrev = new xyz(), cRand = new xyz(),
160 cMid = new xyz(), V = new xyz(),
161 Theta = new xyz(), TSin = new xyz(),
162 TCos = new xyz(), cMidNorm = new xyz(),
163 Pn = new xyz();
164 float LastBeat=3, LastMeasure=3;
165 int CurRandTempo = 1, CurRandTPat = 1;
168 Pick pTimePattern, pTempoMult, pShape, pForm;
169 int RandCube;
171 Play(GLucose glucose) {
172 super(glucose);
173 pRotX = addParam("RotX", .5);
174 pRotY = addParam("RotY", .5);
175 pRotZ = addParam("RotZ", .5);
176 pRadius = addParam("Rad" , .1 );
177 pBounce = addParam("Bnc" , .2 );
178 pAmp = addParam("Amp" , .2 );
179 pTempoMult = addPick ("TMult" , 0 , 5 , new String[] {"1x", "2x", "4x", "8x", "16x", "Rand" } );
180 pTimePattern= addPick ("TPat" , 6 , 7 , new String[] {"Bounce", "Sin", "Roll", "Quant", "Accel", "Deccel", "Slide", "Rand"} ); pShape = addPick ("Shape" , 13, 15 , new String[] {"Line", "Tap", "V", "RandV",
181 "Pyramid", "Wings", "W2", "Clock",
182 "Triangle", "Quad", "Sphere", "Cone",
183 "Noise", "Wave", "?", "?"} );
184 pForm = addPick ("Form" , 2 , 2 , new String[] {"Bar", "Volume", "Fade"} );
185 }
188 float zTime = random(1000);
189 void StartRun(double deltaMs) {
190 zTime += deltaMs*.001; zTime = zTime % 1000.;
191 t = lx.tempo.rampf();
192 amp = pAmp.Val();
193 rad = pRadius.getValuef();
194 bnc = pBounce.getValuef();
196 Theta .set(pRotX.Val()*PI*2, pRotY.Val()*PI*2, pRotZ.Val()*PI*2);
197 TSin .set(sin(Theta.x), sin(Theta.y), sin(Theta.z));
198 TCos .set(cos(Theta.x), cos(Theta.y), cos(Theta.z));
200 if (t<LastMeasure) {
201 if (random(3) < 1) { CurRandTempo = int(random(4)); if (CurRandTempo == 3) CurRandTempo = int(random(4)); }
202 if (random(3) < 1) { CurRandTPat = pShape.Cur() > 6 ? 2+int(random(5)) : int(random(7)); }
203 } LastMeasure = t;
205 int nTempo = pTempoMult .Cur(); if (nTempo == 5) nTempo = CurRandTempo;
206 int nTPat = pTimePattern.Cur(); if (nTPat == 7) nTPat = CurRandTPat ;
208 switch (nTempo) {
209 case 0: t = t; break;
210 case 1: t = (t*2. )%1.; break;
211 case 2: t = (t*4. )%1.; break;
212 case 3: t = (t*8. )%1.; break;
213 case 4: t = (t*16.)%1.; break;
214 }
216 if (t<LastBeat) {
217 cPrev.set(cRand); cRand.setRand();
218 a1.set(); a2.set(); a3.set(); a4.set();
219 } LastBeat = t;
221 switch (nTPat) {
222 case 0: t = sin(PI*t); break; // bounce
223 case 1: t = norm(sin(2*PI*(t+PI/2)),-1,1); break; // sin
224 case 2: t = t; break; // roll
225 case 3: t = constrain(int(t*8)/7.,0,1); break; // quant
226 case 4: t = t*t*t; break; // accel
227 case 5: t = sin(PI*t*.5); break; // deccel
228 case 6: t = .5*(1-cos(PI*t)); break; // slide
229 }
231 cMid.set (cPrev); cMid.interpolate (t,cRand);
232 cMidNorm.set (cMid); cMidNorm.setNorm();
234 a1.move(); a2.move(); a3.move(); a4.move();
235 }
237 color CalcPoint(xyz Px) {
238 if (Theta.x != 0) Px.RotateX(mCtr, TSin.x, TCos.x);
239 if (Theta.y != 0) Px.RotateY(mCtr, TSin.y, TCos.y);
240 if (Theta.z != 0) Px.RotateZ(mCtr, TSin.z, TCos.z);
242 Pn.set(Px); Pn.setNorm();
244 float mp = min(Pn.x, Pn.z);
245 float yt = map(t,0,1,.5-bnc/2,.5+bnc/2);
246 float r;
248 switch (pShape.Cur()) {
249 case 0: V.set(Pn.x, yt , Pn.z); break; // bouncing line
250 case 1: V.set(Pn.x, map(cos(PI*t * Pn.x),-1,1,0,1) , Pn.z); break; // top tap
251 case 2: V.set(Pn.x, bnc*map(Pn.x<.5?Pn.x:1-Pn.x,0,.5 ,0,t-.5)+.5, Pn.z); break; // V shape
252 case 3: V.set(Pn.x, Pn.x < cMidNorm.x ? map(Pn.x,0,cMidNorm.x, .5,yt) :
253 map(Pn.x,cMidNorm.x,1, yt,.5), Pn.z); break; // Random V shape
255 case 4: V.set(Pn.x, .5*(Pn.x < cMidNorm.x ? map(Pn.x,0,cMidNorm.x, .5,yt) :
256 map(Pn.x,cMidNorm.x,1, yt,.5)) +
257 .5*(Pn.z < cMidNorm.z ? map(Pn.z,0,cMidNorm.z, .5,yt) :
258 map(Pn.z,cMidNorm.z,1, yt,.5)), Pn.z); break; // Random Pyramid shape
260 case 5: V.set(Pn.x, bnc*map((Pn.x-.5)*(Pn.x-.5),0,.25,0,t-.5)+.5, Pn.z); break; // wings
261 case 6: V.set(Pn.x, bnc*map((mp -.5)*(mp -.5),0,.25,0,t-.5)+.5, Pn.z); break; // wings
265 case 7: return color(0,0, min(
266 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a1.getX(70),a1.getY(70), mCtr.x, mCtr.y),
267 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a2.getX(40),a2.getY(40), mCtr.x, mCtr.y)) <rad*40?100:0); // clock
269 case 8: r = amp*200 * map(bnc,0,1,1,sin(PI*t)); return color(0,0, min(
270 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a1.getX(r),a1.getY(r), a2.getX(r),a2.getY(r)),
271 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a2.getX(r),a2.getY(r), a3.getX(r),a3.getY(r)),
272 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a3.getX(r),a3.getY(r), a1.getX(r),a1.getY(r)) // triangle
273 ) <rad*40?100:0);
275 case 9: r = amp*200 * map(bnc,0,1,1,sin(PI*t)); return color(0,0, min(
276 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a1.getX(r),a1.getY(r), a2.getX(r),a2.getY(r)),
277 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a2.getX(r),a2.getY(r), a3.getX(r),a3.getY(r)),
278 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a3.getX(r),a3.getY(r), a4.getX(r),a4.getY(r)),
279 distToSeg(Px.x, Px.y, a4.getX(r),a4.getY(r), a1.getX(r),a1.getY(r)) // quad
280 ) <rad*40?100:0); // shape
283 case 10: r = map(bnc,0,1,a1.r,amp*200*sin(PI*t));
284 return color(0,0,c1c(.9+2*rad - dist(Px.x,Px.y,a1.getX(r),a1.getY(r))*.03) ); // sphere
286 case 11: return color(0,0,c1c(1 - CalcCone(Px,cMid,mCtr) * 0.02 > .5?1:0)); // cone
288 case 12: return color(100 + noise(Pn.x,Pn.y,Pn.z + (NoiseMove+50000)/1000.)*200,
289 85,c1c(Pn.y < noise(Pn.x + NoiseMove/2000.,Pn.z)*(1+amp)-amp/2.-.1 ? 1 : 0)); // noise
291 case 13: V.set(Pn.x, map(
292 sin( zTime*3.7 + Pn.x*2.0*PI)
293 + sin( zTime*4.2 + Pn.x*1.7*PI)
294 + sin( -zTime*4.7 + Pn.x*2.1*PI)
295 + sin( -zTime*5.2 + Pn.x*1.5*PI)
296 ,-2,2,.2,.8), Pn.z); break;
299 default: return color(0,0,0);
300 }
302 switch (pForm.Cur()) {
303 case 0: return color(0,0,c1c(1 - V.distance(Pn)/rad > .5?1:0));
304 case 1: return color(0,0,c1c(Pn.y < V.y ?1:0));
305 case 2: return color(0,0,c1c(1 - V.distance(Pn)/rad));
307 default: return color(0,0,c1c(Pn.y < V.y ?1:0));
308 }
309 }
310 }
311 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------